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Kategori: Biologisk terror, Media og journalistikk, Radioaktivitet - Kjernekraft | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet søndag 29. oktober , 2017 kl. 12:00

NEO – The Big Brother Bombshell Set to Blow

Have We the People «failed»?


by Phil Butler,  … with New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

Media Curmudgeon – Phil Butler

[ Editor’s Note: Phil Butler has both feet in the growing war of the technology giants and their marriage to the Intel powers to rule the world, or how the world thinks anyway. Stage one is already complete; President Tweet is even on the team.

But Phil is ahead of the game, as is VT, on the next move being the Fake News giants launching an anti-fake news campaign against all of their critics to snuff out any potential opposition who will be legislated off social media and the airwaves via the evil connection game. But we have lots of evil connection material ourselves on the tech giants and their multiple loyalty wives.

We were on to the Intel birth of social media early, not its takeover… its birth. Yes, the Intel folks were there, including the Israelis of course, from day one. No businessman could create an industry with no revenue for years like YouTube and Facebook, strangling all competitor babies in their beds. Only a State Intel operator with deep pockets would do this, and the reason was a flashing neon sign, what uber-Intel people have always dreamed of, “controlling the message”… forever.

Gutting independent media, beginning with Reagan’s “free enterprise” consolidation was the forerunner. Conservatives will forever wear that shame, as they bought it hook line and sinker. Corporate media is at a stage in their lives that is comparable to a 55-year-old street hooker. That Reagan hustle was a prime example of the power you could wield by controlling media, even in the early stages.

Les resten:

NEO – The Big Brother Bombshell Set to Blow


NEO – Oxford Propaganda Front attacks Veterans Today, the NeoCon Witch Hunt begins

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor October 22, 2017



Turkey to Set Up Eight Military Bases in Syria’s Idlib


Trump to Allow Release of Classified JFK Assassination Files

Radioaktivitet pr dags dato i USA:


NEO – Mystery of the never-ending ISIS Hordes on the Iraq Highway

The American government has helped broker a deal between Iraq and Olive Group, a private security company, to establish and secure the country’s first toll highway. This being Iraq, though, the project has quickly been caught up in geopolitics, sectarianism and tensions between the United States and Iran, which seems determined to sabotage the highway project as an unacceptable projection of American influence right on its doorstep.


by Ulson Gunnar, with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

[ Editor’s note: Ulson Gunnar brings us some insight into the West’s activity on the Iraqi highway, as a private security company has established and secured Iraq’s first “toll highway”, perhaps part of the West’s new and improved war against Iran – to solidify logistics before advancing. ]

First published 22 October 2017

While the US and European media provided little explanation as to how militants from the self-titled Islamic State (IS) managed to appear, expand and then fight for years against the combined military power of Iraq, Syria, Iran and Russia, it was abundantly clear to many analysts that the IS organization was not only receiving state sponsorship, but it was receiving reinforcements, weapons and supplies from far beyond Syria’s and Iraq’s borders.

Maps of the conflict stretching over the last several years show clear corridors used to reinforce IS positions, leading primarily from Turkey’s southern border and to a lesser extent, from Jordan’s borders.

However, another possible vector may be desert highways in Iraq’s western Anbar province where US military contractors are allegedly to “provide security” as well as build gas stations and rest areas. These highways contributed to the current conflict and still serve as a hotbed for state sponsored terrorism. Whether these US-controlled and improved highways pose a significant threat for a reorganized effort by the US and its regional allies to divide and destroy Iraq and Syria seems all but inevitable.

Les resten:

NEO – Mystery of the never-ending ISIS Hordes on the Iraq Highway



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