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Arkiv for: november, 2017

Aftenposten/Norsk media og Forsvarets tabbe: Dere har forsvart og støttet folkemord med løgn og fortielse

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, #Syria, Nazisme | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 21. november , 2017 kl. 00:20

Nordmannens tabbe utløste skandalen under årets viktigste NATO-øvelse

Sendt: 17. november 2017 10:47
Emne: For dere som trenger beviser på USAs støtte til IS og terror

USA har forsynt IS via amerikanske militærleire i Tyskland:

Blockbuster/Exclusive: Deadly US Bio-warfare Exposed

Se videointervju med journalist Silverman her:

NEO: UK’s Guardian and Arms to Terrorists – Sacrificing the Associates to Protect the Crooks

Sendt: 18. november 2017 10:09
Emne: NATOs hykleri angående Tyrkia veldig lett å forstå – Google Idea Groups – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros


Hvis dere leste redaktør i Veterans Today  Jim Deans svært avslørende artikkel om hvorfor og hvordan Russland har vunnet i Midtøsten ( – og landets tidligere fiende som har tjent rått på IS og til og med vært med på å skyte ned russiske fly – så vil dere forstå NATOs hykleri. Nå som Tyrkia samarbeider med Russland (som sammen med Iran, Irak, Hizbollah m.fl har overvunnet det USAskapte og NATO-støttede IS’ kamp mot Assad, også støttet av Israel) har Tyrkia plutselig blitt en fiende. Tyrkia var aldri en fiende da de stod bak massemord av kristne, yazidier og muslimer som en tjener og god samarbeidspartner for vestlige land, men NÅ plutselig er det en fiende fordi det kan lære hvordan NATO har tenkt å ta rotta på Russland. Eier dere ikke skam i livet? – Les artikkelen til Gordon Duff  (nederst) så blir dere klokere:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros

Column: Politics

Region: USA in the WorldLes resten:

Sendt: 12. november 2017 20:54
Til:;;;;;;;;; The Daily Sheeple;
Emne: Dette kartet og disse avsløringene burde bekymre Israel mer enn Hizbollah og Iran-styrker som sammen med den syriske hær og Russland har bekjempet IS

Amerikas nye planer for etnisk konflikt, drar krig med Russland nærmere – Khazakstan og dets problemer

Les om oljen og gassen vi i Vesten stjeler fra Midtøsten med den «enkle» fremgangsmåte, som fungerer hver eneste steike gang overfor journalister som er med på notene, «Deres demokratiske valgte landsleder synes vi er en drittsekk, troll, tyrann og diktatorer – i henhold til vår egen edle standard – derfor må han fjernes!»


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Date: 2016-09-09 19:25 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead

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Date: 2016-08-30 18:32 GMT+02:00

Subject: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead


Kazakhstan and its problems

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Raqqas Rockefellere – Hvordan IS smugler sin olje

Turkey Surrenders?

Turkey Surrenders? | Veterans Today


Erdogan is now supposedly negotiating a “peace deal” with Israel, placating tensions that were caused by the Gaza flotilla in 2010.

US is in Israel’s death grip | Veterans Today

Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli-made ‘suicide’ drones


Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli … – Veterans Today

Israel arms it’s Azerbaijani vassal in preparation for upcoming Trump war on Iran

15. des. 2016 – … moved Iskander ballistic missile systems with the range to strike anywhere in Turkey or Israel into Armenia, Azerbaijan’s Caucasus neighbour …

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? | Veterans Today

21. apr. 2016 – With the decades-long Azeri-Armenian conflict over the disputed … Lieberman’s words would be echoed by retired Israel Defense Forces …

Why Armenia Needs the Iskander System

The first misconception is that Armenia occupied the territories of …. Duff on Press TV: Iran Asks for Sequester of Israel’s Nuclear Weapons.

URGENT: Russia Silent as Israel Bombs Syria | Veterans Today

22. apr. 2017 – As it turned out, Israeli aviation attacked the Syrian government troops with unmanned aerial vehicles. The soldiers of SAA’s 90th Infantry …

What’s Behind Nagorno-Karabakh Row Between … – Veterans Today

2. apr. 2016 – On April 2, Armenia and Azerbaijan declared a dramatic escalation of …. I am waiting to see just how Israel/Mossad are mixed up in this latest …

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?


Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh: Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler? | Veterans Today

30. apr. 2016 – Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh..

Armenia var verdens første kristne land.

Abraham kom fra Ur i Armenia, ikke Ur i Kaldea. Noen har malt over en historisk stein.

Anti Christ Rising in the Nagorno-Karabakh | Veterans Today


The Enemy Of A Jew Is A Jew | Veterans Today

29. jul. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk …. Israel became not a country but a people and true to the very nature of its founding by the Armenian, Syrian, Mittani and …

Soros and The Gang | Veterans Today

9. jan. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk … the Turks who massacred the Orthodox Christian Armenians over a century ago and fund ISIS across their border, and the …

Greater Israel and the Tale of Two Temples | Veterans Today

18. aug. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk ….. a kingdom that once incorporated Syria and Armenia and that was in alliance with Egypt during a critical period in history …

Hizbollah er alltid det syriske folk og lands beskytter

Hezbollah is always the protector of the Syrian people and state

By GPD on June 23, 2016


Al Gore løy. Gassutslippene fra kjernekraftverkenes kjøleanlegg årsak til «klimaproblemer»

Kategori: #Kjernekraft, Klimaforandring - Miljø | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser torsdag 16. november , 2017 kl. 17:56

Al Gore Lied

NASA photo of earth – Sunset

NASA – CO2 is a Global Coolant

by  Bob Nichols

(Editor’s note:  A review of the actual NASA study fails to support the Drudge story and the conclusions gleaned by a “1+1 += 25” popularization and “spin” funded by the “clean coal” lobby. g)


[Editors Note: Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum (Hammer’s wikipedia has remained cleaned of his espionage history, despite it’s being out over a decade now. You can guess why) was the financial and political mentor for both Senator Gores. So they hold the honor of having a top Soviet spy as a patron. Hammer’s much advertised early Soviet business ventures (all of which lost money) were a cover for his espionage venture.

This was finally revealed when Prof. Harvey Klehr of Emory University here in Atlanta in his book, Venona, Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. The proof came from the Soviet archives when Yeltsin had them open for a few years. I was fortunate to spend an afternoon with him around ten years ago shooting two one hour Jim Dean Journals, one of them on Venona…and hoping to get this up on the Net some day… Jim W. Dean]


NASA gores Gore - it's just biz-ness - Global Warming is out is the Take-away
NASA gores Gore – it’s just biz-ness – Global Warming is out is the Take-away

(San Francisco) The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) lowers the Boom on Al Gore’s Big Lie that the humble, beneficial gas – CO2 – causes global warming. NASA states absolutely that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a Global Coolant and massively cools the Earth.

You can bet that the NASA scientists designed, built, launched and placed in Earth orbit the satellite machinery to prove it, too.

So, there we have it. In addition, the Earth has not gotten any warmer for 17 years. NASA has finally pulled the plug on Gore’s Big Lie and ended the gigantic, world wide charade on CO2.

This “discovery” about CO2 is nothing new, it’s well known by scientists not employed by the Gore-istas. The Gore-istas probably know it, too; but the money was just too good to pass up. Besides, you don’t have to do anything except sit around, make up wild stories and tell lies. Great “job” if you like that sort of thing.

Why did Gore do it?


If you follow the money, Gore, a career politician, now has a net worth of about $200 million to $300 million dollars, conservatively. That is a stratospheric increase from about $1 million dollars in the year 2000.

They say all politics is local and if we look around in Gore’s home state of Tennessee, there are many Tennessee companies, both private and governmental, that owe their existence to Gore Jr. or his dad, Gore Sr.

US Businessweek's Cover - Watch how fast they ditch Gore and change their tune,
US Businessweek’s Cover – Watch how fast they ditch Gore and change their tune.

Both father and son were elected United States Senators from Tennessee and brought home the “bacon” for many companies and home state jobs. Both were the “go to” politician for various “political problems” of the sponsored companies and industries.

Nothing unusual there, many Senators see that as just part of their job as privatized public servants. In other words, they are bought and paid for many times over as they sell themselves for campaign cash. It’s a devil’s bargain.

Senators on the make have no concern whatsoever for what they are privately hired to do on government time; but, the results can disastrously boomerang on the country and world. Especially so in the very particular cases of the United States nuclear weapons programs (the nuker program.)


It is used in cooling systems like refrigerators and air conditioners. CFCs are responsible for killing the Ozone over Antarctica all the way to Australia. Ozone is essential to life on Earth since it blocks deadly Ultraviolet Rays from our Sun and makes the Earth habitable.

Pro-Nukers: Deadly when their Livelihoods are threatened

Al Gore Lied

Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology

Documents from 1966 reveal the mission of the military and federal agencies to modify the climate


Al Gore Says the Science of Global Warming is Settled

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than twenty 20 years.

Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology

Documents from 1966 reveal the mission of the military and federal agencies to modify the climate

Solar Cycle 24 Freezes Out Al Gore

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Slik har Al Gores bestemmelser om å la utlendinger produsere amerikanske miliærfartøy satt amerikanske soldaters liv i fare, men også de som kjøper amerikanske fly…

The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper


Why Serving In The American Armed Forces Just Became Much More Dangerous, Thanks to Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich.


                    … by  Mike Harris                                       Editing … Jim W. Dean


A Gift – Literally From the Heavens

The national insecurity stakes just went up once again.

Being in the armed forces of any country, at any time, has always been a hazardous occupation.

But thanks to the gross incompetence, malfeasance and short sightedness of our current and former elected officials it just became much, much, deadlier to be a US Serviceman.

This week it was revealed that a 5th generation state of the art (it does not officially exist yet) US reconnaissance drone was stolen, I mean captured, by the Iranians.

How did this happen and what is the big deal?? An unmanned drone flying at 50,000 feet invisible to radar and undetectable, so how was it stolen??

Les resten:

The Great Chinese-Iranian Stealth Reconnaissance Drone Theft Caper



Klimafesten over  – Verdens CO2-utslipp øker igjen


Atomkraft løser klimatrussel |

Det har vært en sterk motstand mot atomkraft i Norge, og mye skyldes … Selv om Norge vurderte sterkt å bygge ut kjernekraften på slutten 1960-tallet, ble andre …

Så Den norsk nobelkomité gir den ene pris etter den andre, til kommunisten Al Gore og Barack Obama, som tillot sine generaler å grunnlegge IS, og til og med gav dem lønn i Irak og Syria, og lot dem slippe unna…

Lieberman, Gore, and God

The media praised Al Gore to the hilt for choosing Connecticut’s U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman as his vice presidential running mate. According to the Dan …

Who Will Be Our Next President

Al Gore, Jr. and his father, a devoted Marxist/Socialist, ride horses together back in 1972. Texe Marrs has exposed Vice President Gore’s occult and New Age …

Så den norske «noble» komité gir den ene fredspris etter den andre til kommunister; Al Gore, Barack Obama – som tillot sine generaler å starte IS, og senere driftet han terrororganisasjonen ved å gi f.eks 10.000 av dem fri utreise fra Irak til Syria, hvor de fikk fortsette sin kamp mot Assad, med lønn.

A tale of two traitors and the terrorists they created


Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

Obama vil gjeninnsette og ansette IS-hæren fra Mosul i Irak i Syria med lønn fra Washington DC, og gir dem fri gjennomreise:

Obama Cuts Deal With ISIS, He Gets Mosul, they Get Free Passage into Syria

John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 5)

Tidligere CIA-sjef innrømmer å ha medvirket i 3 av tidenes største løgner

Veldig viktig artikkel, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall



Middle East

‘Night of the Long Knives’ for Princes comes to Saudi Arabia


ICC prosecutor seeks investigation into Afghanistan war crimes


NEO – A Self-struck Disaster and a Resurgent China Await Trump…


NEO – When RussiaGate Goes Really Viral

Middle East

Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on…


Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash…

War in Syria

Russia Debunks UN-OPCW Report Blaming Damascus for Idlib Chemical Attack

War in Syria

Syria War Report – November 3, 2017: Syrian Army Liberated Deir…

Media Partner – SouthFront November 3, 2017

…from SouthFront ISIS gave up the ghost in Deir Ezzor city after the Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard had liberated the key neighborhoods of…

Absurdities of Syrian war propaganda

November 3, 2017

Syria War Report – November 2, 2017: Government Forces Clearing Northern…

November 2, 2017

Syria War Report – October 31, 2017: Tiger Forces Advance Deep…

October 31, 2017

Syrian opposition acknowledges Assad as political and military reality

October 31, 2017



You’re Fired!

Western firms primed to cash in on Syria’s oil and gas ‘frontier’

Muellers etterforskning gir nok beviser til å tiltale Michael Flynn

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, #Syria, Afghanistan, Irak, Kurdistan, Menneskehandel, Mossad, Narkotika-mafia, Nyheter, Pedofili, Russland, Tyrkia, Wikileaks | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser søndag 12. november , 2017 kl. 18:08

Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn




The sources reportedly told NBC that investigators are examining Flynn’s lobbying contacts and exploring possible charges of money laundering and lying to federal agents.They are also investigating whether he attempted to orchestrate the extradition of Fethullah Gulenfrom the US to Turkey in exchange for millions of dollars.

Les resten:

Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn

Podesta – «Pizzagate» -avleningsmanøvren…

Alex Jones Apologises for ‘Pizzagate’ Fake News | Veterans Today …

25. mar. 2017 – In the segment, Jones purported to link a number of high-profile pedophilia cases to a major operation led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta and using underground tunnels to traffic young children through the city. The rumors, which were widely discredited by …

Disclosure: Beyond the Burning the FBI, VT Breaks … – Veterans Today

5. nov. 2016 – Julian Assange says his motives are anything but partisan, but the timing, selection and presentation of the emails hacked from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s account leave little doubt that their intent is to sway the outcome. (If there were any lingering doubts, WikiLeaks’ habit of tweeting out …

Wikileaks is the Mossad, Stupid, Not the Russians … – Veterans Today

3. nov. 2016 – Finally, last month, WikiLeaks posted over 50,000 emails connected to John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, and a close associate of the current presidential frontrunner. View image on Twitter. The Homeland Security Department and Office of the Director of National Intelligence posted a joint statement …

Former NSA Officer – CIA Lying About Russians … – Veterans Today

14. des. 2016 – Since Podesta has a staff handling his emails it was a staffer who clicked on the fake Google link and provided the hackers with Podesta’s password. Eventually that staffer is Milia Fisher which the inside man/woman could be, her because she ignored the real link and clicked on the fake Google link.
Gordon Duff, redaktør i Veterans Today, vil forklare det hele for dere, veldig godt. De fortjener ikke bare ros for sin etterforskning, men også Guds velsignelse. I det minste at «mainstream»-media lyttet til dem:

Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story

The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.


…by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor

I am going to keep this short and sweet.  The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.  The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is carefully engineered.

The real story, the one Pizzagate was invented to cover, the real reason Weinstein is being used, and we will get to that as well, is the child sex ring run by Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell, out of New York and Mara Lago.

This was a Mossad burn operation that caught hundreds and put them into virtual slavery, key members of regulatory bodies, including and especially the US Department of Energy, the Security and Exchange Commission and House GOP leadership.

Controlling the DOE allows the Kosher Nostra to continue to trade in stolen weapons grade nuclear material, one of the investigations buried after 9/11.

Les resten:

Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story | Veterans Today

26. nov. 2017 – …by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor. I am going to keep this short and sweet. The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it. The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is …

What everyone has largely ignored about the Weinstein scandal


A lot has been written about Harvey Weinstein and the sex scandal and quite frankly, most  of it has been rubbish, written by hacks and scandal mongers who utterly failed to see past the superficial surface of the affair and dig into the real reasons behind the take down of one of the leading figures in Hollywood.

Of course, Harvey Weinstein is an asshole, a terrible human being, just one of many in Hollywood – a place that has always been run by such people, invariably Jewish and invariably terrible human beings.

However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why?

Why Weinstein? What has he done to bring this on himself, who has he upset? These are the key questions that almost no-one has bothered to ask.

I think the most obvious place to look for an answer is in Weinstein’s political life, his fundraising and campaign donations, who he has supported and who he has made his enemies by doing so.

Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat, a supporter of Hillary Clinton and before her, Obama and John Kerry.

Les resten:

What everyone has largely ignored about the … – Veterans Today

1. nov. 2017 – However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why? …. Ian Greenhalgh is a photographer and historian with a particular interest in military history and the real causes of conflicts.

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall

Jeg anbefaler alle å lese Bergdahls brev til sine foreldre, og resten av artikkelen, på det varmeste:

Trump vs. Bergdahl: Which one is the treasonous, cowardly scumbag?

A question to ponder


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Donald Trump just tweeted that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should be in prison and it’s a “complete and total disgrace” that he isn’t doing hard time. Many people feel the same way about Trump.

I’m not talking about “Russia-gate.” That Establishment propaganda campaign demonizing Trump as a Russian agent is a joke, given the way other foreign interests, starting with the Israelis, totally own and operate our political system. Putin, who is pushing back against the unipolar NWO while trying to keep a lid on the crime oligarchs’ power in Russia, is more of a good guy than a bad guy.

VT has scooped the world in exposing the real Trump-Russia issue: organized crime. It isn’t Putin who has Trump in his pocket. It’s the Russian(-Israeli) mob.

Trump has been cavorting with mobsters for most of his adult life—and routinely doing business with them. (“The gambling industry” is a euphemism for money laundering.) There are many plausible reports of Trump hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein and raping underage girls, hiring prostitutes to urinate on beds the previous president slept in, behaving boorishly and perhaps criminally toward grown women, and generally engaging in the sort of excesses not untypical of arrogant wealthy men who move in organized crime circles.

So the “scumbag” part of “treasonous cowardly scumbag” would seem to apply to Trump, not Bergdahl. How about the label “cowardly”?

Bergdahl is accused of getting fed up with the horrific war crimes (and general idiocy) of the corrupt, heroin-centered Afghan war effort, leaving his base, and allowing himself to be “captured” by the Afghan resistance. Here is his final pre-defection email to his parents:

Les resten


ICC prosecutor seeks investigation into Afghanistan war crimes


Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World

Gas lines in America during 1973 oil embargo

By Nauman Sadiq for Veterans Today

Is this not one of international politics most significant ‘coincidences’ that the Balfour declaration for the creation of Israel was adopted in the same fateful year, November 1917, in which the February and October 1917 communist revolutions were taking place in Russia?

No informed person can deny the importance of energy for industrial economies, but it is generally assumed in the foreign policy circles that oil took the center stage in international politics after the collective Arab oil embargo of 1973 against the West, when the price of oil quadrupled within a short span of time.

It is a fact that Washington became so paranoid after the 1973 oil embargo that it put in place a ban on the export of crude oil outside the US borders — which is still in place — and began keeping 60 days stock of reserve fuel for strategic and military needs.

Les resten:

Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World


Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on the Way

Tidligere nyheter:

Flynn mottok penger under bordet fra Tyrkia:

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy


Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy

“Flynn must have known what he was getting himself into.” 

… from Al-Monitor

Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin

[ Editor’s Note: This is a short seminar on lobbying versus espionage. Listen carefully. No government pays out sums like a half million dollars, even through a middleman corporation, for open source intelligence to be done via a former NSA director. The idea of it in this case was ludicrous.

Turkey has a huge espionage operation in the US, with fingers deep into the business community as its primary operational blind, as you see in this case, with tons of money available, which draws the flies. Turkey has a huge already trained staff to provide “open sourced Intel”.

So the only reason they lay out this kind of money to people at Flynn’s level is because they know they have access to classified information. In Flynn’s case it was the current briefings that the Trump transition team got in December, where everything in it was classified and current, which is why Turkey wanted it.


 Les resten:

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center … – Veterans Today


Thus, in the course of his negotiations with Flynn Intel Group, “the need for a lobbying and PR component was agreed upon but never executed, which is why I reclaimed and they reimbursed some $95,000,” he said.

At a certain level a pile of cash like this is one notch above confetti

Trump to Silence Flynn over Turkish Death Squad … – Veterans Today

Flynn failed to disclose income from Russian entities … – Veterans Today

It Wasn’t Russia, How Erdogan Bought Trump and … – Veterans Today


Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash

…Erdogan didn’t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.


[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

VT calls for special prosecutor for Trump, Flynn for Turkey as well, they financed SOHO, paid Flynn, bombed Americans and Trump knew

…Erdogan didn´t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor´s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

Trump allowed Turkey to repeatedly bomb America´s allies in Syria, with American advisors embedded with them scrambling for their lives.  Now we see that Trump and Flynn scuttled US efforts against ISIS on behalf of Turkey, Flynn got $530,000 and Trump simply served the gangsters who financed Trump SOHO and so much more, his Bayrock partner.

Flynn had been on the Turkish payroll and under active investigation by the FBI for working for Turkey, not Russia but Turkey, when Trump put him into the White House.  Trump knew this according to this story from the New York Times:

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Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash | Veterans Today


NEO – Does Flynn Exit Aid World Peace?


Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last

Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last


Gas From Israel And The Flynn Wiretapping


Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood


…by Richard Edmondson

[ Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it. The VT team met Richard in Syria at the counter-terrorism conference where he was traveling as an independent. We shared a ride and security back to Beirut when we left.

He is one of those do the grunt work research writers to do original material, unlike the mob that rewrites the news today for internet postings and then pretending to be journalists.

Most of the time they have no educational background for it, career work, or personal sources to really do the work. It is always a pleasure to get his material and be able to share it with you Jim W. Dean ]

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Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

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Spiller Donald Trump dum med vilje?

Kategori: #Israel, #Syria, Biologisk krigføring, Biologisk terror, Palestina, Russland, Storbritannia, USA | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser lørdag 11. november , 2017 kl. 12:06

Manufactured terror in NYC – Americans are being hoaxed!

Russia Debunks UN-OPCW Report Blaming Damascus for Idlib Chemical Attack



Investigation of Alleged Chemical Weapons Use in Syria’s Idlib Province

The Russian Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Industry and Trade have presented their own report on chemical attacks in Syria in the wake of a UN-OPCW document, which accuses Damascus of using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun on April 4.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that the risk of crimes related to chemical weapons use outside the Middle East is high.

Russia has voiced strong opposition to the use of chemical weapons, emphasizing that those guilty in such crimes should be brought to justice.

Claims that Russia is allegedly encouraging chemical weapons’ use in Syria are “hysteria” and attempts to discredit Moscow, the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated, adding that it is unacceptable to blame Damascus for it based on media reports. Moscow believes that it makes no sense for Damascus to use chemical weapons as only the opposition could benefit from it.

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the UN-OPCW report on the chemical weapons’ use in Syria is biased, “unprofessional and amateur.”

“Of course we expected that the mechanism and the OPCW fact-finding mission would ensure a completely unbiased and a highly professional manner of investigation to decidedly and conclusively establish the guilty party. I shall say straight away that these expectations were not met,” the head of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov said at a briefing.

First investigators refused to visit the site of the alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun in the Idlib province, the Russian ministry has recalled, adding that the probe had been conducted remotely.

“The investigation … was carried out remotely in New York and the Hague offices, as well as on the territory of one of the countries bordering Syria. This could not help but affect the quality of the investigation, which turned out to be extremely low.”

Les resten:

Russia Debunks UN-OPCW Report Blaming Damascus for Idlib Chemical Attack

The Ru

NYT Balfour anniversary discovery: Zionists are psychedelic sea slugs!


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

100 years to the day after the Balfour Declaration, the New York Times has finally published its long-awaited exposé revealing the hideous truth behind the phenomenon of Zionism. But that story does not appear on the front page. Instead, it is in the science section.

NYT has discovered that the sea slug Cratena Peregrina (like the Zionist entity) practices “kleptopredation.” That means it isn’t content to just rob you. It eats you as well. (Or vice versa, depending on how you look at it.) As the Times explains:

Think of it like wielding a living (EDIBLE -KB) fishing rod. Or eating a turducken. Whichever your preferred analogy, kleptopredation — using one prey item to obtain another prey item — falls outside ecologists’ traditional classifications of feeding behavior. There’s predation, and there’s so-called kleptoparasitism (when one animal takes food from another animal, like a pack of hyenas stealing a fresh kill from a lion). But kleptopredation is something new.

Or maybe not so new. Kleptopredation precisely describes what the Zionists have done to the British and US empires and their prey, starting with Palestine.

100 years ago, the Balfour Declaration enshrined the most audacious act of kleptopredation in human history. The Rothschild Zionists manipulated the world’s then-biggest predator, the British, into devouring prey it otherwise never would have captured (the Ottoman Empire including Palestine).

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From the album, River of Dreams (1993), «Two Thousand Years» finds Billy Joel being reflective as the line «time is relentless»

NEO – When RussiaGate Goes Really Viral


– First published  …  November 02, 2017 –

At the moment you figured anti-Russia mess couldn’t get any weirder, Russian President Putin reveals the west’s bio-warfare planning. News Russian genetic material is being harvested all over the country, purposefully and professionally, is the latest chilling reminder of the globalist war on Russia.

No, you are not reading the fiction novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison. But yes, this is a revelation of the coming dystopian future we’re headed for.

Most of us involved in the ongoing media war against the globalist lie can believe just about anything these days. What with RussiaGate unhinging reality in America, and crazy journalists screaming “Evil Putin” with every breath, the announcement radioactive Godzilla has invaded East Germany would scarcely raise an eyebrow. But the most pragmatic leader of humanity in two centuries calling out the U.S. Air Force for preparing all-out biological warfare on Russia?

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By Gilad Atzmon on June 26, 2016

Brief and Turbulent History of the Khazarian Mafia in Russia and Asia


…by Jonas E. Alexis & Thomas Dalton


If flaming Neocon David Horowitz is right, that the Khazarian Mafia and their puppets “have played a disproportionate role as leaders of the modern revolutionary movements in Europe and the West,”[1] then one shouldn’t be surprised that the same wicked people have tried to bring down Russia over the centuries.

According to Horowitz, over the centuries the Khazarian Mafia and their gangsters have attempted to “fulfill the messianic prophecies of the pre-Enlightenment,” which always created trouble in Europe. Those “messianic prophecies” were arguably hatched from Talmudic mores and customs, and they have brought nothing but misery upon the world. The Revolution of 1848, The Russian Revolution, Mao’s Great Leap Forward, Ho Chi Minh’s communist movement in Vietnam, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and more recently perpetual wars in the Middle East are classic manifestations of those “messianic prophecies.”

Virtually all the major Asian countries were infected by those ideological viruses. Moreover, many of the Asian revolutionaries were dragged into these messianic prophecies without even really understanding what was going on. Oh Chi Minh in particular had a superficial knowledge of Russia before 1920. In fact, he knew very little about the October Revolution. In fact,


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60 civilians killed, 200 injured as US-led coalition strikes Mosul residential areas – Russian MoD Published time: 25 Oct, 2016 14:24Edited time: 26 Oct, 2016 12:47 According to the Russian military, among the civilian objects hit by US-led coalition airstrikes was a school for girls in southern Mosul, which was attacked last Friday. Les resten: […]

Billy Joel ‘Blonde Over Blue’ (1993) Studio Video

Weinstein var Hillary og Bill Clinton, Kerrys og Obamas sponsor


Ingrid Zundel, famed anti-Semite and famed Nazi hunter as well?

Zundel and Wiesenthal

Introduction by Gordon Duff

Did Ingrid Zundel, the accused anti-Semite, help Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal hunt down Josef Mengel and expose Nazi penetration of Paraguay? We cover this and other surprising points as we begin to celebrate the controversial lives of Ingrid and Ernst Zundel, two very brave people who we, at least, will not forget.

The article below is about Ingrid Rimland Zundel.  Ingrid, a longtime VT contributor, died October 12, 2017, only two months after her husband, Ernst Zundel, died in Germany.  Both were personal friends, people of great kindness and impeccable manners.  Thus, both were hated by “the usual suspects.”

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Caught? Russia Accuses US of Genetic Bioweapons Production

Claims US is collecting Russian bio samples to manufacture anti-Russian diseases…at Tbilisi facility?


A new conspiracy theory, voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights about the efforts of  US special services to collect biomaterial for the subsequent development of biological weapons against Russia, caused explosive reactions in social media. Putin’s remarks about the biomaterial has become an Internet meme instantly.

“Do you know that the biological material is collected all over the country for different ethnic groups and peoples living in different geographical area of the Russian Federation? The question is why they are doing it, and they are doing it purposefully and professionally.We are an object of great interest. Of course, we do not need to have any fear about it. Let them do whatever they want, and we must do what we have to do,” Putin said without specifying what the Russians should do in response to such activities.

Predictably, many people suggested that Russia will start searching for foreign agents or collectors of biomaterials. Russian senators have reacted to Putin’s statement by saying that the Council of the Federation was aware of the problem. “We are aware of their interest. Let those who are engaged in this work on the territory of Russia do not take offense,” Senator Franz Klintsevich said.

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Vitne til terroren i Las Vegas funnet død i sitt eget hjem:

Kimberly Suchomel Survived, Wrote Vivid Description Of Multiple Shooters

Planned To Expose Coverup – Found Dead In Her Home

Texas-by: «Ingen nødhjelp, hvis dere boikotter Israel!»

Kategori: #Israel, #Kjernekraft, #Satanisme, #Syria, Holocaust, Media og journalistikk, Menneskehandel, Russland, Sion | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 7. november , 2017 kl. 08:39

Part V: US Police Brutality Against Its Own Citizens, You Can Thank Israel


The Freedom Series


Recently, I’ve just watched the use of a monstrous new full-body handcuff contraption that has been deployed against US citizens in New York City (NYC).   In the video, numerous NYC police officers forcefully subdue a man on the ground, a man who appears to be presenting little or no resistance.  During this process the officers began to hog-tie / strap up the man’s arms, upper body and legs and then place him in, what I can only describe as, a body-coffin-bag with handles.  Once they have the man fully enclosed and zipped up in the body bag the officers carry him off, hopefully I assume, to the police station.

So, I don’t know if you’re like me or not but I’m absolutely sick at the stomach and done with watching my fellow US citizens being absolutely brutalized by unconscionable US police personnel who, for no apparent reason, turn a common sense public interaction into a full blow cage fighting altercation, tasering target exercise and/or shooting incident that leaves one of our citizens either severely injured and/or dead.  This unprecedented trend is just happening far to much and far to regularly.  As it turns out and you read further, you can thank Israel for this training. Read to the end to learn of my proposed solution.

Looking back and for many of us old enough to remember better times there was a popular TV program in the 1960’s called “The Andy Griffith Show.” The show revolved around a small and fictitious city in North Carolina called ‘Mayberry’ where the central character, Andy Griffith, served as local sheriff of the city and lived there with his family. It was a slice of the American Dream and communicated good core values of being a responsible person and caring for one another.

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Trotsky, the Wall Street Thug



Galima Galiullina, Ph. D for Veterans Today

To 100 Years of Great October Revolution

 Part I.  Trotsky and Russia

Young Russia as an Object of Lust

Russia is not a state, it is a world, wrote a famous publicist about the land of the Tsar reflecting on the diversity of its peoples, the wide range of climatic zones, the large the diversity of its natural resources and the dissimilarities of the aspirations of human individuals, of which the empire is composed.

This introductory phrase for the article “Young Russia: The Land of Unlimited Possibilities” begins an analytical review of Russia in the early twentieth century by Gilbert Grosvenor in the November, 1914 issue of the National Geographic Magazine. My husband somehow miraculously caught this magazine in an eBay auction and gave it to me in 2014, the centennial year of the issue entirely dedicated to Russia. Many color and black and white photographs adorn waxed pages in the magazine and reveal the amazing diversity of Russian life at the beginning of the last century.

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Trotsky, the Wall Street Thug

Pandering to Israel Has Got to Stop


[Editor’s note: Giraldi hits the nail on the head in his opening statement: “Most Americans have no idea of just how powerful Israeli and Jewish interests are.” The Judeo-Zionist lobby is immensely powerful, so much so that no-one in a position of power dares oppose them and it has been that way for at least a century. Notable exceptions such as JFK prove the rule and remind that it is very unwise to oppose these people. Therefore the only way to defeat them is to expose them, to make the public fully aware of them, their nefarious activities and their deeply disturbing agenda for hegemony, not only over the USA, but the entire globe. Ian]

Pandering to Israel Has Got to Stop
Pledges of loyalty to Israel are un-American

by Phillip Giraldi

Most Americans have no idea of just how powerful Israeli and Jewish interests are. Two recent stories out of Kansas and Texas illustrate exactly how supporters of Israel in the United States are ready, willing and able to subvert the existing constitutional and legal protections that uphold the right to fair and impartial treatment for all American citizens.

The friends of Israel appear to believe that anyone who is unwilling to do business with Israel or even with the territories that it has illegally occupied should not be allowed to do business in any capacity with federal, state or even local governments. Constitutional guarantees of freedom of association for every American are apparently not valid if one particular highly favored foreign country is involved.

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Khazarian Cult after Rose McGowan for exposing Harvey Weinstein?

Harvey Weinstein’s career in Hollywood is officially over, and one of the women responsible for this is indeed Rose McGowan.



…by Jonas E. Alexis

Rose McGowan seems to have committed an unpardonable sin: she has exposed Harvey Weinstein. Keep in mind that Weinstein was one of the most powerful moguls in Hollywood. You couldn’t mess with Weinstein; women couldn’t bargain with him unless they literally humiliated themselves; he thought he owned the movie world. Weinstein still thinks he is a savior who was destined to “change the world.”[1]

Weinstein promised actresses that they would advance their careers if they had slept with him;[2] he told actresses and models that they would ruin their careers if they didn’t respond positively to his sexual urge. And if women failed to comply, he’d call them “ungrateful cunt.” Actress Dominique Huett said that Weinstein didn’t take no for an answer.

Actress Mimi Haleyi concurred, going even further to say that Weinstein raped her while she was on her period. Actress and model Natassia Malthe would have agreed. Malthe recalled how Weinstein began to rape her:

“He began speaking about various A-list actresses who he claimed had slept with him. He told me that these actresses had gotten to where they were because of him and because they had sex with him.”[3]

Weinstein obviously saw himself indestructible. So when McGowan publicly announced that Weinstein literally raped her, McGowan was obviously squaring off with the entire Khazarian Cult in Hollywood. McGowan even moved on to say that many movie producers, directors and actors knew about it.

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Texas Kisses Ring of Israel Turns Back on Making America Great Again


By Sami Jamil Jadallah, Braveheart and Steve Robertson

The small city of Dickinson, Texas lost some three-quarters of its 830 homes during the recent Hurricane Harvey storm. Then, to add insult to injury the residents and business owners of the city were somehow contractually forced to give up their 1st Amendment Rights (Freedom of Speech) and then bow and kiss the ring of the Apartheid State of Israel in order to get basic disaster relief funding.

I can tell you one thing, having lived in Texas for some twenty years my blood was brought to a quick boil by the news of this crock of crap and treasonous act that clearly allowed the monstrous and murderous apartheid state of Israel to point a financial gun at the head of the city and good people of Dickinson.

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War in Syria

Syria: NSA Acknowledges Salman Role in 2013 Ghouta Attacks

Is NSA willing to admit to harmful role Salman played in Middle East terrorism?


The NSA is actually acting like a positive force in releasing this information. I feel it is doubtful that Snowden had anything to do with the document’s release, as it was very difficult to get the story out back then.

I knew the reporter covering the Saudi gas canisters on the ground days after the 2013 Ghouta attack, he is to be considered an un-named source currently. The article I believe ran in the Mint Press and I will not link to it at this time, however below is an excerpt the Intercept story that ran a few days ago.

“According to a top-secret National Security Agency document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, the March 2013 rocket attacks were directly ordered by a member of the Saudi royal family, Prince Salman bin Sultan, to help mark the second anniversary of the Syrian revolution. Salman had provided 120 tons of explosives and other weaponry to opposition forces, giving them instructions to “light up Damascus” and “flatten” the airport, the document, produced by U.S. government surveillance on Syrian opposition factions, shows.”

The article, NSA Document Says Saudi Prince Directly Ordered Coordinated Attack by Syrian Rebels on Damascus seems to be trying to make the NSA the enemy when it is nice that they are finally framing Salman correctly. Is the NSA now moving towards supporting a secular Syria, finally?

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Satanists and New World Order agents still aspire to destroy Syria


…by Jonas E. Alexis


Outgoing Israeli envoy to US Michael Oren said back in 2013 that Israeli officials wanted Assad out of Syria since the beginning of the Syrian war—by any means necessary. If that would involve supporting terrorist cells in the region, said Oren, then so be it. Oren unapologetically declared:

“The initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys [ISIS and other terrorists in the region] who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”[1]

The Jerusalem Post, citing Oren, reported: “This was the case, he said, even if the other ‘bad guys’ were affiliated to al-Qaida.” Michael Oren again:

“We understand that they are pretty bad guys. “Still, the greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc. That is a position we had well before the outbreak of hostilities in Syria. With the outbreak of hostilities we continued to want Assad to go.”[2]

The logic is pretty clear here: Israeli officials were and still are willing to move heaven and earth in order to remove Assad from power. This was one reason why they gave “secret aid to Syrian rebels.”[3] This was one reason why they treated “Al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria war.”[4] This is one reason why Benjamin Netanyahu himself asked the United States to be more involved in the debacle in Syria. And this is one reason why this man has opposed virtually every ceasefire in the region. He has told the media ad nauseam that he opposes any ceasefire in the region because a ceasefire will strengthen Iran’s capability.[5] A categorical lie.

Syria, unlike Saudi Arabia and Egypt, hasn’t succumbed to the Zionist project in the Middle East. This was one reason why both the United States and Israel attempted to overthrow Assad way back in 2006. Why were they trying to get rid of Assad? Well, simple.

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  • October 27, 2017

Cold War (1947-1991)

Cold War 1952: On this Day in History, United States tests…

VT November 1, 2017

United States detonates world’s first thermonuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb, on Eniwetok atoll in the Pacific.

NEO – Private Military Companies: How Do You Close Pandora’s Box?

October 31, 2017

US should probe Manafort’s ‘Ukrainian trail’ rather than blaming Russia – Lavrov

US should probe Manafort’s ‘Ukrainian trail’ rather than blaming Russia –…

October 31, 2017

Why does Catalonia want to quit Spain? It’s the economy, stupid

October 31, 2017

Boston: Who did what to whom?

May 6, 2013

Why deny? A Christian Jew explains “Holocaust denial”

May 9, 2013

Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ and Armageddon…

December 1, 2013

MH17 Working Group Established

July 19, 2014


Vegas Gunman Stephen Paddock’s Brother Arrested in Child Porn Probe

Ian Greenhalgh October 27, 2017

__________ NBC News Vegas Gunman Stephen Paddock’s Brother Arrested in Child Porn Probe The estranged brother of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was arrested Wednesday…

Merkel furious with leaks on PM May ‘weakness’; EU fearful she…

October 26, 2017


Tidligere nyheter:

Malaysian 777 Shot Down Over Ukraine Updated

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor July 17, 2014

– Unconfirmed: Malaysian plane mistaken for Putin’s jet which had flown by only moments before, leaving Israel and the Kiev junta as prime suspects.


What Can Be Told

NATO Threatens Turkey For Buying Russian Air Defense

Jimmy Cliff – Lebo M – Hakuna Matata (Lion King Soundtrack) Music by Elton John, lyrics by Tim Rice -Lyrics- Hem hollolo iyo

Kom og hør, dere folkeslag,
lytt, dere folk!
Jorden og alt som fyller den, skal høre,
verden og alt som spirer der!
 2 For Herren er harm på alle folk,
          han er vred på hele deres hær.
          Han har slått dem med bann
          og gitt dem over til slakting.

 3 De drepte blir slengt til side,
stank stiger fra likene,
og blod flyter på fjellene.

 4 Oppløst blir hele himmelens hær,
          som en bokrull blir himmelen rullet sammen.
          Hele dens hær skal visne
          som løvet på vinstokken visner
          og frukten på fikentreet skrumper inn.

 5 For mitt sverd
har drukket seg utørst i himmelen,
nå farer det ned over Edom
til dom over folket jeg slår med bann.

 6 Herren har et sverd
fullt av blod,
det drypper av fett,
av blod fra lam og bukker,
av nyrefett fra værer.
Det er offerslakting for Herren i Bosra,
stor nedslakting i Edom.

 7 Sammen med dem skal villokser falle,
unge stuter og sterke okser.
Jorden skal drikke seg utørst av blod
og støvet gjødsles med fett.

 8 Det er hevnens dag for Herren,
   gjengjeldelsens år i striden om Sion.

 9 Elvene skal bli til bek
og støvet til svovel,
landet blir til brennende bek.

10 Verken dag eller natt skal det slukne,
evig skal røyken stige.
Fra slekt til slekt skal det ligge øde,
evig og aldri skal noen krysse det.

11 Pelikan og hegre skal ta det i eie,
 ugle og ravn skal bo i det.
Målesnor og lodd skal strekkes over det,
landet skal bli øde og tomt.

12 Det finnes ikke stormenn der
som kan utrope en konge,
det er ute med alle ledere.

13 I slottene vokser det tornekratt,
nesler og tistler i borgene.
Landet blir boplass for sjakaler,
tilholdssted for strutser.

14 Hyener og ørkendyr møtes,
bukker kaller på hverandre.
Også Lilit slår seg til ro der
og finner seg et hvilested.

15 Små ugler bygger rede
og legger sine egg der,
ruger og klekker dem ut i skyggen.
Falkene samles der med hverandre.

16 Se etter i Herrens bok og les!
Ikke én av disse skal mangle,
ingen skal lete etter de andre.
For Herrens munn har påbudt det,
det er hans Ånd som samler dem,

17 og det er han som har kastet lodd for dem.
Med målesnor i hånden
deler han landet mellom dem.
De skal ta det i eie til evig tid
og bo i det fra slekt til slekt.

Hvordan Trump ble den russiske mafias horebukk

Kategori: #Israel, #Kjernekraft, #Syria, Biologisk krigføring, Biologisk terror, Nord og Sør-Korea, Truman, USA | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser mandag 6. november , 2017 kl. 09:32

NYHETER FRA den 29. november, 2017


Syria: NSA Acknowledges Salman Role in 2013 Ghouta Attacks




US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria


“US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria” —


Jeffrey Silverman: US Department of Defense  manages a network of laboratories in Georgia with  offensive capacity


Interview by Maia Chubinishvili


(05 09 2013 18:47:57) – On August 27, 2013 the famous American political investigator and principal editor of the ex-US State Department and intelligence service publication Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, published an article entitled “US Contractors Cited for Syrian Chemical Attacks,” and a video entitled “Syrian Gas Attack Proof Syrian Army Has No Involvement.”

The commentary to the video states, “The video which you are watching right now was filmed in Syria and shows the chemical weapons which were sent from Georgia. The US is standing behind all this.  Former US Senator Richard Lugar is the person whose assistance made it possible to transport weaponsfrom Georgia via Turkey into Syria, with the support of the United States and Turkey.  Look at the weapons contained in the video and observe how they have been made operational.]A US chemical weapons programme supplies the Syrian rebels with weapons of mass destruction. A team of investigators has determined that chemical weapons were supplied from this region, which is under US control. They followed the trail of these chemical weapons to the Georgian Republic. Turkish Army subdivisions transported them to Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in Syrian territory.

Journalists Jeffrey Silverman and Lika Moshiashvili are credited with having discovered the secret and illegal operations taking place in the US-controlled Central Reference Laboratory (CPHRL) in the Tbilisi suburb the Alekseevka Settlement.”As soon as this scary information was made known to the public, Georgia & World contacted Tbilisi based American journalist and researcher Jeffrey Silverman.

Les resten


Amerikansk etterretning involvert i kjemisk angrep på Syria

NYHETER FRA DEN 30. nov. 2017


The Kennedy Papers

Michael Shrimpton looks at latest revelations about assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy


The latest releases about the Kennedy Assassination are fascinating, but there’s no smoking gun. The memos were mostly written for posterity and there is no reference to the DVD.

Since President Kennedy was assassinated on the orders of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and the assassination was carried out by the DVD the released papers do not take us much further.

Perhaps the most significant memo is that written by J. Edgar Hoover showing more concern about how to persuade the American people that Oswald was the killer than finding out who actually had shot the president.  The FBI have never been interested in the facts about the Kennedy Assassination.

For decades they have lied about it, pretending, e.g. to have a ballistics match between the Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 mm rifle alleged to have been purchased by Lee Harvey Oswald and the bullets which killed the president. Since the president was killed by bullets of two different calibers and ‘Oswald’s’ gun wasn’t fired on 22nd November they can’t have done.

The FBI were also well aware that the rifle alleged to be Oswald’s had been recovered without a clip. Oswald could not therefore possibly have achieved the rate of fire attributed to him. The FBI then set out to deceive the American public by conducting a series of phony tests with a clip. The Bureau’s lies have continued to the present day, seriously damaging its credibility.

Oswald’s meeting with Kostikov

It has long been known that Oswald, who was an operative with a relationship with both ONI and CIA, met with a KGB officer in Mexico City on or about October 1st 1963, i.e. not long before the assassination. I wasn’t aware of his identity, so Vladimirovich Kostikov’s name was new to me.

Being intelligence illiterate and unaware of the German sponsorship of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, let alone the 1943 creation of the DVD, the media have leapt to the conclusion that Kostikov had to be working for the Soviets. Since Oswald was even then being set up as a patsy in the complicated plot to murder Kennedy, it is far more likely that Kostikov was DVD.

This is the problem with letting amateurs do intelligence analysis, not that we can stop them. They’re easily fooled and tend to know only the names of agencies that they can look up on Wikipedia, which is heavily influenced by the DVD’s Propaganda Section. Department 13, Kostikov’s department, was badly penetrated by the DVD. Its NKVD predecessor, e.g. had knocked off Trotsky in Mexico, on Stalin’s orders. Stalin, of course, was Abwehr.

It looks as though the Oswald/Kostikov meeting was part of a back-up plan to implicate the KGB in the event that the lone shooter theory fell apart. It would have done of course if the DVD’s Frankfurt-based Correa/COREA Group had lost control of the autopsy.

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Pravda: North Korea Threat or Victim? Some Facts


If anyone is still wondering why North Korea was being “provocative” in missile tests and repeatedly declaring what would seem to be a daunting arsenal (although there is still no irrefutable, concrete proof of deliverable, long range nuclear weapons capability) here is just a small taste of what it’s southern neighbor, in cahoots with Godfather America, has planned:


‘Kill the King and the regime will collapse. That is the rationale offered by South Korean military planners for a “decapitation unit” they are forming for the sole purpose of assassinating North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un. They are convinced that, in the ensuing chaos, North Korea’s leadership would disintegrate and abandon the nuclear programme on which he has staked his prestige.


Why Do North Koreans Hate Us? | Veterans Today

8. mai 2017 – Children are taught to hate Americans in school while adults mark a “Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism Month” every year (it’s in June, in case you were wondering). North Korean officials make wild threats against the United States while the regime, led by the brutal and sadistic Kim Jong-un, pumps out …

The Unknown Truth About Korea

This photograph by the U.S. Army, provided by the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md., on Monday, May 5, 2008, is one of a series of declassified images depicting the summary execution of South Korean political prisoners by the South Korean military and police at Daejeon, South Korea, over several days in July 1950. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Korea is investigating this and similar mass killings in South Korea in 1950-51. A chief investigator estimates up to 7,000 were killed at Daejeon, and tens of thousands elsewhere. (AP Photo/National Archives, U.S. Army)

[Editor’s note: As Trump continues to ratchet up the tensions with North Korea, it is worth reminding ourselves of why the North Koreans are so scared of the US and why they have such a burning hatred for the Americans and their South Korean collaborators. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans were slaughtered by the brutal and cruel Nationalist regime that the US installed in Seoul after the Japanese occupation ended post WW2, millions more were killed, wounded or made homeless in the four years of war from 1950 to 54 that pitted the North against South, backed by the Soviet Union and United Nations respectively. That war has never officially ended, there is no peace treaty, just an uneasy ceasefire standoff.

According to estimates by South Korea’s Truth Commission, up to 100,000 unarmed South Korean civilians became victims of massacres committed during the Korean War (1950-1953) by the South Korean armed forces and police. Most of the estimated 1,222 massacres took place during the first few months of the war.

During the war, more massacres occurred. The US occupation forces had issued stay-put orders to the civilian population of South Korea which sought to flee combat zones, however, as the front approached. Because US generals thought that it was impossible to differentiate between fleeing South Korean civilians and Leftists in civilian clothes infiltrating the territory still held by the American occupation regime, all Koreans became targets. Korean civilians usual wore the customary traditional white clothes of the common people. They were easily spotted by reconnaissance planes. Columns of refugees were strafed by US planes and shot at by the infantry, driving up the number of those massacred. Death had many faces, however, starvation being not the least of the causes that decimated the population of the country to an extent that made Paul Robeson and others speak of genocide.

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The Unknown Truth About Korea | Veterans Today

5. mai 2017 – This photograph by the U.S. Army, provided by the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md., on Monday, May 5, 2008, is one of a series of declassified images depicting the summary execution of South Korean political prisoners by the South Korean military and police at Daejeon, South Korea, over …

North Korea crisis: US should apologize THEN … – Veterans Today

6. mai 2017 – Press TV. The administration of US President Donald Trump’s various policies with regard to North Korea are rooted in Washington’s long-time desire to monopolize nuclear weapons, says an American analyst. Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett, a journalist in Wisconsin, made the remarks while …

North Korea an Aggressor? A Reality Check | Veterans Today

30. aug. 2017 – This time of course, the target is North Korea upon whom the United Nations Security Council has voted unanimously to freeze, strangulate and deny essentials, normality, humanity. Diplomacy as ever, not even a consideration. The Guardian, however, incredibly, declared the decimating sanctions: “A rare …

The Truman Papers: The Truth About Korea


[Editor’s note: A few months ago I published an article that exposed the horriffic and largely unknown truth about how and why the war in Korea came about:

The Truman Papers: The Truth About Korea | Veterans Today

22. sep. 2017 – As a follow-up to that article and to continue to explain the background to the current Korean crisis, I am publishing this 16 page document from the Truman Library which lays out in detail the political machinations within the US that lead up to the start of the Korean War in 1950. This document does not …

Is Israel making America undemocratic?


…by Jonas E. Alexis


The answer to that question is undeniably yes. We are told over and over that the majority rules in a democratic country. And we are also told that America is based on that definition. If we accept it for a moment, then the Zionist project and the Israeli propaganda machine with respect to Iran ought to be banned once and for all because the majority of Americans at this present moment supports the idea of making diplomatic relationships with Iran.

54 percent of Americans do believe that it will be good for America to deal with Iran in ways that are good for America and not for other foreign potentates like Israel. “Men, young people, and people with college degrees are more likely to support opening relations with Iran than women, older people, and those without college degrees.” There is more:

“The survey found most Americans (55 percent) opposed to Trump’s ‘position towards the Muslim world. Asked to agree or disagree with the statement ‘respecting the Muslim-American community in the U.S. is vital to prevent future terror attacks,’ 68 percent agree, compared to 24 percent who disagree.

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EU er ferdig

Kategori: Menneskehandel, Uncategorized, USA | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser lørdag 4. november , 2017 kl. 10:56

The EU Is Finished

By Jim Kirwan

From even before the creation of the EU, Merkel the fascists, The

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Amerikansk etterretning involvert i kjemisk angrep på Syria

Kategori: #IS, #Syria, Biologisk krigføring, Biologisk terror, Falske flagg -operasjoner, USA | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser fredag 3. november , 2017 kl. 11:47

U.S. Military Intelligence Involved in Chemical Attack in Syria


U.S. Military Intelligence Involved in Chemical Attack in Syria


By ORIENTAL REVIEW for Veterans Today


    The situation in Syria is still in focus of the world media. Another U.S.-led “humanitarian intervention” may be unleashed soon. The Pentagon announced that it is ready to attack Syria in order to punish Bashar al-Assad and Syrian army for the alleged use of chemical weapons against the civilians.Meanwhile, the new evidence of the U.S. intelligence being involved in chemical attack near Damascus on August 21, 2013 has been leaked to Internet.A hacker got access to the U.S. intelligence correspondence and published private emails of Col. Anthony J. Macdonald, who is the General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the US Army Staff.

In an email exchange on August 22, 2013 with the US Army civilian analyst Eugene P. Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to a Washington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria.


E.FURST: By the way, saw your latest success, my congratulations. Good job.

A.MACDONALD: As you see, I’m far from this now, but I know our guys did their best.

Another set of private correspondence between his wife Jeniffer MacDonald and Mary Shapiro reveals that colonel did not keep his mouth shut in the bedroom:

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Healing the Evil of Religious Dogma and Returning to Love

Steve Robertson October 28, 2017


Kennedy murdered by hard-line faction of US military: Researcher

We need the full truth about the JFK assassination and so many other crimes of the Deep State


Former US President John F. Kennedy was murdered in a coup d’etat by a hard-line faction of the American military and intelligence agencies with the support of Israel’s Mossad and some organized crime networks, according to an American scholar and researcher.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Friday while commenting on the release of documents related to the Kennedy assassination.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump allowed the release of thousands of documents related to the assassination of Kennedy in November 1963, but delayed the publication of some “sensitive” files at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

“President Trump, who has said interesting things about the JFK assassination in the past — such as the claim that Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, may have been involved in the killing of President Kennedy — is an interesting president to decide whether to release these many, many thousands of intelligence records relating to the assassination,” Dr. Barrett said.

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Kennedy murdered by hard-line faction of US military: Researcher


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English newspaper ‘tipped off’ 25mins before JFK assassination, documents show


A reporter for the Cambridge Evening News received a call telling him to ring the US embassy for “big news” just 25 minutes before John F. Kennedy was shot dead. The revelation emerged in fresh documents released by the US government on Thursday night.

According to the memo, police reported the call to the British intelligence service. Britain’s domestic intelligence agency MI5 then is understood to have pledged to support “in every way possible” any investigation in the UK relating to Kennedy’s murder.

The memo, signed by CIA deputy director James Angleton, reads: “The caller said only that the Cambridge News reporter should call the American Embassy in London for some big news and then hung up.

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English newspaper ‘tipped off’ 25mins before JFK assassination, documents show

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Ex-Qatari FM admits US coalition and Turkey used terrorists on Syria

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