ISIS had no problem smuggling Syrian oil to Turkey, until the Russians came in
[ Editor’s Note: Erdogan should have let this conviction slide by quietly, as the case was an open and shut sanctions laundering scheme.
Sure, Iran needed some help getting around the sanctions, which were an act of aggression themselves when we know now the nuclear weapons program hype was a hoax.
Less known is how when the moderate government in control of Iran after 9-11 wanted to begin quiet reconciliation talks with the US, Dick Cheney found out about them and told them where they could shove their reconciliation. The moderate government was voted out and replaced by the hardliners, just what Washington wanted.
What does the US call this when it is targeted, even if by some simple social media ads? … “interfering in its internal affairs”.
To that I would ask US leaders what the heck do they think the CIA and our State Department intelligence branches do all day long, along with the British, French, Germans and Israelis when they choose? They are interfering everywhere they can, to the best of their abilities.
Turkey and Erdogan have a long history of mega-graft. During the Saddam sanctions a steady flow of old tanker trucks flowed out the back door with oil to Turkey, keeping Saddam in a steady supply of hard currency to pay for key things his regime needed.
Turkey was a NATO ally at the time. US Intelligence was fully aware of what was going on, as were all the rest of Western Intel agencies, but not a word was said publicly.
The same thing happened when after Bush people assured Congress that Iraqi oil would pay for the cost of the Iran invasion, a change of plans happened. The oil did get stolen, in larger quantities than Saddam smuggled around his sanctions. At Iraq’s Basra port at least one in four tanker ships loaded were off the books.
Erdogan has a big dose of the Sultan Erdogan complex
But the difference this time is it all disappeared into the pockets of not only the Turks once again, but with the major oil companies loading their tankers in Basra and Turkish pipeline ports.
The pilfered oil cash flowed into US Intel black projects and then of course all the connected US Bush crowd politicians, military and security people who got their “tips” for keeping quiet about it.
Former CIA Official: End the unconditional support for Israel now
“Israel has consistently been able to make whoever is in the White House dance to its tune without suffering any serious consequences. With Donald Trump, one might even argue that it has been able to so condition the president that he goes around looking for things to do to please Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel has not even yet asked for.»
Jonas E. Alexis: Former CIA official and historian Philip Giraldi is politically marked for death. The Neocons and Israeli shills certainly do not like him because he exposes them as destroyers of nations and declares that the Neocon emperor obviously has no clothes.
Giraldi cannot be easily dismissed largely because his academic and professional credentials are impeccable. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago and has a Ph.D. in history from the University of London. He spent 18 years working for the CIA. He knows who’s who in the Neoconservative movement and the people who are actually driving America into incessant wars in the Middle East. Moreover, he doesn’t shy away from saying that the Neocons always end up pursuing policies that are essentially destroying the United States.
In fact, Giraldi created a firestorm of controversy when he wrote an article titled: “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” The Weekly Standard, a Neocon flagship which continuously drags America to perpetual wars in the Middle East, immediately called Giraldi’s views anti-Semitic—and anyone who quoted that article approvingly, i.e. former CIA agent Valerie Plame, who incidentally happens to be Jewish—must also be anti-Semitic.[1]Newsweek also did characterize Giraldi’s article in the same way.[2]
Her er det vi aldri fikk høre om Storbritannias råttenskap overfor tyskere både under første og andre verdenskrig:
Winston Churchill’s Darkest Hour?
By 1919, Churchill already had blood all over his hands. “We are enforcing the blockade with rigour,” he said, “and Germany is very near starvation.” When the dust settled, Churchill ended up slaughtering almost 90,000 German civilians. He also was responsible for the deaths of more than a million Indians.
Hollywood still hasn’t come to grip with Winston Churchill and his plan to exterminate German civilians. In the recent movie Darkest Hour, they portray Churchill as a man of the people. Church did everything he could to avoid a bloody war with Germany, Darkest Hour tells us, and he even asked the average person about their opinions on how to avoid the looming war with Hitler.
As we shall see, this is complete baloney. But that’s not all. Gary Oldman, who stars as Winston Churchill in the biopic, made even more stupid statements when he declared that “Churchill was the man who saved the world. That’s what I hope people will take away: To see the film and realize, ‘Oh boy we came very close to a different way of living.’”[1]
Editor’s note: As someone who lives in Germany part of the year, I recognize Germany as an occupied nation with a population lulled, for the most part, into a mental stupor. I remember returning from a restaurant in Koblenz, some hours drive from my home. The hour was 3AM. I was heading to the car-park near the train station, looking for my Alpha Romeo (159 Gordini, diesel). At the light were a number of German’s waiting to cross a road with no traffic. There were no cars on any of the streets. Carol and I walked across and those who waited, watched us, looked at each other, and then scurried across the road giggling. This is a slave population.
We are going to go several ways today. Part of this will cover a local issue, why the Catholic Church had to go through town holding purification and exorcism ceremonies at their facilities, including orphanages, schools, hospitals, churches and even cemeteries, because all had been used in Satanic rites by priests.
On a broader note, as we watch world events spin out of control and watch media attention focus more and more on the supernatural, that we just can’t have it both ways. We can’t be Christians, Muslims or Jews without a “devil” and demons or jinns, we can’t have good without evil and that our religion, even if it is mythology as many insist, tells a story that plays out in the real world.
If you don’t see the face of Satan when you look at the Trumps or Netanyahu or Kushner or Bannon, if they don’t give you pause to consider a broader game is playing out in front of us, you are only lying to yourself. We are going to look at Gerry Robinson and a bit at other things.
There is a rare opportunity here and I am “re-treading” Steve Robertson’s piece from two days ago. Steve and I have differing backgrounds. I was recently questioned on my own by a government agency and was forced to admit that explaining who or what I am is a felony.
Everyone laughed but is it really funny? Much of my life was spent supporting US policy predicated on a perhaps utterly mistaken belief that such policy advanced human values. Now let’s talk about Steve.
I brought Steve over from the MSM because he became sufficiently awake and pissed off that he was being censored. The idea of VT isn’t so much activism or politics but supporting informed dialog and thought through bringing the “real deal” smartest people in the world together.
Steve Robertson
In the process, we report some real news and, out of boredom primarily, republish Russian press that we think is vital for American decision makers to read.
Were I honest, and I will be here, there are no American “decision makers.” There is no America though 300 million people work and live under an illusion that somehow there is a political collective. That no longer exists.
We are a slave nation with a rogue military involved in unspeakable evil while millions live in ignorance and full complicity. This is what Steve addresses below.
There isn’t anything about how America works that I don’t know. On a daily basis I live and work with decent and honorable people whose belief systems past what they see, taste and smell, are so unrelated to reality as to make any science fiction gross understatement.
[ Editor’s Note: Gordon starts off the new year reviewing an old theme of US official participation in mega drug-running campaigns that went into the pockets of a large number of political, military and security officials.
The bosses all jumped in to get a piece of the action when word came down the chain of command at the beginning of the Reagan regime that, “We are now partners with the cartel”.
The cover of course was that it was being done “for national security reasons”, and I guess these reasons were so complex they felt the American public could never understand, so they never tried to. Imagine that.
This is not really an old story, as the same one has continued, with the cherry on top of the Citizens United Supreme Court case. It allowed these international drug profits to flow into PACS because it is not even legal to ask the foreign corporate donors where the money came from.
We were shocked when even corporate media never really attacked this incredible setup, despite its effectively legalizing drug monies and giving a free pass as long as they paid for protection from various US parties.
That is the world we live in folks, one where not a single criminal case that we know of has ever been brought against this form of the drug traffic. Only the independent drug runners have to face prosecution risks. The politically connected have virtual immunity if they are generous, and they are… Jim W. Dean ]
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The US military, the ranks anyway, were abused to have to watch the drug traffic going on, ordered to not interfere. Now you know why.
– First published … January 01, 2018 –
Few who look at the US occupation of Afghanistan, can do so without considering a few realities. When America entered Afghanistan in 2001, reality began to distort. America’s allies on the ground were call the “Northern Alliance.” In actuality, they were Uzbek and Tajik drug lords with private armies who had been financially gutted by the Taliban’s anti-drug policies.
There was virtually no opium production in Afghanistan in 2001 when America took on the Taliban seeking what Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld described as literally “dozens” of advanced underground bases that housed an army of up to 30,000 al Qaeda fighters.
These bases with supplied graphics, reminiscent of Netanyahu’s Iran bomb graphic, were shown on TV talk shows. America is still seeking these bases, none have yet to be found.
Later it was learned that the Taliban had, in actuality, “hosted” up to twelve Saudi members of al Qaeda who had asked for religious asylum and that no Taliban force had ever existed in Afghanistan nor had anyone involved in the planning and execution of attacks on the United States been tied to Afghanistan or the Taliban.
Rumsfeld’s fairy tale – NATO troops never found a single one of these secret bases
What did transpire, however, was a massive program of opium production organized by USAID which provided shipments of fertilizer and funding for irrigation projects intended specifically for expanding opium production. According to the UN, by 2005, in four short years, a nation with no opium production now produced 95% of the world’s production.
Moreover, according to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, an America investment group, partnered with rogue groups within Pakistan’s ISI and partnered with the family of then Afghan Prime Minister Karzai, began building heroin processing facilities across Helmand Province.
21. apr. 2014 – America has found itself in an untenable situation in the Ukraine. As the second day of military incursions by the coup backed Kiev government proceed in the East, the Obama administration has begun to realize that it has been “blindsided.” A presidential candidate is beaten in the streets by neo–Nazi …
19. aug. 2017 – For example, Wolfowitz was so aggressive about invading Iraq that one Republican lawmaker declared Wolfowitz “was like a parrot bringing [Iraq] up all the time. It was getting on … It was pretty well confirmed in 2014 that the United States was supporting Neo–Nazis in Ukraine in order to fight Russia.[4] For …
3. des. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor with Jim W. Dean Managing Editor. The “Kosher Nostra,” sometimes known as the partnership between the Rothschild banking system, and the Israeli led mobs that run Ukraine and much of Russia, have long partnered with anti-Zionist or neo–Nazi organizations of their own …
24. des. 2017 – Bannon said that Trump is “like an 11-year-old child” who is just learning the alphabet of foreign policy. … Joel Pollak, an Orthodox Jew and a senior editor for Breitbart News, Steve Bannon’s Zionist flagship, declared: “I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of …
24. des. 2017 – Steve Bannon blasts Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump as everything wrong with the White House – on Huffington Post, via AOL. A political marriage not made in heaven. [ Editor’s Note: Well it looks like Trump got an early Christmas gift from Bannon via Vanity Fair special delivery. Some of it is old news, but it is …
14. nov. 2016 – A look at the words of Stephen K. Bannon, the new chief White House strategist to President-elect Donald J. Trump. … That, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn’t be a bunch of dykes that came from the …
We are going to begin on Hollywood. To a large extent, Hollywood is a closed community, largely Jewish, with censorship and controls by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “protecting” at risk populations from, as it now turns out, freedom of expression but not rape.
What we have really found is that “watchdog” organizations, several, have blackmailed sex criminals for over $250 million in recent months only.
This is a ton of cash for people tied directly to Steve Bannon. I love Bannon. It has been Bannon that has long proven that the neo-Nazi haters and the Israel lobby eat at the same table, live on the same corporate cash and back the same crooked politicians.
A forensic search of, and dozens of other objectionable websites has shown that the Anti-Defamation League headed by Abe Foxman, is funding them and that ADL workers along with volunteers are managing these “NAZI” websites.
Bannon / Breibart m.fl. rapporterer om muslimers overgrep mot kvinner og barn i land som tidligere kalte seg for kristne.
Dere finner et par linker til Breibarts side nedenfor, og det er mye interessant å lese, blant annet fra ZeroHedge som rapporterer om at California har begynt å begrense innvandringen fordi innvandrere gjør arbeidsmarkedet svært vanskelig for Californias innbyggere som strever med å få jobb. Som flere prosessorer har påpekt så er ubegrenset innvandring noe som til slutt fører til at innbyggerne som må betale regningen for Statens politikk selv blir fattige, og dette er en fin måte å skape kommunistisk slaveri på, hvor kun én prosent tjener rått, og lesten lever på randen av/under fattigdomsgrensen. Til og med Aftenposten rapporterte nylig om den store fattigdommen i USA, som er i ferd med å bli et utviklingsland, fordi myndighetene er mer opptatt av å tilpasse økonomien til det sted de selv har tenkt å unnslippe til, til verdensrommet. Det er der det sorte hullet er som sluker alle pengene i deres budsjett:
21 trillioner dollar mangler fra USAs statsbudsjett (ikke bokført hva pengene ble brukt til og ingen holdes ansvarlige)
23. des. 2017 – USAs aller, aller rikeste eier nå like store verdier som de 90 prosent fattigste. … Publisert: 23.des.2017 07:06 … Nesten halvparten av disse lever i dyp fattigdom, noe som vil si at de tjener mindre enn halvparten av den amerikanske fattigdomsgrensen – som ligger på rundt 100.000 kroner for en enslig …
Redaktør Jim Dean i Veterans Today gir de som er veldig kåte på å la hele Afrika og Midtøsten flytte inn i de landene som selv står bak bombetoktene der – for å la sine egne folk bære byrdene og betalte regningen for det disse politiske og militære lederes har begått av folkemord og ran av naturressurser på fjerne kontinenter – noen gode råd som vil være pengebesparende, og kanskje til og med føre til at kvinner i våre vestlige land kan si både «Ingen skade skjedd, ingen skjede skadd», i det minste her. Heldigvis skal Gud en dag holde både bakmennene til IS og andre djevelske både USA og Israels-støttede halshuggere (nyttige moderate terrororganisasjoner) ansvarlige en dag. Hvis du klarer å forstå hva jeg med mitt forhåpentligvis enkle språk sier, så sier jeg ikke at det bare er muslimer som voldtar, men man trenger heller ikke å tie om at de gjør det. Det finnes rasisme i alle kretser, til og med jødiske, muslimske, kristne og buddhistiske (som forfølger kristne). Noen ser bare det de vil se. Derfor har jeg lagt igjen kopier av linker som opprinnelig er postet på journalist Jeff Rense sitt nettsted helt nederst på siden.
University of California, Los Angeles research professor recently slammed the impact of “excessive immigration” on the labor market in a message to the campus community.
“For many years the United States has admitted a million legal immigrants a year. This, combined with illegal immigration, has had a significant impact on low-income American workers, who are disproportionately persons of color,” Zuckerman contends.
Due to high rates of immigration, there is an unusually “abundant pool of cheap labor,” which he argues “contributes to the transfer of wealth from lower to upper strata of society, thus increasing income inequality.”
“This is one reason why Californians for Population Stabilization supports reduced levels of immigration, and not because of ‘racism’ or ‘xenophobia,’” he assures his readers, responding to an op-ed written by UCLA alum Hector Prado, which alleged that Zuckerman’s anti-immigration work is rooted in exactly those prejudices.
While students at UCLA have been quick to allege that Zuckerman is racist, his arguments are undergirded by concern with overpopulation, not immigration per se, and the mission of his own organization is rooted in concern over California’s burgeoning population.
“California’s population has doubled, from 20 million to nearly 40 million in just the last forty years,” the website states.
“More population growth has meant more pollution, more degradation of our environmental treasures, more traffic, overcrowded schools, higher taxes, longer waits at emergency rooms, [and] even more job competition.”
Hello Jeff … It seems crystal clear to me that the reason so many Africans are being brought across the Mediterranean in those beyond-crowded rafts to rape and spread STDs – and especially AIDS – among European women, girls and little boys is to perpetrate White Genocide. I believe the zionist globalists have the intention of wiping out an entire generation of young whites. I also believe the judges and courts who let these savages go to rape again, have never once, that I have heard, forced a rapist to undergo medical screening for the sake of the victims. The judges ACT like they want to spread AIDS among European peoples. There is no other logical way to view their behavior.
I have mentioned the AIDS crisis in Europe before and how it is exploding in the white European community. This is a DIRECT result of the above policies. It is the inhuman, sub-human gang rapes that are doing the most damage. All of these convicted rapists should be executed as being completely, irredeemably defective. Every woman who is raped dies a spiritual death and many of them are getting a physical death sentence as well. Murder is murder.
Verden kommer ikke til å forandre seg. Gud kalte meg ikke til å rapportere om hva Satan gjør, men nå har jeg gjort det, og vil konsentrere meg om evangeliet, de gode nyheter, som han i Johannes 3,16 kalte oss til. For så høyt har Gud elsket verden at Han gav sin Enbårne Sønn for at hver den som tror på ham ikke skal gå fortapt, men ha evig liv.
Gordon in Nam. He returned at 120 lbs, malnutrition from constant patrolling
[ Editor’s Note: This made it up to number four on NEO over Christmas day. It is that time of the year to be getting Gordon’s annual SitRep before the New Year celebration. Put on your seat belt.
Those of you on depression medicine, take an extra dose and wait a couple of hours before reading this, as it ain’t pretty. Regular VT readers already know.
The question we all face is what we can really do about it. We have all been around long enough to know that our elected people don’t want to wander off the plantation they have been allowed to run as overseers.
But in no way are they ever to question those in the big house. They risk losing the good life if they do. We see this among many of the specially trained military people, where the old days of getting a nice secure job in some government organization with guaranteed security was considered the jackpot.
That is now considered the dregs. They want the big money DHS contracts, preferably overseas where they can earn the tax free money, all of which can be banked, as they have all their expenses covered on assignment.
This filters down to why some people are even going into the military, to serve themselves. They are smart enough to know that a peaceful world will see reductions in force, fewer promotions, and probably a slowed civilian job market at home, working for peanuts.
Many are on board the unipolar power play the US is on; and they don’t care much whether the threats are real or not, as long as the checks don’t bounce.
Fortunately most are not that way, but there are enough to keep the merc ranks full. I wish I could pull a genie out of a bottle to tell me how this will all work out, but that appears to be a myth, too… Jim W. Dean ]
[ Editor’s note: After the American backed FSA was kicked out of Aleppo, it has taken one year for Syria, still hampered by US sanctions, to restore services to those who suffered from US backed occupation by the “moderate head choppers.
This is today’s piece of Russian propaganda, if anyone wants to call it that. Any time truth is told, the accusations begin. I, of course, advocate the immediate execution and arrest, perhaps I have the order wrong, of all involved in the Aleppo tragedy… Gordon ]
Immediately after Donald Trump spoke those words at the Republican national convention Thursday night, the massive crowd erupted into chants of “USA…USA…USA!”
Whenever I hear crowds yelling “USA” like that it always gives me a queasy feeling, for what it suggests is blind patriotism. Trump’s speech came three days after 20 civilians died in US airstrikes on the Syrian city of Manbij; two days after the French airstrikes that killed 120 more civilians in the village of Toukhan al-Kubra, just to the north of Manbij; and also two days after the emergence of a horrendously graphic video showing US-backed “moderate rebels” of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki movement beheading a young boy from Aleppo.
While plenty of people have expressed shock over the video and made note of the fact that the boy’s murderers were backed by the US, few have bothered to report the youngster’s name. According to Al Manar, his name was Abdullah Issa. He was 12 years old. The report also mentions that he suffered from Thalassemia, a blood disorder, and was abducted from a hospital after a brother of Omar Salkho, Nour al-Din al-Zenki’s Aleppo commander, was killed. Apparently this was sufficient cause for beheading a child.
A heartbreaking exchange is said to have taken place when Salkho reportedly asked the terrified young boy if he had a last wish.
[ Editor’s Note: This was a big surprise, the realization that money was better spent helping African countries fight human smuggling at the source to cut the flow of illegal immigration.
A totally suppressed part of this story is the hoax image of impoverished people fleeing these counties. Smugglers do not move you for free. You are not provided free food along the way. Libyan boat smugglers do not take you across the Med for free.
You have to have done quite well in your impoverished country to even set off on your trip to the EU. You need to be able to bribe border guards when needed, and how hide your boat money in a tube up your butt for the times when you are robbed along the way where you have to empty your pockets.
I have always editorialized that it is always cheaper to help people where they are in these struggling countries where costs are way lower to do it, versus the high cost of doing so in the upper income industrialized countries.
It is Fake Charity to offer someone the lotto prize of open illegal immigration, at a cost where you could have helped TEN families back in their home country. None of the bleeding heart folks ever want to discuss that issue.
But despite everything said, if procreation at the present rates in Africa continues, there is nothing that can break the cycle of poverty if they continue to produce children at levels they cannot sustain them with suitable economies.
No matter how much aid goes in, it flows in and out of the country via being spent on imports, and then mega-graft that is exported to foreign bank accounts, never to be reinvested into the domestic economies … Jim W. Dean]
Sergey Lavrov: No need for US to go to war with North Korea
People of reason: are we really willing to say that Russia is actually evil and that the Neocons and other ethnic cleansers are freedom fighters or liberators? Isn’t it reasonable to assert that Max Boot is like Dracula? He wants to shed other people’s blood in order for Neocon ideology to thrive.
Newsweek has recently quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saying that there is no need for the United States to get involved into a bloody war with North Korea. Lovrov said:
“We call on partners to focus on solving specific problems of the Korean Peninsula on the basis of negotiations. And for this, it is necessary not to rupture contacts with Pyongyang, but, on the contrary, develop it.”[1]
Lavrov moved on to say that Russia “does not share the desire of some states to exert maximum pressure on North Korea, which is often interpreted by them as establishing full economic and political blockade of this country by all available means.”[2]
Isn’t that interesting? New World Order agents and Zionist outlets like Newsweek have universally compared modern Russia under Vladimir Putin with the old Soviet Union under Stalin because, we are told, Russia is aggressive, Russia is evil, Russia hacked the election, Russia did this and Russia did that. But when it comes to establishing reasonable discourse in the political universe, Russia comes right on top! In fact, Russia, as Haaretz has reported, “Wields Most Influence in Middle East; Netanyahu Least Popular Leader.”[3]
Moreover, Russia’s position here is completely opposite to what the Neocons, warmongers, and ethnic cleansers have taken. Remember John Bolton? Let’s quote him again:
by Jim W. Dean, VT editor, … with Press TV, Tehran
The US coalition destroyed Syria but still lost the war, yet demand a victor’s spoils
[ Editor’s Note: The hard line Syrian Jihadi opposition is playing out their hand as expected, as pawns.
Now that the war is winding down and their groups have fewer opportunities for milking money out of struggling desperate Syrians at border crossings and checkpoints, they are 100% on the tit of their US Coalition backers.
Their goal now is insulating themselves from being reduced in power to the small vote percentages they can produce at the polls if Assad is still running. They want to negotiate a deal as “equals” or to have some autonomy so they can continue their lives as parasites on the locals.
Pray that eventually the final deal has them staying in Syria, that some secret promise has not been made to bring them back to America on special visas or Congressional Act as “friends” of America.
This could be a priority refugee
Long forgotten is how we brought 250,000 hard core Somalis here after their war, people who never understood what the term assimilate meant, and would have laughed at being presented anything else but “my tribe first”…all of them mini-Trumps.
Their attitude toward American customs and expectations was, “shove that up your butt”. They became instant welfare scamsters, petty criminals, car thieves, ID theft, phone scams, you name it. America was the land of endless people to scam.
These people were all dumped into local communities where they not only competed with real Americans, but were given priority for benefits. Under UN treaty refugees get to jump the line on waiting lists for things like housing.
Will Americans raise the needed hell over this with their Congressmen if the State Department wants to bring terrorist refugees here? I doubt it. Trump has them distracted with his daily tweets like a carnival barker, competing with the morning news shows as to what their concerns for the day will be. I wish I were only kidding ... Jim W. Dean ]
Author’s Note: For many years you were never supposed to find out most of the contents of this article. But now all things have changed and there is a new sheriff. It is now okay for disclosure to proceed step-by-step. Years ago there was danger and harassment that usually always followed the author of this type of disclosure. Now the green light has been given so enjoy this information. A fair degree of major disclosure is now at hand.
The First Hijacking of America occurred in 1913 when the City of London private central Banksters passed the illegal, unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. The second hijacking of America occurred when the Secret Shadow Government was formed as a knee-jerk reaction to the Roswell crash of an Alien ET anti-gravity craft and its recovery along with dead Alien ETs and at least one live one rescued.
This article is about the third hijacking of the USG (and the Secret Shadow Government too) by a deep-black Secret Space War faction which is now in process.
In a recent prior article entitled, The Second Hijacking of America, it was disclosed how the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) quickly emerged as a powerful covert entity after the Roswell recovery of a crashed UFO with dead Alien ET bodies (and at least one live Alien ET survivor).
So-called “national security” was deployed to protect these secrets from the American People at all costs and resulted in a complete lock-down of all related information and numerous lethal threats accompanied by numerous murders of witnesses (including one nurse who talked and ended up buried in the desert, whacked by US Army Intel).
This demand for absolute secrecy about Alien ETs (also referred to as Extraterrestrial Biological Entities or EBEs) enabled this newSecret Shadow Government (SSG) to become the actual ruling government which slowly but surely has hijacked and replaced the visible DC government.
This process has transformed the DC visible government into a ceremonial body, allowed to exist to keep the public masses conned into thinking they have actual, real representation in government when they have very little at all.
It also provided the power necessary to covertly transform the visible DC government into a gelded ceremonial government, while maintaining the illusion that the citizen votes really mattered.
We now know for certain the the stark reality that Planet Earth has been and is now being visited by Alien ETs that are extremely advanced technologically and intellectually, some with extreme psi-powers.
Recognition of this extreme Alien ET technological superiority was burned into the Pentagon’s mindset by the recovered EBE’s anti-gravity craft and was so threatening to their need for absolute world defense supremacy that they imposed a complete security lock-down.
This complete lock-down was penetrated by President Eisenhower under threat of deploying his army and attacking Area 51, but as soon as he learned the shocking reality of Roswell, he too decided that secrecy from the public must be maintained.
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal felt otherwise and was thrown out of an upper floor of Bethesda Naval Hospital to his death by US Miltel operatives because he refused to keep the secret from the American People. He felt all Americans had the right to know the truth about Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft.
Before Forrestal was assassinated by US Army Intel operatives, he briefed Jack Kennedy who was a member of the US House of Representatives at the time about his secret knowledge about Alien ETs and UFOs. Army Intel ops had poisoned Forrestal with a toxic drug that induced severe depression and cognitive confusion before they threw him out the window.
General Robert Neller to US troops: Expect “a big-ass fight” against Russia
New World Order agents have a vested interest in preserving the legend that Russia is America’s enemy when in fact Russia should be the best ally America ought to have. As former CIA officer Paul R. Pillar has repeatedly argued, Israel, not Russia, is more dangerous than any country in the Middle East.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” said General Robert Neller to his US troops stationed in Norway. “You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.” This “big-ass war” is against Russia, Neller said.[1] Neller added:
“I think probably the focus, the intended focus is not on the Middle East. The focus is more on the Pacific and Russia.”[2]
Why Russia? Did the Neocons and New World Order agents in the United States present serious evidence that Russia hacked the US election? Did they have incontrovertible proof that Russia has conducted cyber warfare across the globe?
No. NWO agents are mad, sad, and want to be bad because they have been humiliated in Syria. They have no way to go because they cannot drink flesh blood in the region. That is why they are targeting the very country that stopped them from sucking the blood out of Syrian men, women and children.
New World Order agents have summoned one preposterous idea after another in order to delegitimize Russia, but their diabolical plan didn’t work as they hoped it would. But they continue to propound the same old and boring ideology. New World Order agents are now saying that Russians are everywhere: they are under your bedroom, in the bathroom, by your window, in your garage, in your refrigerator, on Twitter,[3] on Facebook,[4] etc., etc. NWO agents have recently forged a document which said:
“Through modernized forms of subversive tactics, Russia interferes in the domestic political affairs of countries around the world.
You could not imagine, how happy you made us when you announced and declared that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel and that you will move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.
You made us happy not because you are right, but because for once, you removed the false façade of the US as honest peace broker and maker. When I say we, I mean all those Palestinians under occupation and in the diaspora and all Arabs and Muslims who were under the “illusion” that the US is, after all committed to make a final break and conclude an ever lasting peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Well, I can say we were never under the “illusion” but always were hopeful and trustful, the US will live up to its principles of peace, justice, equality, liberty, self-determination and will bring about an end to the longest military and colonial occupation in modern history.
For over 50 years, the Palestinians, the Arabs, and even the Muslims were led to believe the US is doing all its best to bring about peace and reconciliation between the Palestinians and the Israelis, even though and since the days of President Johnson, the US was unbashful and shamelessly on the side of Israel “right and wrong” even at the expense of our national interests, the lives of our sailors who were murdered in cold blood by the Israeli during the 67 War with your predecessor Johnson in act of treason, not only refused to provide help to the crew of the USS Liberty but deliberately overrode the chief of staff preventing a full and open board of inquiry into the massacre that took place on the deck of the USS Liberty.
Of course the US not only did it pretend to work toward peace, but did everything to sabotage any real efforts in bringing about an end to this long festering conflict appointing and without fails, Israeli-First diplomats and special envoys to the Middle East, who made sure and consistent with their Zionism that Israel and the Palestinians will never be able to reach a credible peace agreement.
«Waiting for approval» – Austin Fitts: 21 trillioner dollar «mangler» fra USAs statsbudsjett»
Hi, Jeff Rense
I have posted two of your videoes in my blog at, and since you ask of your viewers and listeners to ask for approval first if we post your videoes elsewhere, I hereby do. Which reminds me about the prophet —- ——- who would not give me approval (for having attended his very special version of «School of Propecy») since I accused him of lying and stealing once, and I and the ones he stole from could prove it. We had the proof of him lying in the video, while stealing the woman who produced it (his copy of it that he distributed to his partners and earned money from). That is when he started using his tongue for accusing me of having the spirit Jezabel. I never got his ministry´s approval (license), but I am so glad that I did not. He heard from God via his diseased Grandmother (once living in Texas), just like Benny Hinn hears from Jesus via the diseased prophetess Katheryn Kuhlman, but I do know that Catholics still «meet» with Mother Mary, who also left this earth 2.000 years ago, but of course I am just a «heretic» protestant, not worth of having «communion» with you holy Catholics in your «mass» (mess), according to, who believes that The Catholic Church is the only right church (Texe Marrs explains what Luther saw … Catholics do not like the scriptures in the Bible which tell us not to contact the dead, nor worship or pray to them, even though they are saints. – Anyway, here is the news page where I posted the stunning interview with the very talented Austin Fitts: