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Erdogan skylder Syria 100 milliarder for stjålen olje, eid av Irak, til 1,5 billioner dollar

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet onsdag 18. oktober , 2017 kl. 07:28

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Erdogan skylder Syria 100 milliarder for stjålen olje, Irak-eid 1,5 billioner dollar

I løpet av de siste par ukene har Russland ødelagt de «levende rørledningene» som har tillatt Tyrkia og stjele titalls millioner fat av syrisk råolje, mye av det til maks markedpris, og bare betalt sine IS-allierte en brøkdel.

Erodgan Owes Syria 100Bn for Stolen Oil, Iraq Owed $1.5Tn

Over the last two weeks, Russia has been destroying the “living pipeline” that has allowed Turkey to steal tens of millions of barrels of Syrian crude oil, much of it at peak market prices, while only paying their ISIS allies a pittance.
This process isn’t new.  Turkey did this all during the Bush era, having cut a deal with US “manager” Paul Bremmer, a deal VT insiders helped manage for Bremmer and that I was witness to personally.
The game involved playing Baghdad against Erbil and bleeding off oil revenues from the Kirkuk Oil Fields, largest oil reserves in the world, as they moved by pipeline through Kurdistan and into Turkey.  There they were offloaded onto American tankers in the Mediterranean where these huge ships, largest in the world, were filled with oil but it was never recorded and the oil never paid for.
Turkey got their cut, certain Turkish naval officers became fabulously wealthy while the Bush cabal poured billions into their Cayman offshore accounts managed by Bain Capital.
During the Bush era “War on Terror,” up to 40% of Iraqi crude oil, up to half of what was sent through Turkey on the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline was stolen.  Our investigations between 2005-7 which included meetings between Gordon Duff and Iraqi and Kurdish leaders in both Erbil and Tikrit covered this issue.
Active ship identification and locator services tracked loaded stolen cargoes so obviously any moron could figure it out
Active ship identification and locator services tracked loaded stolen cargoes so obviously any moron could figure it out
VT sources within the Turkish Navy at Ceyhan, Turkey,  reported Exxon tankers loading up to 2 million barrels of Kirkuk light sweet crude oil at a time did so “off the record.
Les resten:

Erodgan Owes Syria 100Bn for Stolen Oil, Iraq Owed $1.5Tn

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


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