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Kategori: Nazisme

Aftenposten/Norsk media og Forsvarets tabbe: Dere har forsvart og støttet folkemord med løgn og fortielse

Kategori: Nazisme | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 21. november , 2017 kl. 00:20

Nordmannens tabbe utløste skandalen under årets viktigste NATO-øvelse

Sendt: 17. november 2017 10:47
Emne: For dere som trenger beviser på USAs støtte til IS og terror

USA har forsynt IS via amerikanske militærleire i Tyskland:

Blockbuster/Exclusive: Deadly US Bio-warfare Exposed

Se videointervju med journalist Silverman her:

NEO: UK’s Guardian and Arms to Terrorists – Sacrificing the Associates to Protect the Crooks

Sendt: 18. november 2017 10:09
Emne: NATOs hykleri angående Tyrkia veldig lett å forstå – Google Idea Groups – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros


Hvis dere leste redaktør i Veterans Today  Jim Deans svært avslørende artikkel om hvorfor og hvordan Russland har vunnet i Midtøsten ( – og landets tidligere fiende som har tjent rått på IS og til og med vært med på å skyte ned russiske fly – så vil dere forstå NATOs hykleri. Nå som Tyrkia samarbeider med Russland (som sammen med Iran, Irak, Hizbollah m.fl har overvunnet det USAskapte og NATO-støttede IS’ kamp mot Assad, også støttet av Israel) har Tyrkia plutselig blitt en fiende. Tyrkia var aldri en fiende da de stod bak massemord av kristne, yazidier og muslimer som en tjener og god samarbeidspartner for vestlige land, men NÅ plutselig er det en fiende fordi det kan lære hvordan NATO har tenkt å ta rotta på Russland. Eier dere ikke skam i livet? – Les artikkelen til Gordon Duff  (nederst) så blir dere klokere:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros

Column: Politics

Region: USA in the WorldLes resten:

Sendt: 12. november 2017 20:54
Til:;;;;;;;;; The Daily Sheeple;
Emne: Dette kartet og disse avsløringene burde bekymre Israel mer enn Hizbollah og Iran-styrker som sammen med den syriske hær og Russland har bekjempet IS

Amerikas nye planer for etnisk konflikt, drar krig med Russland nærmere – Khazakstan og dets problemer

Les om oljen og gassen vi i Vesten stjeler fra Midtøsten med den «enkle» fremgangsmåte, som fungerer hver eneste steike gang overfor journalister som er med på notene, «Deres demokratiske valgte landsleder synes vi er en drittsekk, troll, tyrann og diktatorer – i henhold til vår egen edle standard – derfor må han fjernes!»


———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: 2016-09-09 19:25 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead

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Date: 2016-08-30 18:32 GMT+02:00

Subject: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead


Kazakhstan and its problems

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Raqqas Rockefellere – Hvordan IS smugler sin olje

Turkey Surrenders?

Turkey Surrenders? | Veterans Today


Erdogan is now supposedly negotiating a “peace deal” with Israel, placating tensions that were caused by the Gaza flotilla in 2010.

US is in Israel’s death grip | Veterans Today

Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli-made ‘suicide’ drones


Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli … – Veterans Today

Israel arms it’s Azerbaijani vassal in preparation for upcoming Trump war on Iran

15. des. 2016 – … moved Iskander ballistic missile systems with the range to strike anywhere in Turkey or Israel into Armenia, Azerbaijan’s Caucasus neighbour …

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? | Veterans Today

21. apr. 2016 – With the decades-long Azeri-Armenian conflict over the disputed … Lieberman’s words would be echoed by retired Israel Defense Forces …

Why Armenia Needs the Iskander System

The first misconception is that Armenia occupied the territories of …. Duff on Press TV: Iran Asks for Sequester of Israel’s Nuclear Weapons.

URGENT: Russia Silent as Israel Bombs Syria | Veterans Today

22. apr. 2017 – As it turned out, Israeli aviation attacked the Syrian government troops with unmanned aerial vehicles. The soldiers of SAA’s 90th Infantry …

What’s Behind Nagorno-Karabakh Row Between … – Veterans Today

2. apr. 2016 – On April 2, Armenia and Azerbaijan declared a dramatic escalation of …. I am waiting to see just how Israel/Mossad are mixed up in this latest …

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?


Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh: Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler? | Veterans Today

30. apr. 2016 – Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh..

Armenia var verdens første kristne land.

Abraham kom fra Ur i Armenia, ikke Ur i Kaldea. Noen har malt over en historisk stein.

Anti Christ Rising in the Nagorno-Karabakh | Veterans Today


The Enemy Of A Jew Is A Jew | Veterans Today

29. jul. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk …. Israel became not a country but a people and true to the very nature of its founding by the Armenian, Syrian, Mittani and …

Soros and The Gang | Veterans Today

9. jan. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk … the Turks who massacred the Orthodox Christian Armenians over a century ago and fund ISIS across their border, and the …

Greater Israel and the Tale of Two Temples | Veterans Today

18. aug. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk ….. a kingdom that once incorporated Syria and Armenia and that was in alliance with Egypt during a critical period in history …

Hizbollah er alltid det syriske folk og lands beskytter

Hezbollah is always the protector of the Syrian people and state

By GPD on June 23, 2016


Weinstein var Hillary og Bill Clinton, Kerrys og Obamas sponsor


Ingrid Zundel, famed anti-Semite and famed Nazi hunter as well?

Zundel and Wiesenthal

Introduction by Gordon Duff

Did Ingrid Zundel, the accused anti-Semite, help Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal hunt down Josef Mengel and expose Nazi penetration of Paraguay? We cover this and other surprising points as we begin to celebrate the controversial lives of Ingrid and Ernst Zundel, two very brave people who we, at least, will not forget.

The article below is about Ingrid Rimland Zundel.  Ingrid, a longtime VT contributor, died October 12, 2017, only two months after her husband, Ernst Zundel, died in Germany.  Both were personal friends, people of great kindness and impeccable manners.  Thus, both were hated by “the usual suspects.”

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Caught? Russia Accuses US of Genetic Bioweapons Production

Claims US is collecting Russian bio samples to manufacture anti-Russian diseases…at Tbilisi facility?


A new conspiracy theory, voiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights about the efforts of  US special services to collect biomaterial for the subsequent development of biological weapons against Russia, caused explosive reactions in social media. Putin’s remarks about the biomaterial has become an Internet meme instantly.

“Do you know that the biological material is collected all over the country for different ethnic groups and peoples living in different geographical area of the Russian Federation? The question is why they are doing it, and they are doing it purposefully and professionally.We are an object of great interest. Of course, we do not need to have any fear about it. Let them do whatever they want, and we must do what we have to do,” Putin said without specifying what the Russians should do in response to such activities.

Predictably, many people suggested that Russia will start searching for foreign agents or collectors of biomaterials. Russian senators have reacted to Putin’s statement by saying that the Council of the Federation was aware of the problem. “We are aware of their interest. Let those who are engaged in this work on the territory of Russia do not take offense,” Senator Franz Klintsevich said.

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Vitne til terroren i Las Vegas funnet død i sitt eget hjem:

Kimberly Suchomel Survived, Wrote Vivid Description Of Multiple Shooters

Planned To Expose Coverup – Found Dead In Her Home
