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Uskadd vitne som så flere skyttere under Las Vegas-massakren funnet død i sitt hjem

Kategori: Falske flagg -operasjoner | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet fredag 27. oktober , 2017 kl. 21:55

Den britiske historiker Ian Greenhalgh rapporterer:

Ian Greenhalgh October 20, 2017


Uninjured Las Vegas Survivor Who Wrote of Multiple Shooters Found Dead at Home



28 year old Kymberley Suchomel, an uninjured survivor of the Las Vegas massacre passed away in what may be suspicious circumstances less than a week after the event. This death has set the conspiracy world abuzz, but may in fact, be nothing more than a tragic case of a young woman who was deeply traumatised by the events she witnessed.

Here is the local newspaper report of her tragic Death:

Uninjured Las Vegas Survivor Who Wrote of Multiple Shooters Found Dead at Home

Las Vegas Massacre Analysis

Part III: Tactical Diversions and False Flag Deceptions

Vietnam War 1967: On This Day In History 100,000 people…

October 21, 2017

Part II: Banking and War Profiteering

October 20, 2017

Part I: Puppet Masters of Media Propaganda

The Freedom Series by Steve Robertson


In this day and age of vast amounts of news and media that bombard and compete for public attention fewer and fewer are able to discriminate fact from fiction. Shocking tabloid headlines, once reserved for amusement at grocery store line checkout, are now used by the mainstream press to bait the hook to get the consumer to bite and read/watch more. Journalists and reporters, if you can now call them such, are woefully compromised in the bias they take in propagandizing issues that ultimately serve the agenda of the media giants and hidden elite (owners of these media conglomerates) for whom they work and shape the perceptional lens of the masses.

Les resten:

Part I: Puppet Masters of Media Propaganda

October 20, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, “Pope St. Pius X On The Enemy Within”

October 20, 2017


Chemical Weapons Use in Syria and Decline of International Institutions

Media Partner – SouthFront October 21, 2017

…from SouthFront When it comes to the two verifiable uses of sarin or sarin-like substances in Syria, namely the 2013 Ghouta attack and the 2017…


Oklahoma City: Location of next False Flag?

Government & Politics

The Real Commie Candidate? The FBI’s Secret Romney Files

Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress

Then they added, from FBI files, the following document:
Les resten:

The Real Commie Candidate? The FBI’s Secret Romney Files


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Israel Hiding Its F-35 Warplane Hit By Syrian S-200 Missile?

Redaktør Gordon Duff i Veterans Today intervjues om Iran:



Malaysian 777 Shot Down Over Ukraine Updated

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor July 17, 2014

– Unconfirmed: Malaysian plane mistaken for Putin’s jet which had flown by only moments before, leaving Israel and the Kiev junta as prime suspects.

Of Interest

What Can Be Told

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor October 13, 2013

There has been a recent flood of disinformation in all media. Normally, systematic mythology is the «meat and potatoes» of Fox News and the New York Times. It is now pervasive and with reason.

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1) Tell us a little bit more about yourself, background and how you got involved studying the New World Order I originally got interested in…


Israel Hiding Its F-35 Warplane Hit By Syrian S-200 Missile?

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…from SouthFront It looks that the Israeli “demonstration of power” during the recent visit of the Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has turned into a…

Celebrating 100 years of injustice and oppression: “It’s God’s work….”

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Sir Edward Heath: Traitor and Pedophile

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Kevin MacDonald’s Abject Failure (Part II)

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What have they done to our fair sister? An Epitaph

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Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now

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Very soon the Gates to a New Dimension will Open

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Tale of Two Nations: Russia vs USA Economic Prospects

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Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation: An Open Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin

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Rapid Human Cloning and Corporate Eugenics – a Health Perspective (Updated)

Preston James, Ph.D October 20, 2017

Rapid Human Cloning

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The Charlottesville Operation

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GPD October 19, 2017


Media Partner – SouthFront September 14, 2017


Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor September 6, 2017

Nyheter fra Jeff Rense –

Woman Writes Awesome Description Of Multiple Shooters,
Planned To Expose Coverup – Found Dead In Her Home


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