The good news: An FBI SWAT team responded almost immediately to the Las Vegas shooting. The bad news: They made no effort to stop it, but instead set about confiscating security videos!
The Jihadi magic carpet VIP service that the rest of us don’t get
[ Editor’s Note: VT has long editorialized about the ease with which jihadis can move around the world, going into and out of conflict zones as if on their private magic carpets, quietly donated by an “ET” NGO.
For the rest of us, we are under constant surveillance, to the point where Homeland Security will fly a whole team into Detroit airport for what they thought was going to be a treasure trove of Intel, via their five-hour grilling of Gordon Duff.
All they got is the opportunity to go through all of his German vacation photos and videos, hundreds of them, all time- and date-stamped, which prove he was not training IS snipers in Syria or Afghanistan. And of course, the taxpayers footed the labor bill on this fiasco.
Boko Haram is miraculously able to secure the use of satellite phones — very hard to get without major ID and a traceable payment schedule — normally leaving behind a bread crumb trail that should have drones raining down on them, to the extent that getting a satellite phone would technically be deemed a form of suicide
Editor’s note: With the threat of nuclear terrorism against the US looming large, this article from 2014 has been noticed in Russia and elsewhere and will be the subject of media coverage over the next 48 hours.
Much of the information below was received from physicists from the DOE who confirmed that this was their initial working hypothesis for explaining the events of 9/11.
There are tens of thousands of articles in VT’s archives, this is only one. Why is it vital now? g
Friday, July 4, 2014 by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith for Press TV and Veterans Today
The United States possesses and may well have used a devastating weapon designed to emulate terror attacks and even natural disasters.
Latest NATO Arms From US Found in Daesh Depot in Al Mayadin – Syrian General
Brigadier General of the Syrian Arab Army shows reporters the weapons they captured after the liberation of the Syria’s city of Al Mayadin. A NATO official has denied the information.
The largest Daesh storehouse captured by the Syrian armed forces in the city of Al Mayadin, in the east of Syria, contained the latest examples of NATO weapons from the United States, Belgium and the United Kingdom, Brigadier General of the Syrian Arab Army Hasan Suheil told reporters.
“It will take us at least six days to take out all these trophies left here by Daesh fighters after their escape. There are a lot of weapons and various foreign made means of communication, ” Suhail said.
The Democracy Now story above relates back to the Clinton State Department and the destabilization caused by the removal of Gaddafi. The reason the episode above is so important is that it provides the basis for the war in Libya. This was to remove the gold in conjunction with the Sarkozy government and to prevent Africa from flourishing through self- determination.
From an email I sent to Tulsi Gabbard during the Sanders Campaign: “Hillary Clinton’s role in Libya was said to be for ‘democracy’ building. “She then worked tirelessly to ensure the US jumped into the war, pushing back against then-Defense Secretary Gates, National Security Advisor Tom Dolan, and Vice President Joe Biden, who wanted to stay out of the conflict,” according to an article about the New York Times expose. After reading this, I felt there must be more to the story.
It was more than “democracy” building causing her to go against others in the Administration who were very solid in foreign policy decisions. According to one of the published emails from the Clinton server, the French objectives for the war that Clinton was aware of included “French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered ‘Francophone Africa.’” These objectives also related to the gold that Gaddafi had amassed to start a new a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.
2. aug. 2015 – … Veterans Administration (VA)1264 · Military1221 · Middle East666 · Foreign Policy476 · VT logo. ABOUT US. VT is dedicated to providing comprehensive information and news to U.S Military Veterans. It is part of the Veterans Today Network. Contact us: FOLLOW US.
15. aug. 2015 – Any media organization that has reported the capture of French nationals, including 8 active serving DGSE officers captured inside Cameroon fighting alongside Boko Haram, has been banned. This includes VT Africa affiliates in both local broadcast, satellite and print media. Some journalists have been …
28. sep. 2016 – The French have been coordinating Boko Haram terrorists against the intransigent and sinophilic Biya regime of Cameroon. In January 2015, French special forces were, according to Afrique Media, arrested by the Cameroon military fighting alongside the Takfiri terrorists and discreetly repatriated to France …
War in Niger Connects Dots to Libya, French, US Corporate Government · Africa … VT Africa, Bahrain and French Running Boko Haram · VT – August 2, 2015. 1 · Africa … Moroccan Embassy in Paris, France on Black List · Jane Rosenstein – July 31, 2014. 9 · Africa …
25. feb. 2015 – The terror group, Boko Haram, is real but in its current formation, it is a proxy of outside powers who plan to Balkanize Nigeria, simply another domino to fall … “We can take down French AQIM without any problem to be honest but Boko Haram are tribes and clans, they are offered drugs, money etc… far far …
6. apr. 2016 – Chad armed forces suffered a permanent armament and supplies shortage. Finally, Chad withdrew troops back to Lake Chad’s area where by that time Boko Haram increased activity. In other words, the French leadership in the region has almost failed. The core fault was that the French desire to resolve …
Afrika flyter på et hav av olje, derfor holdes landet med vilje i konstant «uro»
“Truth, like gold, is not to be obtained by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.” – Leo Tolstoy (you have to ponder this for a bit…JD)
Our partnership with NEO is part of the international bridge building that is needed to beat the Brzezinski Jihadis
[ Note: I would like to thank NEO for publishing this, when so many publications would not. I believe it is time to move on from these “wolves in sheep’s clothing” medicine-show men who have promoted endless international conflict to serve certain interests that did not include the rest of us.
It is not enough to be their critics. Everything that they stood for needs to be deconstructed, which will include pulling out by the roots the “stay behind” operatives that still exist, their network of think tanks here in the US and in Europe.
We we are all plantation animals to these people, knock-off goyim for the non-Jews among them, “born but to serve” as the Talmud verse proclaims. Without a strong determination, serious funding, and professional organization, it will never happen, and we will then have to share the blame for what happens.
As a general cannot win war by feeding one company of troops at a time into the battle, neither can we have any real impact if all we do is snipe at them on the internet. We have to get within bayonet range, metaphorically in terms of affecting their historical reputations… JWD ]
When Corey Feldman declared in 2011 that “The No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is—and always will be—pedophilia,” some people in the media didn’t pay much attention to him because Feldman sounded like a conspiracy theorist. But as the years went by, Feldman was shown to be absolutely right.
In fact, saying that Hollywood is overcrowded with sexual predators is no longer conspiracy theory but, as actress Lupita Nyong’O herself has said in a New York Times article, “the conspiracy of silence.”[1] Hollywood celebrities themselves have proved that point.[2] Even actors Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek have said that they have been groped by Hollywood degenerates.[3] Crews tweeted:
“My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk.
…from SouthFront Last night, an airstrike hit the government-held neighborhood of al-Qusour in Deir Ezzor city killing at least 14 people and wounding 32 others….
On this 24th day of October in 1945, the United Nations Charter, which was adopted and signed on June 26, 1945, is now effective and ready to be enforced.