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Iranians to Trump and warmongers: Iran ain’t for sale

Paul Sheldon Foote of Cal-State Fullerton, probably the leading authoritative source in the United States on the MEK, and its presently functional relationship with the Israeli Mossad and elements in the American intelligence community, has publicly stated via his own sources that the MEK is the leading tool of Israeli intelligence and American Neo-Conservatives in the latter’s espionage agencies in launching acts of destabilization and violence directed at Iran’s current government and conducted illegally within Iranian borders.


…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof

Mark Dankof is the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.

Jonas E. Alexis: Right after a massive protest in Iran a few days ago, Donald Trump tweeted: “Iran is failing at every level despite the terrible deal made with them by the Obama Administration. The great Iranian people have been repressed for many years. They are hungry for food & for freedom. Along with human rights, the wealth of Iran is being looted. TIME FOR CHANGE!”[1]

He obviously got this “time for change” message from Benjamin Netanyahu, who previously advocated regime change in Iran. Netanyahu said: “When this regime [the Iranian government] finally falls, and one day it will, Iranians and Israelis will be great friends once again.”[2]

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TRUTH JIHAD: Brendon O’Connell celebrates release from political prison, recounts ordeal


Political asylum seeker Brendon O’Connell was recently released from a New Zealand immigration prison, where he had been languishing in atrocious conditions since October. He is now a free man in Malaysia, and for the first time ever, on this episode of Truth Jihad Radio, recounts the horrific details of his ordeal.

Brendon was freed shortly after I did a radio show on his plight and posted an appeal to write to the New Zealand authorities.

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Syrian War Report – January 4, 2018: Russian Forces Suffer Casualties In Khmeimim Shelling


France warns US, Saudis, Israelis against hostile comments on Iran events


…from Press TV, Tehran

Might the French save us from ourselves and Iranaphobia?

[ Editor’s Note: This is a big deal coming from Macron, taking on the unholy trinity of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia when it comes to wanting a shooting conflict with Iran, by people who want to spend other people’s money and lives to do it while they rake in the profits to be made.

He is the first world leader to come out and charge “outside influence” in turning peaceful economic protests into violent ones by certain intelligence organizations. The goal of such acts is to trigger security forces into mass demonstrator shootings to trigger more hostility toward the government.

Such incitement acts are felonies to commit mass murder, but indulged in by operatives in countries feeling nice and cozy behind their sovereign immunity protections, a systemic cancer that must eventually deal with somehow.

This incitement activity is a throw back to the Cold War days where the rules were “anything is allowed” simply by claiming the goal was to defend against the advancement of communism. We have people with VT who were intimately aware of these activities and can lecture endlessly about them.

But frankly there is not much interest from the public knowing the truth about such events, even if it would arm them to more easily spot the same or similar tactics being used today, not for real national security interests, but to advance those of certain special interests to profit hugely by world instability.

It’s dog eat dog in the trading markets, and too often in geopolitics

They are like stockbrokers in that there is nothing they hate more than a stable market as the traders make their big money on futures trading, which is a safe bet when you know certain events are going to happen to take markets up or down.

The key thing I picked up on that was missing in corporate media, was any mention of the Iranian economic situation mainly being caused by international sanctions over a nuclear weapons program that did not exist.

Despite their claims of Iran having a secret nuclear weapons program, both Israel and its American Lobby NeoCon friends never put any evidence on the table during the JCPOA talks to kill them. We got total media silence on that part of the story, and which was not an oversight. 

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What do you call somebody who supports Israel?

Being racist normally invites strong disapproval, a ban, perhaps criminal prosecution. So why is supporting a racist regime like Israel not only tolerated but actively encouraged in the West’s corridors of power and even rewarded with high office?


“If opposing Israel is anti-semitism then what do you call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades. What does that make you?” It’s a question posed by Miko Peled, an Israeli Jew and son of an Israeli general, former Israelisoldier and now a leading voice in the struggle for Palestinian freedom. You couldn’t find a more authentic insider.

What else has Peled been saying about Israel?

  • “The name of the game: erasing Palestine, getting rid of the people and de-Arabizing the country…”
  • As for talk about Israel giving up the West Bank for a Palestinian state: “If it wasn’t so sad it would be funny. It shows a complete misunderstanding of the objective of Zionism and the Zionist state…. By 1993 the Israelis had achieved their mission to make the conquest of the West Bank irreversible.”
  • Peled also describes the Israeli army, in which he served, as “one of the best trained and best equipped and best fed terrorist organisations in the world.”

So let’s repeat Peled’s question. What does supporting Israel make you when Israel has been busy ethnically cleansing the native Palestinians for seven decades? What should we call people who defend the indefensible?… who admire the despicable?… who applaud the expulsion at gunpoint of peaceable civilians and the confiscation of their homes and land?

Give them a name, one that will stick.

The claim by Conservative Friends of Israel that 80 percent of the party’s MPs and MEPs are members is alarming and reveals how lacking in integrity we are at the heart of government. It puts us almost on a par with US Congress which is almost totally controlled by the Israel lobby through AIPAC.

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Will Russia Continue to Challenge the New World Order?

Putin can cogently extemporize on any topic, completely unscripted and spontaneous, drawing on a truly encyclopedic base of knowledge, while his Western counterparts can only read from a teleprompter or recite simplistic and often preposterous mantras.

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Dark Secrets of the Wizards of Oz and Your Hero Within (Part 3 of 4)


Part III: Wizards of Mind Control and Their Attempt at Full-Spectrum Dominance

A Braveheart Article

Hang onto your hat Dorothy, journey bravely into the eye of the storm and discover that knowledge and inner wisdom protects you with the power of love.

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”  the Jesus figure from Matthew 10:16

The New World Order (NWO)/Cabal and various Secret Societies employ what’s known as Full-spectrum dominance to keep humanity asleep and under their near complete control.  The arrogance of their flagrant control stands in such obvious and plain sight that it literally laughs in the face of humanity and dares the world to point it out and/or do anything about it.   Respectively I intend, through these series of articles, to make it easier for you to be aware of the people, agencies and institutions that serve the dark-force and how they operate.  With this new awareness I believe its possible to courageously unite and implement countermeasures that light ways to truth, love and a lasting peace on earth. 

Each of the Cabal’s mind-controlling methodologies and tactics are strategically designed to act as litmus tests to identify and benchmark the trends for how asleep or awake humanity appears at a given moment.   The more asleep we appear to be the more the controls the Cabal implements and the more freedom and power they take from us.  The more awake humanity appears to be the greater control and power we take back.

One of the most obvious and in plain sight examples of how asleep humanity appears to be is the concern of the daily barrage of chemtrails or geo-engineering that bombards each of us, our family and friends everyday.   In the Cabal’s playbook of control the tactic of distraction serves as the means by which the Wizards of Darkness point the attention of humanity away from the truth of common sense and direct it towards what they want the world to see and believe.

Think for a moment if the majority of people, who currently keeps their downtrodden attention on their mobile device, were to instead look more regularly  towards the sky and see the obvious of a continual crisscrossing of chemtrails that are being strategically delivered by jet planes.  And if they did look up and notice this you might well imagine a logical cascading series of questions that might occur:  What is this?  I’ve never noticed this before…This appears to be different than a regular jetliner Contrail and if so….it looks like they’re spraying something in the sky and on us ? What’s really going on here ? If its happening here is this also happening in other states or countries ?  And, why ? Am I in some sort of danger ?  Why aren’t more people aware of this?  Is there a potential impact on my health and that of my families or friends… and so on.   And Yes, to put the awareness of chemtrails in perspective, and in general,  the fact that society has not reached a 10% tipping point in conversational awareness about this subject and/or other such issues like the realities of how our US Government and Mossad agents clearly engineered 9/11, speaks volumes to the Deep State about the current state of sleepwalking foolishness and powerlessness of humanity.  

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Cody Snodgres avslører at årsaken til at «noen» sprayet himmelen over Irak (og andre steder) med kjemiske substanser før krig, er fordi at det er til stor hjelp for radarne slik at de kan «se» bedre. Derfor ofres mennesker og alt annet som er på bakken for «militærvesenet» og de grådige krigshaukers skyld:


Jeff & Cody Snodgres – BLOCKBUSTER! – Deep Black Ops Contractor Exposes OKC! and So Much More

  • For 4 uker siden
  • sett 64 467 ganger
Our special thanks and appreciation to Ole Demmegard for arranging this interview. His site at

Flere artikler om Jemen her


IS, Mafiaen og Trump, mer historie enn vi visste om – Massemorder Google

David and Goliath battle continues in Yemen to the shame of Saudi partners

The US cannot sit in judgement on anyone after what it has done in Syria and Yemen

Mike Pence cancels Middle East trip – original title

Are we maybe re-living biblical times?

[ Note: Press TV Programs tapes its interviews for editing into a fast paced news feature, so one never knows what parts of your contribution they will use. Sometimes it is just one clip, but for this one I got three in a ten minute program.

It’s always nice to have more time as reporting on these complex wars is much harder to do really just using sound bites. So the pressure is on guests to pack as much information as they can into helping the public understand what is really going on.

Mining ironies is one of my tactics, like Trump pretending he is all for freedom and people’s rights in Iran when he has a heart of stone when it comes to the people Yemen, Syria, Donbass, the Palestinians, etc. The man is a three dollar bill.

We Americans have to find a way to rub these threat frauds into the faces of those who are the real threats, despite their efforts to steer us all over a mirage cliff to remove us as opposition.

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US media lies about Iran protests — just like in 1953

Who are today’s «Icy Ramadans» and «Brainless Shabans»?

Shaban Jafari, a.k.a. Shaban Beemokh (Brainless), was an important figure in Iranian contemporary history. For more than half a century he has been commonly known as a thug who led his men against opponents of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, notably during the 1953 coup. His spiritual and political descendants are still committing CIA-funded treason in Iran.

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

“Stop the presses! Spontaneous protests, driven by economic woes and anti-leadership wrath, are about to bring down Iran’s government!”

That’s what the Mockingbird media told us in August 1953. They rehashed the story in 2009. And now they’re singing the same old tired refrain.


The “spontaneous protests” of 1953 were anything but. As documented in The Coup by Ervand Abrahamian, the CIA hired the two biggest gangsters of the South Tehran ghetto,  “Icy Ramadan” and “Brainless Shaban,” to mobilize rent-a-mobs. That’s right, the two leading “Iranian anti-government protest organizers” of 1953 were CIA-sponsored hoodlums named Icy and Brainless. They were the icy, brainless brains behind protests scripted by the CIA to show that the people of Iran hated Mosaddegh.

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How Politics Shaped the Korean War


As is the case in any war, politics can be a driving force.  Militarist Carl von Clausewitz said that “war is politics by another means.”  The Korean War was no different than any other war.  Many decisions involving the conduction of the war were politically driven on both the domestic and foreign fronts.  Conversely United States’ politics was affected by the Korean War.

The United States was involved in the economic recovery of Europe at the end of World War II.  This assistance had the beginnings of anti-Russian communist intent. The Truman Doctrine promised U.S. aid to any country who sought protection from aggression, either externally or internally, by countries or factions within countries who espoused Communism.   The Truman Doctrine gave Turkey and Greece economic support but was also a doctrine of encirclement as it also included Iran, Pakistan, Japan, and China.  Also at this time the French were back in Indochina and the United States’ aid was supplied to Chiang Kai-shek for his Nationalist cause in China.

The Marshall Plan poured money into the recovery of Europe after World War II.  European countries were pleased with U.S. aid and sought assurances of total U.S. attention to their concerns.  The European nations did not want money diverted from their uses to that of the Koreans as these people fought for their freedom and reunification.  Congress sided with the European countries.  Europe also wanted assurances that the U.S. would assist in keeping Russia out of Eastern Europe.  Involvement on a second front, in the Pacific, might very well cause United States’ support to be lessened on the European front

Before U.S. involvement in Korea the Republican Party was comprised of internationalists and their counterpart isolationists.  The isolationists, under the guise of non-interventionism were support for Nazi Germany and feared that FDR’s New Deal policies were socialist in base.  Additionally, key Republicans had long term business relationships in Nazi Germany.    These businessmen and corporations used isolationist policies in an attempt to pressure the government into continuing to give them a free hand to support German war industries despite the Neutrality Act.

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Hvorfor Pakistan må tas rotta på – Det siste kostbare djeveltrekk vil ta livet av oss alle

Steindyrt brød – Den ukjente sannhet om USAs nedslakting av koreanere på 50-tallet

Angående Trumps tilknytning til den russisk-jødiske mafia:

Større enn solformørkelsen

Truth: The Moral and Political Death of Zionism

Israel and its supporters will pretend to be horrified and blame the entire world for being anti-Semitic. But we who are not under the rubble are duty bound to do all that is humanly possible to expose Israeli crimes and to pull Palestinians out of this impending death. We must speak up and expose the reality in which Palestinians live and which Israel and its cronies try to hide.


Editor’s note:  We had tried to give Israel some room for a bit, it is too easy to hyperfocus on Israel as the root of all bizarre, all unsavoury, all insanity.  It is just too easy and is boring as well, despite the amusing troll attacks.

What has to be admitted at this point is simple.  It was Israel, not Russia that rigged the US election and Trump and “Jared the Slumlord” are their freakish slaves.

They are running Facebook and Google, two organizations that by our estimation represent a clear and present danger to the security of the United States.  We can make the case that they are, by far, more dangerous than any terror group in history, mining personal data for foreign intelligence services, manipulating news and, as with Google, being directly involved in acts of violence, perhaps even inside the US.  We believe that there is a consortium of Israeli controlled tech companies that control world terrorism and that the US can’t continue to ignore this any longer.

Key to their continued success is their war on the FBI and CIA, their massive program of bribery and blackmail against police, military and judiciary and the outright purchase of the American legislative process by goons like Adelson and the Koch Brothers.

We are looking at a world where America will not survive and is not intended to.  As the term “goyim” refers to cattle designated for slaughter, this hatred of the United States by Zionist extremists partnered with worldwide organized crime, the Rothschilds, Kosher Nostra and a dozen phony “national intelligence agencies” will continue so long as America’s are lulled into infancy by their phony backwoods religious beliefs.

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Donald Trump’s threatening tweet

Redaktør Gordon Duff forklarer hvorfor Pakistan må legges flatt: For å lettere «komme til» Iran:

Hvorfor Pakistan må tas rotta på – Det siste kostbare djeveltrekk vil ta livet av oss alle

Gassrørledninger, ikke den folkevalgte og elskede (av folket) Assad var årsaken til Syria-krigen

Pakistan og Syria- Sentrum for det store spillet- Den egentlige årsak til Syria-krigen

Trump has No Say on Who Rules Syria after Assad’s Victories – Ex-US Ambassador


… from Sputnik News, Moscow

Charles Freeman

[ Editor’s Note: Charles (Chas) Freeman is what I call an old-school diplomat, meaning that when he retired from government service, he did not pimp himself out to the Israeli lobby or the military industrial complex. This is even more rare for those who were also high-level defense department people, like Freeman.

With career oars in both of these waters, we know he had access to all the historical intelligence on the Mideast, and does not view things through rose-colored glasses, even if it pays well.

I have editorialized that the US coalition would try to steal in the Syrian political process what it did not win on the battlefield, despite over a half-million killed, and according to the ex-PM and FM of Qatar, $137 billion spent trying to do so.


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De kristne og mange andre ble virkelig «tatt til elva», ja:


Saudi Arabia & ‘their Western handlers’ behind Syria peace talks failure

Jim W. Dean was right. The Saudi controlled opposition never had any intention of negotiating, but only to throw their «Assad must go» monkey wrench into the process.


... from Russia Today, Moscow

The HNC’s Mohammed Alloush banged the “Assad must go” drum endlessly

[ Editor’s Note: The UN’s Staffan de Mistura rode a dead horse all the way to the end on the Syrian peace talks because he would not throw the Saudi opposition faction out for its continued insistence that Assad must go.

The Saudis are intensely bitter that with the US might behind them they could not overthrow Assad, even after unleashing their terrorist proxies on both the Syrian and Iraqi people.

Why open supporters of terrorism would be invited to a peace process when they should be facing aiding and abetting charges is beyond the realm. Can you image if Syria demanded that the Saudi Royal Family be arrested for its long list of crimes as a pre-condition?

All that is left to do is for the Syrians to make political settlements with those opposition groups willing to do so, and move forward on a new constitution and elections. I had always said the High Negotiation Committee (HNC) and the Saudis would demand in the peace talks concessions that they could not obtain on the battlefield, and that is exactly what they have done.

For de Mistura to blame the failed talks on the Syrians should result in his removal. He allowed the HNC a free hand to do what they did and their position just hardened as ISIS was losingJim W. Dean ]

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Briefing from Tala al_Barazai of Homs province to US election monitors, election Day June 4,, 2014 – Jim W. Dean archives

– First published … Decemeber 20, 2017 –

The ultimatum that President Bashar Assad must go if there is to be peace in Syria, drawn up by the anti-Assad opposition backed by Saudi Arabia and the West, derailed the latest peace talks in Geneva, Damascus’s envoy to the negotiations has said.

The eighth round of Syria peace negotiations in Geneva has ended in failure, after Damascus officials refused to engage in direct talks with the opposition, which continues to demand the removal of President Bashar Assad as a precondition for ending the six-year conflict.

“The Riyadh 2 Communique is a blackmail of the Geneva process,” Syrian government negotiator Bashar Ja’afari told the media, referring to a document adopted during a Syrian opposition summit in the Saudi capital last month.

As a result of the conference, attended by 140 participants and backers in the conflict, a communique was adopted insisting that the Syrian president must leave at the start of any transition period following the cessation of hostilities. The conflict has taken more than 400,000 lives.


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Saudi Arabia & ‘their Western handlers’ behind Syria peace talks failure

Flere linker til hva som har skjedd de siste årene i Syria her


Svært viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er:

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

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NEO – Does the Narcotics Trade Influence US Global Policy?

Narkoproduksjon skyter i været når NATO regisserer showet ‘Krigen for narko

Flere artikler om CIA og NATOs hemmelige narkobedrifter (som «opprettholdes» ved bruk av en påstått konstant krig mot terror ved å iverkesette den ene krig etter den andre, her

Krig er svært lønnsomt!

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

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NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

Who Did That To You – Samuel L. Jackson (Django Unchained Soundtrack) «Edited»

Vestlige ( m.fl.)økonimiske interesser /statssponset terror står bak IS:

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …


ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

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Fantastisk konsert:



David Foster & Friends – Chaka Khan – Through the Fire


Chaka Khan ‘Through the Fire’ LIVE @ GOSPEL CELEBRATION 2011 2


Takk for nå. Jeg gidder ikke å studere krig mer.

Elva er ikke der for at dere skal drepe kristne, yazidier og muslimer som dere har voldtatt og plyndret og drukne dem der, for Gud ser alt. Det finnes ikke noe dyp som er skjult for Ham.

Den er der for at man skal døpe seg der, begrave egen ondskap og komme opp som et nytt menneske, som følger Jesus sin lære, nåde; «amazing grace», klarer du å forestille deg det, som Patti LaBelle synger om i «Way up there».

Den siste dag skal vi alle få vite sannheten, når Gud krever at havet oppgir sine døde… («begravet med Kristus, oppstått med Kristus»).

Markus 9
Hvem er den største?
33 De kom til Kapernaum, og da de var i hus, spurte han dem: «Hva var det dere snakket om underveis?» 34 Men de tidde, for på veien hadde de snakket med hverandre om hvem som var den største.35 Da satte han seg ned, kalte de tolv til seg og sa til dem: «Om noen vil være den første, må han være den siste av alle og tjener for alle.» 36 Så tok han et lite barn og stilte det midt iblant dem. Han la armen om barnet og sa til dem:37 «Den som tar imot et slikt lite barn i mitt navn, tar imot meg. Og den som tar imot meg, tar ikke imot meg, men ham som har sendt meg.»
For eller mot
38 Johannes sa til ham: «Mester, vi så en som drev ut onde ånder i ditt navn, og vi forsøkte å hindre ham, siden han ikke var i følge med oss.»39 Men Jesus svarte: «Dere skal ikke hindre ham! For ingen som gjør en mektig gjerning i mitt navn, kan straks etter si noe vondt om meg.40 Den som ikke er mot oss, er med oss.
41 Den som gir dere et beger vann å drikke fordi dere hører Kristus til – sannelig, jeg sier dere: Han skal slett ikke miste sin lønn. 42Men den som lokker til fall en av disse små som tror på meg, for ham var det bedre om han var kastet i havet med en kvernstein om halsen.


We’ll Meet Again – Hayley Westenra & Vera Lynn


Heavy Load – Joe Ligon & The Mighty Clouds Of Joy, «All That I Am Chapter 1»

Amos 7

   7 Dette viste han meg:
Se, Herren sto på en loddrett mur,
i hånden hadde han et blylodd.

Herren sa til meg:
«Hva ser du, Amos?»
Jeg svarte: «Et blylodd
Da sa Herren: «Se, jeg senker loddet
midt i Israel, mitt folk.
Jeg vil ikke lenger bære over med det.

Isaks offerhauger skal legges øde
og Israels helligdommer i ruiner.
Jeg vil reise meg med sverd mot Jeroboams hus.»

Amos blir bortvist fra Betel

Johannes Åpenbaring 20

11 Og jeg så en stor, hvit trone og ham som satt på den. Jord og himmel flyktet bort fra hans ansikt og var ikke lenger til. 12 Og jeg så de døde, både store og små: De sto foran tronen, og bøker ble åpnet. Så ble en annen bok åpnet, livets bok. Og de døde ble dømt etter det som sto skrevet i bøkene, etter sine gjerninger. 13 Havet ga fra seg de døde som var der, og døden og dødsriket ga fra seg de døde som var i dem, og enhver ble dømt etter sine gjerninger. 14 Så ble døden og dødsriket kastet i ildsjøen. Og ildsjøen, det er den annen død. 15 Og om noen ikke var skrevet inn i livets bok, ble han kastet i ildsjøen.

Johannes Åpenbaring 21
En ny himmel og en ny jord
21Og jeg så en ny himmel og en ny jord. For den første himmel og den første jord var borte, og havet fantes ikke mer.  Og jeg så den hellige byen, det nye Jerusalem, stige ned fra himmelen, fra Gud, gjort i stand og pyntet som en brud for sin brudgom.  Og jeg hørte fra tronen en høy røst som sa:
«Se, Guds bolig er hos menneskene.
Han skal bo hos dem,
og de skal være hans folk,
og Gud selv skal være hos dem.
Han skal være deres Gud.
Han skal tørke bort hver tåre fra deres øyne,
og døden skal ikke være mer,
heller ikke sorg eller skrik eller smerte.
For det som en gang var, er borte.»
 Han som sitter på tronen, sa: «Se, jeg gjør alle ting nye.» Og han la til: «Skriv det ned, for dette er troverdige og sanne ord.»  Så sa han til meg: «Det er skjedd! Jeg er Alfa og Omega, begynnelsen og enden. Jeg vil gi den tørste å drikke av kilden med livets vann som gave.  Den som seirer, skal få dette i arv, og jeg vil være hansGud, og han skal være min sønn.  Men de feige, de vantro og vanhellige, de som myrder, driver med hor og trolldom, avgudsdyrkere og alle løgnere, deres plass skal være i sjøen som brenner med ild og svovel. Det er den annen død.»
Det nye Jerusalem
En av de sju englene som hadde de sju skålene, fylt av de sju siste plagene, kom bort til meg og sa: «Kom, jeg skal vise deg bruden, Lammets hustru.» 10 I Ånden førte han meg opp på et stort og høyt fjell og viste meg den hellige byen, Jerusalem. Den kom ned fra himmelen, fra Gud. 11 Byen hadde Guds herlighet og strålte som den kosteligste edelsten, som krystallklar jaspis. 12 Den hadde en stor og høy mur med tolv porter, og ved dem sto tolv engler. På portene var det skrevet navn, det var navnene til Israelsfolkets tolv stammer. 13 Tre porter vendte mot øst, tre mot nord, tre mot sør og tre mot vest. 14 Bymuren hadde tolv grunnsteiner, og på dem var det skrevet tolv navn, det var navnene til Lammets tolv apostler.
15 Han som talte med meg, hadde en målestang av gull. Med den skulle han måle byen og dens porter og murer. 16 Byen var bygd som en firkant, og den var like lang som den var bred. Med målestangen målte han byen: Den var 12 000 stadier lang og like bred og høy. 17 Han målte også bymuren: Den var 144 alen høy etter menneskenes mål, som også er englenes mål. 18 Muren var bygd av jaspis, og byen selv var av rent gull, lik det klareste glass. 19 Grunnsteinene i bymuren var prydet med edelstener av alle slag. Den første grunnsteinen var av jaspis, den andre var av safir, den tredje av kalsedon, den fjerde av smaragd, 20 den femte av sardonyks, den sjette av karneol, den sjuende av krysolitt, den åttende av beryll, den niende av topas, den tiende av krysopras, den ellevte av hyasint, den tolvte av ametyst. 21 De tolv portene var tolv perler, hver port laget av en eneste perle. Gaten gjennom byen var av rent gull, gjennomsiktig som glass.
22 Noe tempel så jeg ikke i byen, for Herren Gud, Den allmektige, og Lammet er dens tempel. 23 Og byen trenger ikke lys fra sol eller måne, for Guds herlighet lyser over den, og Lammet er dens lys. 24 Folkene skal vandre i lyset fra byen, og jordens konger skal føre sine rikdommer dit. 25 Byens porter skal aldri stenges etter dagen, for natt skal det ikke være der. 26 Alt det dyrebare og verdifulle folkene eier, skal de føre inn i den. 27 Men noe urent skal aldri komme inn i byen, ingen som gjør motbydelige ting eller farer med løgn, bare de som er skrevet inn i livets bok hos Lammet.

Austin Fitts: 21 trillioner dollar «mangler» fra USAs statsbudjett

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, #Syria, Kurdistan, Media og journalistikk, Økonomi, Palestina | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser lørdag 6. januar , 2018 kl. 09:20

Bulgaria makes $2.5 billion holding seized BitCoins


Bulgaria Government Shocked To Discover It Owns $3 Billion In Bitcoin

by Tyler Dyrden,  … for ZeroHedge

Anyone want to bet that BitCoin will not crash and burn?

[ Editor’s Note: This story is one hell of a BitCoin criminal fraud seizure, and in Bulgaria of all places. It might kick off a land rush for more law enforcement agencies to go after criminal orgs hiding their stashes in BitCoins.

That would pose a threat to crashing BitCoin if, for example, Bulgaria wants to cash in on the $3.5 billion seizure stash that it is now holding, before it tanks. If it waits too long, it might lose a billion dollars or two, when Bulgaria could use the current rate to stabilize its economy with this gift from Santa Claus.

I have always felt that BitCoin was an obvious financial hustle to create a medium of exchange for sucking up criminal money as a guaranteed well to run the price up, and where the creators would cash out at the peak, leaving 90% holding an empty bag.

As to who could really set something like this up and get away with it, the list is short, with the usual suspects at the top. It will be interesting to see what the Bulgarian government is going to do with its BitCoin stash, now that the story is out.

If it does not cash out of its gains while it can and rides down on the eventual BitCoin crash, which is guaranteed as with all Ponzi schemes, the government could fall for letting this windfall slip through its hands. That said, we must wonder how many of those BitCoins might have already disappeared that never made the seizure accountingJim W. Dean ]

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  • Viktig:

NEO – Is Google’s search engine a marked deck?


The lunatic technocracy to introduce truth algorithms for us

by Phil Butler,  … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Phil Butler, back in the days of early search engine promise of serving mankind

[ Editor’s Note: Phil Butler is an angry man, particularly with Google, like many of us are for what we see going on behind the scenes with the American company that most of us were once proud of.

But Phil also brings a little more to the table besides anger. He has been involved in the search engine industry for some time, and had a front row seat on all the changes as the editor of one of the industry’s trade publications.

This article seems to be the beginning a dissection series to lay bare for the rest of us who only saw bits and pieces of Google morphing from a helping hand to a controlling one.

For those of you who remember the brilliant Rod Serling Twilight Zone TV series, you might remember the show where an alien space ship landed in a small town airport and presented a calling card book that had to be deciphered by the local geek of that day. 

Rod Serling was famous for his intriguing monologue introduction of his shows

The small town, cut off from the outside with all power shut down, was working through a series of “what to do” conflicts among the local citizens, a common Serling dramatic theme.

At the end of the show some citizen volunteer families are walking up the ramp of the space ship after the title of the introduction book had been translated as “How to Serve Man”.

While the town is waving goodbye to the lucky ones chosen to be the first ambassadors to the aliens, the town interpreter geek comes running down the street yelling, “Stop, stop! The rest of the brochure is a cookbook”!


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TRUTH JIHAD: Vladislav “George” Krasnov: Is the USA becoming monologic and totalitarian?


Audio Player


Note: The video version of this interview is posted at my Patreon page.

Dr. Vladslav Krasnov (also known as Wladislaw “George” Krasnow) of was a dissident in the former Soviet Union, where deviating from the official Communist Party line was a serious thoughtcrime. He defected to Sweden and then the United States in the 1960s, earned a doctorate in Russian Literature at the University of Washington, and has written three books and worked for many leading think tanks and government agencies. Today, he wonders whether Russia and the United States have switched places: Now it’s the USA that surveils its citizens, doesn’t tolerate dissenting voices, and insists on inflicting its mendacious official perspective on everyone, everywhere; while Russia has left Communism behind and emerged as a pluralistic nation, whose worst “crime” (according to the Masters of the Universe in Washington) is allowing Western dissidents to reach a larger audience via RT and Sputnik.

Les resten / hør radiointervju med «avhopperen»:


Trusteeship for Palestine



Jewish settlers train with weapons
European Settlers prowl the streets backed the IDF as they engage in intimidation and confiscation
It takes a powerful national army to arrest a Palestinian boy who is scared to death wondering if he’ll ever see his mother, father, brothers, sisters, or classmates again, or is he destined to live and die in an Israeli prison being abused and tortured.

Over the past 50 years, the PLO leadership under Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas proved over and over it is incompetent, inept, too corrupt, self-serving and never was for liberation or ending the Israeli Occupation. Oslo proved the mission and longtime purpose of the PLO is to become manager of the Israeli army and settler occupation, providing security and funding for the Occupation, an criminal and fraudulent enterprise.



During his tenure as Chairman of the PLO he marginalized all so called “institutions” of the PLO such as the PLO Executive Committee and the Palestine National Congress. No one in the history of Palestine could have done more damage to Palestine and the cause of liberation than Arafat and the PLO.

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Hvis Steve Robertson lytter litt til Austin Fitts så vil han forstå at det er nettopp det «de» er i ferd med å gjøre; å forsøke unnslippe til en annen planet. 

The Protocols of the Box, an Ancient Modern Day Parable


Editor’s note: Steve Robertson represents a move at VT, making a home for the major writers from mainstream media that simply couldn’t stand it anymore.  He now joins VT in Google’s exile department, delisted, misdirected and more.  They even froze my Gmail accounts, killed my YouTube and no longer allow me access to whatever “Google Plus” is.

Do I look like I care?  What’s their problem?  All I did was expose Google for running torture and assassination teams and staging, through “Jigsaw,” two gas attacks inside Syria.

If they can’t stand the heat, perhaps they should find another planet to subvert.  Anyway, Steve is a writer, a continual confidant, and works that spiritual side that folks like Ann Deiner and others belong on, stuff I never quite understand.

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Newsweek: Pentagon “Made Secret Deal with ISIS” to “Battle Assad in Syria”

“The U.S. military allowed thousands of Islamic State militant group (ISIS) fighters to flee from their de facto capital of Raqqa, Syria, in a secret deal that boosted the U.S. fight against the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.»


…by Jonas E. Alexis


Yes, Virginia, there is a diabolical ideology at work in Iraq and Syria. This diabolical ideology has been supported by the Pentagon, which got their support from the Neoconservative movement, which got their support from the Israeli regime, which has vowed to oust Assad by any means necessary, including aiding and abetting terrorist organs in the region.[1]

This is not conspiracy theory. It is not even a secret. All you have to do is ask Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren, who said in 2013 that “The initial message about the Syrian issue was that we always wanted [President] Bashar Assad to go, we always preferred the bad guys who weren’t backed by Iran to the bad guys who were backed by Iran.”[2]

Oren said explicitly that terrorist cells like al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria “are pretty bad guys,” but Israel prefers them over Iran and the Assad government.

“Still, the greatest danger to Israel is by the strategic arc that extends from Tehran, to Damascus to Beirut. And we saw the Assad regime as the keystone in that arc. That is a position we had well before the outbreak of hostilities in Syria. With the outbreak of hostilities we continued to want Assad to go.”[3]

Since Israeli officials still want Assad gone by any means necessary, they have invented all kinds of crazy ideas as to why Assad is a bad guy: Assad used chemical weapons on his own people; Assad was deliberately liquidating civilians; Assad “is like Hitler.[4] Blah, blah, blah.

Les resten:

Why Politics Hits Your Pocketbook, Just One More Scam


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Editor’s note:  Within an hour of posting this, we were hit with a hack. In doing so, I learned that I drew blood.  Thanks, it might have taken me an entire day to have my suspicions confirmed.  

Today we are talking about Sams Club and Direct TV and a scam that will set you rolling in the floor or piss you off, depending on how much you’ve had to drink or smoke today.  We begin with my usual politics.

Sometimes when I talk about stock or pension fund scams, it goes right over some people’s heads.  In general, the “dems” are for busting scammers who pay off GOP candidates to look the other way.  I could talk on this for hours.

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Hvor står du…? Hvilken planet er du på vei til?

Dødelige politiske spill – Italiensk journalist spretter korken angående Maidan-snikskyttermysteriet

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, #Syria, Irak, Kurdistan, Tyrkia | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser lørdag 30. desember , 2017 kl. 18:11


Deadly political games: Italian journalist blows lid off Maidan snipers mystery

Riot police faced a professionally organized fire bombing campaign to get them to shoot down protestors

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Denne artikkelen forklarer hvem som gjorde hva, og det er ikke hva vi har fått høre i «mainstream«-media:

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa


Video on the real Odessa massacre by Pravy Sektor

Links below for all photos and video


by  F.  William  Engdahl  

… and an Odessa eyewitness to the bestial May 2 massacre








Hell on earth comes to Odessa
Hell on earth comes to Odessa






VT would like to thank Mr. Engdahl for this excellent example of investigation journalism. As you will read below, corporate media is keeping the two words “Right Sector” out of the coverage, revealing themselves as aiders and abettors.


The following video is from a woman who is a resident of Odessa and who managed to survive in the center of the horror day of May 2, when more than 40 people perished and hundreds were injured.

The extensive photos and videos taken are increasingly documenting  a savage, deliberately-planned assault by members of the Ukraine Pravy Sektor armed mafia thugs, with connivance of the Ukrainian regional police and Kiev government.


Read the rest / Les resten:

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa | Veterans Today | Page 25

5. mai 2014 – It is strongly suspected by knowledgeable sources that Donbass fighters include the deadly, “dirty war” NATO-trained Ukrainian National Assembly- Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense which has been engaged on behalf of NATO as a sort of Gladio-B since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, killing Russian …

Forget Russia, Israel Actual Foreign Power Collaborating With Team Trump



While no compelling evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 US election has been uncovered so far, the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has brought a different kind of relationship to the spotlight – the one between Washington and Tel Aviv.

US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged connections between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government has entered its seventh month of operation. More than $3.2 million has been spent, yet the investigators struggle to provide proof of Moscow’s interference.

While all eyes were on Moscow, President Trump made a groundbreaking decision torecognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, thus dragging a historically close relationship with Tel Aviv to the spotlight.

The ties between Israel and the US President Trump are demonstrably strong, Dr. Cristian Nitoiu, Dahrendorf Postdoctoral Fellow in EU-Russia Relations at the London School of Economics, told Sputnik, noting that “a look at his [Trump’s] business interests in the country, and major donors to his presidential campaign, attest to that.”

“A lot of his ventures in the US are partially funded by capital from firms in Israel,” Dr. Nitoiu told Sputnik.

Israeli Settlements

A flagrant collusion between Trump’s team and the government of Israel, aimed at undermining both US government policy and international law, has been uncovered by Mueller’s investigation.

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US Caught Aiding ISIS: Fight in the Skies of Deir-Ezzor


US Air Forces Central Command, Russian/Syrian aircraft crossed a de-confliction line into coalition airspace east of the Euphrates River 6-8 times a day in late November. “The greatest concern is that we could shoot down these aircraft because of their actions are seen as a threat” to coalition forces, the source claimed recently together with CNN.
In turn, Assad’s allies announced that most of the rapprochement between Russian/Syrian and U.S.-led coalition’ aircraft in the vicinity of the Euphrates River valley in Syria was associated with the attempts of the U.S. aircraft to interfere with the destruction of ISIS terrorists.


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Viktig, oppklarende artikkel:

Mr. Trump, Jerusalem is NOT the capital of biblical Israel

NEO – The US and Global Artificial Intelligence Arms Race

«Here’s looking at ya», or maybe I should say «thinking about ya».

by  Ulson Gunnar ,    … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

False flag attack capability could be raised to a level beyond imagination

[ Editor’s Note: We have not published much on VT about Artificial Intelligence because it is such an huge and vastly multilayered subject in terms of all of its applications. So once again we turn to out partner, NEO, to begin with Gunnar’s excellent primer article below.

AI is of course a defense contractor’s dream come true as it opens up massive opportunities for both offensive and defensive applications. The poor taxpayer pocketbook gets whacked coming and going.

The US, as usual, is leading in AI with its military offensive capabilities, which has stimulated crash research and funding from potential targets to defend themselves and also have their own retaliation offensive programs.

The US taxpayer is now over a barrel in having to fund more billions in defensive AI into what is going to be an AI arms race. Israel will do its usual thing, steal AI from us, make their own superior version and then sell off watered down ones to US potential adversaries to keep cozy relations with them.

Les resten:

The Protocols of the Box, an Ancient Modern Day Parable


Editor’s note: Steve Robertson represents a move at VT, making a home for the major writers from mainstream media that simply couldn’t stand it anymore.  He now joins VT in Google’s exile department, delisted, misdirected and more.  They even froze my Gmail accounts, killed my YouTube and no longer allow me access to whatever “Google Plus” is.

Do I look like I care?  What’s their problem?  All I did was expose Google for running torture and assassination teams and staging, through “Jigsaw,” two gas attacks inside Syria.

Les resten:

Zionism, is White Nationalism is Bolshevism, the real “Right”


Editor’s note:  With Trump now officially a Zionist puppet, here to push America into another phony war, it is time to reflect on the scum that backed him.  Those of us who predict events with some record of success know Trump and his Bolshie masters are planning a huge false flag attack on America to push for a new war.  We begin:

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Bolshevism is the real religion behind Zionism.  Bolshevism promotes mass human slavery at the hands of a select ruling class.  To achieve its ends, Bolshies work hand in hand with Wall Street, the City of London, the Rothschilds, the Vatican and their agents, the CIA, RAW, MI6, Mossad and others, to keep mankind in decline.

The press is just one of their many tools.  Governments are simply another.  Their greatest tool of all is “dumb folks.”

Even as a small child, growing up in Detroit, it was easy to see.  Those who know history or who take responsibility for their own lives, credit trade unions for things like decent public schools, fire departments, clean water and air, a minimum wage and nearly every other positive act government is involved in.

Those who oppose unions, generally the ignorant and the “outdoor toilet” folks, never paid into Social Security in the first place, field hands often don’t, and had no reason to want to protect it from the thieving GOP.

Les resten:

Zionism, is White Nationalism is Bolshevism, the real “Right”

En veldig viktig historietime for alle som vil forstå historien bak kurdernes problemer, og ikke minst Israels innblanding i deres rekker og områder. Det er flere land som har mye blod på hendene, i tillegg til kurderne selv, og dette er årsaken til hvorfor mange israelere veiver med et kurdisk flagg, og motsatt.

Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood


…by Richard Edmondson

[ Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it. The VT team met Richard in Syria at the counter-terrorism conference where he was traveling as an independent. We shared a ride and security back to Beirut when we left.

He is one of those do the grunt work research writers to do original material, unlike the mob that rewrites the news today for internet postings and then pretending to be journalists.

Most of the time they have no educational background for it, career work, or personal sources to really do the work. It is always a pleasure to get his material and be able to share it with you Jim W. Dean ]

Richard Edmundson on left, back row, Counter Terrorism court in Damascus with VT team, Dec. 2015


Perhaps at some point we’ll see a sly Zionist pop up somewhere claiming the Kurds are an “ancient biblical people.” And doubtless, if so, he’d have plenty of money to buy off plenty of historians to “verify” his claim.

And maybe in the not-so-distant future we could even anticipate publication of a brand new modern English translation of the Bible with a rewording of the Book of Genesis to include the following:

Les resten:

Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

Riyadh advancing Israeli interests, Palestinian officials worry

New York Times: Israel and Saudi Arabia are pushing America into war with Iran

Why did Donald Trump recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Righteous Jewish scholars condemn Trump Jerusalem ploy

Jerusalem Rising: Antichrist Cometh

MILLION A WEEK CLUB – The Bad Stuff No 3

Israeli soldiers filmed harassing schoolchildren in occupied Hebron (VIDEO)

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed.

Les resten:

Syria: Reuters Reports of isis fighters left in secret deal


Graphic: Police Shooting by Phillip Mitchell Brailsford, Coward or Insane Drugged Out Cop, You Judge

Vladimir Putin: I will survive the New World Order in 2018

Finally, Syria on the Path to Winning the War on terror

Oliver Stone: Vladimir Putin Is Rational

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Anyone who has watched Vladimir Putin’s speeches, dialogues and interactions over the past six years or so must admit that he…

Sergei Lavrov: “Bloodthirsty tirade” against North Korea is unacceptable

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has recently called a spade a spade and has chastised United States officials once again for…

Omar al-Bashir to Putin: I need your protection against the New World Order

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has surprised some politicians when he approached Vladimir Putin and said that he needed “protection from the…

Russia Probe: US and Russia Swimming in Bolshevik Soup with a Generous Helping…

Why are we allowing a criminal enterprise to run at least two of the most powerful countries in the world?

Groper in Chief: Trump, Show Us the Receipts if Summer Zervos Is Lying

Syrian War Report – December 7, 2017: Iran-Lebanon Land Route

Bill Clinton to Netanyahu: “Who the fuck does he think he is?”

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 07, 2017

Pearl Harbor Day false flag alert! War party about to stage “provocation” in Mideast, Korea?

Finding Simpler Ways to Diagnosis Disease

The Palestinians; Abdicating the Cause

Keep Tweeting Mr President!

Francis, an Antipope Heretic? This is “Old News”

Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: “Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional Unethical Idea of the 21st Century”

Terrorism and Islam: Correlation is not causation

There is no al Qaeda in Afghanistan

Saleh’s death means a fresh hell beckons for Yemen

Detained Saudi princes, tycoons agree to cash settlements

Ukraine: UN needs to continue food aide and support Eastern Ukraine.

Who is isis today? Israel for oil

Syrian War Report – December 6, 2017: Tiger Forces Reached Al-Bukamal

Quest Complete: The Planet Is OURS

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 06, 2017

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed

Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon, hosts of By Any Means Necessary on Sputnik Radio, spoke to Max Blumenthal, author and journalist as well as the senior editor of progressive website AlterNet.

Les resten:

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event

War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East

Is Netanyahu still a psychopath and pathological liar?


Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor December 6, 2017


Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event



War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East


SDF spokesman defector: US armed Kurdish terror groups to fight Daesh and SAA

Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event

War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East

Is Netanyahu still a psychopath and pathological liar?

Syrian War Report – December 5, 2017: Israeli Forces Launch More Missiles On Syria

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 05, 2017

Will Trump set the Mideast on fire to avoid treason charges?

SDF spokesman defector: US armed Kurdish terror groups to fight Daesh and SAA

Prize Wepler Fondation la Poste 2017

Oliver Stone: Vladimir Putin Is Rational

Will My Diocese Enforce the “Mark of the Beast?”

Open Source Everything!

Syrian War Report – December 4, 2017: Israeli-Iranian Tensions Gain Momentum

US Intel chief promised SDF corridor to the Mediterranean Sea

Talal Silo former spokesperson for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces – SDF

… from  Southfront

The theater staging of these SDF events is a give-away that it is being used at a US Balkanizing tool to be used in the political talks

[ Editor’s Note: This is a very strange story from the same source, which follows a very credible one I posted yesterdayon how the US laundered weapons through the phantom Arab segment of the SDF to parties unknown.

The CIA is not empowered to offer or negotiate the deal described below, that the US would get the Kurds an opening through Syrian to the Mediterranean to make it a potentially more viable future independent country with its own supply lines.

And second, the Turks are currently in control of northwestern Syria and it will be a cold day in hell before they would agree to such a Kurdish corridor. And third, if you look further south that Syrian Mediterranean area is Assad’s heartland.

Theoretically, the Kurds could be thinking they could offer to withdraw from the recently captured eastern Euphrates river area to the Iraqi border in return for a Med corridor. But why would Damascus ever agree to that?

And now that the Russian, Syrians and Kurds have a joint operations command in Deir Ezzor, where would the real push come for such a corridor?

General Eugeny, a representative of the Russian military group in Syria, announced yesterday in a meeting with the Kurdish YPG that a joint operations command would be set up to coordinate the mopping up of remaining ISIS pockets in the Euphrates River Valley. Strangely there has been no comment in this from Damascus, but we will be pinging our sources to see if there is a quiet agreement to such an arrangement.

Once the ISIS war is really wound down I believe we see a shift into a political and terror war in Syria where only the means to get what outside parties want will changeJim W. Dean ]

Les resten:

US Intel chief promised SDF corridor to the Mediterranean Sea

Ex-Yemeni leader Saleh killed after selling out to Saudis

Breaking: Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh killed in Sana fighting

Jeff Gates/Mel Rockefeller: Memo to Four Generals

Fabricated Hate, the Phony “Jew v. Nazi” Fake Narrative

Erdogan’s insomnia and NATO’s H-Bombs in Turkey

Former SDF spokesman rats out U.S. using SDF front org to arm Kurdish militias

The Power of Hierarchy and the Psuedo-Truth Monopoly

Strategies to Bring Down the New World Order

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 03, 2017

Esoteric Evolution, a primer for the New Gods – Twin Peaks I

The Tet Offensive and Its Aftermath – Om Vietnam

Cointel pro, handlers and Our Constitution of the United States of America

Sergei Lavrov: “Bloodthirsty tirade” against North Korea is unacceptable

Planet X: The Perfect “I Don’t Fear God” Remedy


Excalibur, Duality and Your Sword of Truth

Pravda: Another war brewing in the Persian Gulf

Ka-226T: Shining Mirror of Russian Helicopters’ Bright Future (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Turkey: “SDF Never Existed,” Arms all Went to Kurdish Terror Groups and ISIS

97% of the Universe May Not Even Exist – But 9/11 and the Holocaust Are Sacred Eternal Truths?

Million a Week Club: USA Total Gamma Rad No 2

Black Gun Friday Special Sale

“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”: Planned US Nuclear Attack against USSR

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 02, 2017

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 02, 2017

British Intel Files: Khazarian Mafia “Terrorized London”

Trump Picked to Attack Iran, Was it Saudi Arabia and Israel that Rigged the US Election (video/Press TV)

Breaking: Turkey issues arrest warrant for former CIA official Graham Fuller over coup attempt

Former national security adviser Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

“Dickhead” Flynn Locked Up, not “Corrupt Hillary” as G-d Smiles

Syrian War Report – December 1, 2017: ISIS Plans To Move Its Caliphate To LibyaSyrian War Report – December 1, 2017: ISIS Plans To Move Its Caliphate To Libya


UN wants Saudi-led siege on Yemen totally lifted

Sudanese president to Vladimir Putin: I need your protection against the New World Order

Russia Probe: Are the US and Russia Swimming in a Bolshevik Soup with a Generous Helping of Kosher Nostra on Top?

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 01, 2017

Russia Probe: Rigged Election? Who’s afraid of a Red Herring?


Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er:

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

NEO – New Revelations in the Syrian War

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us

Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation?

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

Tidligere CIA-sjef innrømmer å ha medvirket i 3 av tidenes største løgner

Veldig viktig artikkel, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall



Middle East

‘Night of the Long Knives’ for Princes comes to Saudi Arabia


ICC prosecutor seeks investigation into Afghanistan war crimes


NEO – A Self-struck Disaster and a Resurgent China Await Trump…


NEO – When RussiaGate Goes Really Viral

Middle East

Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on…


Report: New York Terror Attack, Israel Wants Nuclear War or Clash…

War in Syria

Russia Debunks UN-OPCW Report Blaming Damascus for Idlib Chemical Attack

War in Syria

Syria War Report – November 3, 2017: Syrian Army Liberated Deir…

Media Partner – SouthFront November 3, 2017

…from SouthFront ISIS gave up the ghost in Deir Ezzor city after the Tiger Forces and the Republican Guard had liberated the key neighborhoods of…

Absurdities of Syrian war propaganda

November 3, 2017

Syria War Report – November 2, 2017: Government Forces Clearing Northern…

November 2, 2017

Syria War Report – October 31, 2017: Tiger Forces Advance Deep…

October 31, 2017

Syrian opposition acknowledges Assad as political and military reality

October 31, 2017



You’re Fired!

Western firms primed to cash in on Syria’s oil and gas ‘frontier’

Muellers etterforskning gir nok beviser til å tiltale Michael Flynn

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, #Syria, Afghanistan, Irak, Kurdistan, Menneskehandel, Mossad, Narkotika-mafia, Nyheter, Pedofili, Russland, Tyrkia, Wikileaks | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser søndag 12. november , 2017 kl. 18:08

Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn




The sources reportedly told NBC that investigators are examining Flynn’s lobbying contacts and exploring possible charges of money laundering and lying to federal agents.They are also investigating whether he attempted to orchestrate the extradition of Fethullah Gulenfrom the US to Turkey in exchange for millions of dollars.

Les resten:

Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn

Podesta – «Pizzagate» -avleningsmanøvren…

Alex Jones Apologises for ‘Pizzagate’ Fake News | Veterans Today …

25. mar. 2017 – In the segment, Jones purported to link a number of high-profile pedophilia cases to a major operation led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta and using underground tunnels to traffic young children through the city. The rumors, which were widely discredited by …

Disclosure: Beyond the Burning the FBI, VT Breaks … – Veterans Today

5. nov. 2016 – Julian Assange says his motives are anything but partisan, but the timing, selection and presentation of the emails hacked from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s account leave little doubt that their intent is to sway the outcome. (If there were any lingering doubts, WikiLeaks’ habit of tweeting out …

Wikileaks is the Mossad, Stupid, Not the Russians … – Veterans Today

3. nov. 2016 – Finally, last month, WikiLeaks posted over 50,000 emails connected to John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, and a close associate of the current presidential frontrunner. View image on Twitter. The Homeland Security Department and Office of the Director of National Intelligence posted a joint statement …

Former NSA Officer – CIA Lying About Russians … – Veterans Today

14. des. 2016 – Since Podesta has a staff handling his emails it was a staffer who clicked on the fake Google link and provided the hackers with Podesta’s password. Eventually that staffer is Milia Fisher which the inside man/woman could be, her because she ignored the real link and clicked on the fake Google link.
Gordon Duff, redaktør i Veterans Today, vil forklare det hele for dere, veldig godt. De fortjener ikke bare ros for sin etterforskning, men også Guds velsignelse. I det minste at «mainstream»-media lyttet til dem:

Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story

The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.


…by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor

I am going to keep this short and sweet.  The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.  The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is carefully engineered.

The real story, the one Pizzagate was invented to cover, the real reason Weinstein is being used, and we will get to that as well, is the child sex ring run by Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell, out of New York and Mara Lago.

This was a Mossad burn operation that caught hundreds and put them into virtual slavery, key members of regulatory bodies, including and especially the US Department of Energy, the Security and Exchange Commission and House GOP leadership.

Controlling the DOE allows the Kosher Nostra to continue to trade in stolen weapons grade nuclear material, one of the investigations buried after 9/11.

Les resten:

Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story | Veterans Today

26. nov. 2017 – …by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor. I am going to keep this short and sweet. The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it. The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is …

What everyone has largely ignored about the Weinstein scandal


A lot has been written about Harvey Weinstein and the sex scandal and quite frankly, most  of it has been rubbish, written by hacks and scandal mongers who utterly failed to see past the superficial surface of the affair and dig into the real reasons behind the take down of one of the leading figures in Hollywood.

Of course, Harvey Weinstein is an asshole, a terrible human being, just one of many in Hollywood – a place that has always been run by such people, invariably Jewish and invariably terrible human beings.

However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why?

Why Weinstein? What has he done to bring this on himself, who has he upset? These are the key questions that almost no-one has bothered to ask.

I think the most obvious place to look for an answer is in Weinstein’s political life, his fundraising and campaign donations, who he has supported and who he has made his enemies by doing so.

Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat, a supporter of Hillary Clinton and before her, Obama and John Kerry.

Les resten:

What everyone has largely ignored about the … – Veterans Today

1. nov. 2017 – However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why? …. Ian Greenhalgh is a photographer and historian with a particular interest in military history and the real causes of conflicts.

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall

Jeg anbefaler alle å lese Bergdahls brev til sine foreldre, og resten av artikkelen, på det varmeste:

Trump vs. Bergdahl: Which one is the treasonous, cowardly scumbag?

A question to ponder


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Donald Trump just tweeted that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should be in prison and it’s a “complete and total disgrace” that he isn’t doing hard time. Many people feel the same way about Trump.

I’m not talking about “Russia-gate.” That Establishment propaganda campaign demonizing Trump as a Russian agent is a joke, given the way other foreign interests, starting with the Israelis, totally own and operate our political system. Putin, who is pushing back against the unipolar NWO while trying to keep a lid on the crime oligarchs’ power in Russia, is more of a good guy than a bad guy.

VT has scooped the world in exposing the real Trump-Russia issue: organized crime. It isn’t Putin who has Trump in his pocket. It’s the Russian(-Israeli) mob.

Trump has been cavorting with mobsters for most of his adult life—and routinely doing business with them. (“The gambling industry” is a euphemism for money laundering.) There are many plausible reports of Trump hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein and raping underage girls, hiring prostitutes to urinate on beds the previous president slept in, behaving boorishly and perhaps criminally toward grown women, and generally engaging in the sort of excesses not untypical of arrogant wealthy men who move in organized crime circles.

So the “scumbag” part of “treasonous cowardly scumbag” would seem to apply to Trump, not Bergdahl. How about the label “cowardly”?

Bergdahl is accused of getting fed up with the horrific war crimes (and general idiocy) of the corrupt, heroin-centered Afghan war effort, leaving his base, and allowing himself to be “captured” by the Afghan resistance. Here is his final pre-defection email to his parents:

Les resten


ICC prosecutor seeks investigation into Afghanistan war crimes


Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World

Gas lines in America during 1973 oil embargo

By Nauman Sadiq for Veterans Today

Is this not one of international politics most significant ‘coincidences’ that the Balfour declaration for the creation of Israel was adopted in the same fateful year, November 1917, in which the February and October 1917 communist revolutions were taking place in Russia?

No informed person can deny the importance of energy for industrial economies, but it is generally assumed in the foreign policy circles that oil took the center stage in international politics after the collective Arab oil embargo of 1973 against the West, when the price of oil quadrupled within a short span of time.

It is a fact that Washington became so paranoid after the 1973 oil embargo that it put in place a ban on the export of crude oil outside the US borders — which is still in place — and began keeping 60 days stock of reserve fuel for strategic and military needs.

Les resten:

Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World


Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on the Way

Tidligere nyheter:

Flynn mottok penger under bordet fra Tyrkia:

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy


Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy

“Flynn must have known what he was getting himself into.” 

… from Al-Monitor

Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin

[ Editor’s Note: This is a short seminar on lobbying versus espionage. Listen carefully. No government pays out sums like a half million dollars, even through a middleman corporation, for open source intelligence to be done via a former NSA director. The idea of it in this case was ludicrous.

Turkey has a huge espionage operation in the US, with fingers deep into the business community as its primary operational blind, as you see in this case, with tons of money available, which draws the flies. Turkey has a huge already trained staff to provide “open sourced Intel”.

So the only reason they lay out this kind of money to people at Flynn’s level is because they know they have access to classified information. In Flynn’s case it was the current briefings that the Trump transition team got in December, where everything in it was classified and current, which is why Turkey wanted it.


 Les resten:

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center … – Veterans Today


Thus, in the course of his negotiations with Flynn Intel Group, “the need for a lobbying and PR component was agreed upon but never executed, which is why I reclaimed and they reimbursed some $95,000,” he said.

At a certain level a pile of cash like this is one notch above confetti

Trump to Silence Flynn over Turkish Death Squad … – Veterans Today

Flynn failed to disclose income from Russian entities … – Veterans Today

It Wasn’t Russia, How Erdogan Bought Trump and … – Veterans Today


Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash

…Erdogan didn’t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.


[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

VT calls for special prosecutor for Trump, Flynn for Turkey as well, they financed SOHO, paid Flynn, bombed Americans and Trump knew

…Erdogan didn´t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor´s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

Trump allowed Turkey to repeatedly bomb America´s allies in Syria, with American advisors embedded with them scrambling for their lives.  Now we see that Trump and Flynn scuttled US efforts against ISIS on behalf of Turkey, Flynn got $530,000 and Trump simply served the gangsters who financed Trump SOHO and so much more, his Bayrock partner.

Flynn had been on the Turkish payroll and under active investigation by the FBI for working for Turkey, not Russia but Turkey, when Trump put him into the White House.  Trump knew this according to this story from the New York Times:

Les resten:

Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash | Veterans Today


NEO – Does Flynn Exit Aid World Peace?


Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last

Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last


Gas From Israel And The Flynn Wiretapping


Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood


…by Richard Edmondson

[ Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it. The VT team met Richard in Syria at the counter-terrorism conference where he was traveling as an independent. We shared a ride and security back to Beirut when we left.

He is one of those do the grunt work research writers to do original material, unlike the mob that rewrites the news today for internet postings and then pretending to be journalists.

Most of the time they have no educational background for it, career work, or personal sources to really do the work. It is always a pleasure to get his material and be able to share it with you Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten:

Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

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