2018: World must save Holy City from Israel, fearlessly confront false claims, challenge cruelty and expose the lies. Campaigners for justice, including civil society in all countries, need to re-frame Palestine-Israel narrative and demolish Zionist fantasy
Everyone who has been there is charmed by this exquisite city of great antiquity. It has survived two dozen wars and is the focal point for the two peoples – Palestinians and Jews – and the three religions, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.
Its many holy places are a magnet to the faithful of all denominations from all corners of the world, which is why Jerusalem was designated an international city under separate management in the UN’s 1947 Partition Plan.
But Israel’s ongoing military occupation and annexation mean that countless Christian and Muslim Palestinians – even those living just outside the city – have been unable to visit their holy places for many years. And travellers from outside the Holy Land have to endure the obnoxious interference of Israeli security if they wish to set foot in Palestine and the old city.
Zionists claim Jerusalem is theirs by right. Actually, it was already 2000 years old and an established, fortified city when captured by King David. It dates back 5000 years and the name is derived from Uru-Shalem, meaning “founded by Shalem (the Canaanite God of Dusk)”.
A potted history looks like this. Jerusalem, in its ‘City of David’ form, lasted only 73 years. In 928BC the Kingdom divided into Israel and Judah, and in 597BC the Babylonians conquered the city and destroyed Solomon’s temple.
The Jews recaptured it in 164BC but finally lost it to the Roman Empire in 63BC. Before the present troubles the Jews, in total, controlled Jerusalem for some 500 years compared to the 1,200+ years it was subsequently ruled by Muslims and the 2000 years, or thereabouts, it originally belonged to the Canaanites.
A burning issue today is the control of, and access to, the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the third holiest in Islam after Mecca and Medina, and the centre of Christian belief. Here, according to Biblical tradition, Solomon built the first temple, completed in 953BC but destroyed by the Babylonians in 586BC. After years in exile the Jews built their second temple, which was destroyed by the Romans under Titus in 70AD. When the Jews rebelled against Roman occupation a second time Hadrian barred them from the city.
The 4th century, when Jerusalem became a Christian city, saw the building of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Persians came and went, leaving a trail of destruction. Then, after the Islamic conquest in 690, two major shrines were constructed over the ruins of the earlier temples, the Dome of the Rock, from which Muhammed is said to have ascended to Heaven, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Crusaders re-took Jerusalem in 1099 and The Temple Mount became the headquarters of the Knights Templar. In 1187 Saladin ended the Crusader Kingdom and restored the city to Islam while allowing Jews and Christians to remain.
We are going to begin on Hollywood. To a large extent, Hollywood is a closed community, largely Jewish, with censorship and controls by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “protecting” at risk populations from, as it now turns out, freedom of expression but not rape.
What we have really found is that “watchdog” organizations, several, have blackmailed sex criminals for over $250 million in recent months only.
This is a ton of cash for people tied directly to Steve Bannon. I love Bannon. It has been Bannon that has long proven that the neo-Nazi haters and the Israel lobby eat at the same table, live on the same corporate cash and back the same crooked politicians.
This, of course, proves Americans “too stupid to live” but Nixon and Reagan did that long before George W. Bush made it official. Trump is just icing on the cake.
I love this idea of Russians influencing things. We know who runs the news, the media, who censors everything we see and hear, and who pays millions to silence and smear anyone who tries to tell the truth.
When that doesn’t work, murder works, over and over.
Russia never had anything to do with it. America is destroyed by poisoned food, air and water, by lies told in schools, by Google and Facebook, by MTV, by most reality TV (except the show where people make knives, that one is ultra-cool) and by pseudo-lefty controlled opposition.
We need full national health care, a $15 dollar minimum wage, no more doctors unions, and end to insurance and pharmaceutical companies, and the Federal Reserve closed immediately and the assets around the world of their multiple central banks seized and those involved executed and arrested, as required by applicable laws.
America needs a real constitution, unlike the one the Rothschilds bought us with their Federalist traitor friends. We don’t need two senators for non-existent states, we don’t need an electoral college or a Supreme Court. These are anti-democratic/royalist institutions that function under foreign control.
We need one special interest group, America. Government is supposed to do what Trump actually promised, protect borders, end trade inequities and stop interfering in world affairs. He just hasn’t done any of it, not hardly.
We need to close the service academies, clean the garbage careerists out of the military and cut out standing army to nothing. We need mandatory military training for all Americans like Israel does. I like what they do, it’s smart.
Drug trade, drug use has to end including a start with the banks that work with the cartels and the CIA’s involvement. Drug test everyone every week starting with Trump and Congress.
James Jamerson (bass) & Gladys Knight – Heard it through the grapevine
Esekiel 1
20 Dit ånden ville at de skulle gå, dit gikk de. Og hjulene løftet seg sammen med dem, for skapningenes ånd var i hjulene.21De gikk når skapningene gikk, og stanset når de stanset. Og når de løftet seg fra jorden, løftet hjulene seg sammen med dem, for skapningenes ånd var i hjulene.
Job 1
29Var det din forstand som lærte falken å fly, spre vingene og gli mot sør?
30 Er det på ditt ord at ørnen stiger
og bygger rede så høyt oppe?
31Den holder til blant klipper,
bak festninger av kvasse tinder.
32Derfra speider den etter mat,
øynene skuer vidt omkring.
33 Ørneungene slurper i seg blod,
hvor det finnes åtsler, er den på plass.
34Herren svarte Job og sa:
35«Ønsker klageren å føre sak mot Den veldige?
Den som anklager Gud, må svare!» 36Da svarte Job Herren og sa:
37 «Jeg er så liten, hva kunne jeg svare deg?
Jeg legger hånden over munnen.
38En gang har jeg talt og tar ikke mer til orde,
to ganger, men nå sier jeg ikke mer.»
Throughout my life, I have heard too many weird stories that my mind just couldn’t perceive them all as true. One of the weirdest and most unbelievable of them is the story of Joseph.
https://www.veteranstoday.com › Life › Religion & Philosophy
25. aug. 2017 – … a biblical story, and had I not been Egyptian. Any given story should have a general ambiance that sets it apart by a unique dialogue, location and cultural background. That’s what we call the milieu of the story. The Story of Joseph is an ancient Arabian tale, and everything about it is Arabian: its linguistic, …
22. jun. 2017 – According to the Hebrew Bible the story of The Exodus starts some 260 – 300 years earlier with the selling of the Patriarch Joseph as a slave. Although our research presents a strong argument against Egypt being the land on which all the Israelite stories took place, (including that ofJoseph), but that aside …
2. aug. 2016 – What if Egypt was fraudulently introduced in the Bible as the theater of the Israelite stories? What if the homeland of Judaism and the early Israelites is not Palestine? What if ancient Egypt never knew any so called Pharaohs? What if Abraham, Joseph and Moses never set foot in Egypt nor even dreamed …
Gammelt fiendskap basert på «åger»; renter man krever fra sin bror og søster forklart:
‘Jews are not the ‘Chosen People’, Palestine is not the Promised LandThe Jews were rejected by the Israelites as brutal gang-masters and tax extortionists.British Hebrew exposes world’s greatest scam.’
A limited inquiry into why the Jews think they are ‘Chosen’ above others, and entitled to other people’s real estate as their ‘Promised Land’.
This essay will found its basic argument on the contents of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, supposedly written by Moses but also rumoured to have been scripted by the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in the first century. Short-hand on stone tablets is impossible so how was it recorded? Leaving that aside, let us examine the contents, with the assistance of the First Book of Chronicles.
If we descend the family tree from Noah, our interest must focus on Shem, although a study of the sons of Japhet will also bring rewards. (See especially Antiquities of the Jews Book II, Chapter 6, by Josephus.) One of Shem’s 5 sons was named Arphaxad, who in turn father Shelah, who fathered Eber. At that point our interest is raised because Eber is accepted as the patriarch of the Hebrews. Outside of the Old Testament myth-building, ‘habiru’ is simply the word for a wanderer.
Eber the first Hebrew had two sons, Peleg and Joktan. I Chronicles 1, verse 20 seems to contain a misprint at this point, stating Joktan begat Almodad and twelve other sons, while verse 24 goes on to list another ten sons of Joktan without giving any mention to Peleg. It would seem strange that Peleg had no sons and Joktan had twenty three. (Falsus in unum, falsus in omnia?)
Pocahontas might be a household name, but the true story of her short but powerful life has been buried in myths that have persisted since the 17th century.
To start with, Pocahontas wasn’t even her actual name. Born about 1596, her real name was Amonute, and she also had the more private name Matoaka. Pocahontas was her nickname, which depending on who you ask means “playful one” or “ill-behaved child.”
Pocahontas was the favorite daughter of Powhatan, the formidable ruler of the more than 30 Algonquian-speaking tribes in and around the area that the early English settlers would claim as Jamestown, Virginia. Years later—after no one was able to dispute the facts—John Smith wrote about how she, the beautiful daughter of a powerful native leader, rescued him, an English adventurer, from being executed by her father.
28. nov. 2017 – Pocahontas might be a household name, but the true story of her short but powerful life has been buried in myths that have persisted since the 17th century.
Jesaja 34
Dommen over Edom
34Kom og hør, dere folkeslag,
lytt, dere folk!
Jorden og alt som fyller den, skal høre,
verden og alt som spirer der!
2 For Herren er harm på alle folk,
han er vred på hele deres hær.
Han har slått dem med bann
og gitt dem over til slakting.
3 De drepte blir slengt til side,
stank stiger fra likene,
og blod flyter på fjellene.
4 Oppløst blir hele himmelens hær,
som en bokrull blir himmelen rullet sammen.
Hele dens hær skal visne
som løvet på vinstokken visner
og frukten på fikentreet skrumper inn.
5For mitt sverd
har drukket seg utørst i himmelen,
nå farer det ned over Edom
til dom over folket jeg slår med bann.
6 Herren har et sverd
fullt av blod,
det drypper av fett,
av blod fra lam og bukker,
av nyrefett fra værer.
Det er offerslakting for Herren i Bosra,
stor nedslakting i Edom.
7Sammen med dem skal villokser falle,
unge stuter og sterke okser.
Jorden skal drikke seg utørst av blod
og støvet gjødsles med fett.
8 Det er hevnens dag for Herren,
gjengjeldelsens år i striden om Sion.
9Elvene skal bli til bek
og støvet til svovel,
landet blir til brennende bek.
10 Verken dag eller natt skal det slukne,
evig skal røyken stige.
Fra slekt til slekt skal det ligge øde,
evig og aldri skal noen krysse det.
11 Pelikan og hegre skal ta det i eie, ugle og ravn skal bo i det.
Målesnor og lodd skal strekkes over det,
landet skal bli øde og tomt.
12Det finnes ikke stormenn der
som kan utrope en konge, det er ute med alle ledere.
13 I slottene vokser det tornekratt,
nesler og tistler i borgene.
Landet blir boplass for sjakaler,
tilholdssted for strutser.
14 Hyener og ørkendyr møtes,
bukker kaller på hverandre.
Også Lilit slår seg til ro der
og finner seg et hvilested.
15Små ugler bygger rede
og legger sine egg der,
ruger og klekker dem ut i skyggen.
Falkene samles der med hverandre.
16 Se etter i Herrens bok og les!
Ikke én av disse skal mangle,
ingen skal lete etter de andre.
For Herrens munn har påbudt det,
det er hans Ånd som samler dem,
17og det er han som har kastet lodd for dem. Med målesnor i hånden deler han landet mellom dem.
De skal ta det i eie til evig tid
og bo i det fra slekt til slekt.
Loven og Guds rike 14Alt dette hørte fariseerne, og pengekjære som de var, hånte de Jesus.15 Da sa han til dem:
«Dere vil gjerne fremstå som rettferdige i menneskers øyne, men Gud kjenner hjertene deres. Det som mennesker setter høyt, er avskyelig i Guds øyne. 16Loven og profetene hadde sin tid fram til Johannes. Fra da av forkynnes det gode budskapet om Guds rike, og alle trenger på for å komme inn.17 Før skal himmel og jord forgå, før en eneste prikk i loven faller bort. 18 Den som skiller seg fra sin kone og gifter seg med en annen, begår ekteskapsbrudd. Og den som gifter seg med en fraskilt kvinne, bryter ekteskapet. Lignelsen om den rike mannen og Lasarus 19Det var en rik mann som kledde seg i purpur og fineste lin og levde i fest og luksus dag etter dag.20 Men utenfor porten hans lå det en fattig mann som het Lasarus, full av verkende sår.21Han ønsket bare å få mette seg med det som falt fra den rikes bord. Hundene kom til og med og slikket sårene hans. 22Så døde den fattige, og englene bar ham til Abrahams fang. Den rike døde også og ble begravet.23Da han slo øynene opp i dødsriket, der han var i pine, så han Abraham langt borte og Lasarus tett inntil ham. 24 ‘Far Abraham’, ropte han, ‘ha barmhjertighet med meg og send Lasarus hit, så han kan dyppe fingertuppen i vann og svale tungen min. For jeg pines i denne flammen.’ 25 Men Abraham svarte: ‘Husk, mitt barn, at du fikk alt det gode mens du levde, og Lasarus fikk det vonde. Nå trøstes han her, mens du er i pine.26Dessuten er det lagt en dyp kløft mellom oss og dere, slik at de som vil komme herfra og over til dere, ikke skal kunne det, og ingen kan gå over fra dere til oss.’27Da sa den rike: ‘Så ber jeg deg, far, at du sender ham28til mine fem brødre hjemme hos min far for å advare dem, så ikke de også skal komme til dette pinestedet.’29Men Abraham sa: ‘De har Moses og profetene, de får høre på dem.’30Han svarte: ‘Nei, far Abraham, men kommer det noen til dem fra de døde, vil de omvende seg.’31 Abraham sa: ‘Hører de ikke på Moses og profetene, lar de seg heller ikke overbevise om noen står opp fra de døde.’»
3. Mosebok 18
28Da må ikke landetspy dere ut fordi dere gjør det urent, slik det har spydd ut det folkeslaget som var der før dere.29For alle som gjør noe av dette som er avskyelig, skal støtes ut fra folket sitt.30 Så hold dere da til det jeg har bestemt, og følg ikke noen av de avskyelige forskriftene som de har fulgt før dere! Gjør dere ikke urene ved dem! Jeg er Herren deres Gud.
Salomos Ordspråk 26
10 Lik en bueskytter som sårer alle og enhver,
er den som hyrer en dåre
eller folk som tilfeldigvis går forbi.11 Lik hunden som snur seg til sitt eget spy, er en dåre som gjentar sin dumhet.12 Ser du en mann som er vis i egne øyne?
Det er større håp for dåren enn for ham.
2. Pet. 2
9 Herren vet altså å fri de gudfryktige ut av prøvelser, men holder de urettferdige i forvaring til straffen på dommens dag,10først og fremst de som følger de urene lystene i sitt kjøtt og blod og forakter Herrens myndighet. De er frekke og selvsikre og spotter de himmelske maktene uten å skjelve.11Selv ikke englene, som står høyere i makt og styrke, kommer med spottende ord når de fører fram anklager fra Herren mot slike makter. 12 Men disse menneskene spotter det de ikke kjenner, og er som dyr uten fornuft, som av naturen er bestemt til å bli fanget og gå til grunne. Så skal de da også gå under i sitt forfall13og lide vondt som lønn for sin urett. De nyter å svire ved høylys dag. De er skamflekker til skjensel for dere når de spiser sammen med dere og mesker seg, nytelsessyke som de er.14Øynene deres fråtser i kvinner som byr seg fram, de er umettelige på synd. De forfører svake sjeler, og i sitt hjerte kan de kunsten å kare til seg. Under forbannelse er de!15 For de har forlatt den rette vei og gått seg vill. De følger i samme spor som Bileam, Bosors sønn, han som elsket urettmessig vinning.16 Men han ble vist til rette for sin misgjerning; et stumt esel talte med menneskestemme og stanset profeten i hans galskap. 17Disse menneskene er kilder uten vann og tåkedotter som virvler i vinden. Det dypeste mørke har de i vente.18For de bruker store ord om tomme ting, og med utskeielser og lyster som kommer fra vårt kjøtt og blod, lokker de dem som nettopp har sluppet bort fra slike som går på ville veier.19 Frihet lover de, men de er selv slaver av forfallet. Det en ligger under for, er en også slave av. 20 For når noen er kommet fri fra det urene i verden og har lært vår Herre og frelser Jesus Kristus å kjenne, og de så igjen blir fanget av det urene og ligger under for det, da står det verre til med dem enn før.21 Det ville vært bedre for dem om de aldri hadde lært å kjenne rettferdighetens vei, enn at de først kjenner den og så vender seg bort fra det hellige bud som ble overgitt dem.22 Da er det gått med dem som det så treffende heter i ordtaket: «Hunden vender tilbake til sitt eget spy» og: «Ikke før er grisen vasket, så velter den seg i søla».
Vet du egentlig hvor himmelen er? Bibelen gir oss mange pekefingre, akkurat som Johannes Åpenbaring; Det nye Jerusalem; den nye himmel og den ny jord som skal komme ned. Det begynte med «kjempene» i Første Mosebok, men til slutt finnes det kun én sann kjempe; Jesus Kristus, herre over de himmelske hærskarene (de som er nevnt i Efeserbrevet 6 inkludert). «Når enden er god, er allting godt», som reven sa da han ble flådd (reven i denne sammenheng er Djevelen).
Gordon in Nam. He returned at 120 lbs, malnutrition from constant patrolling
[ Editor’s Note: This made it up to number four on NEO over Christmas day. It is that time of the year to be getting Gordon’s annual SitRep before the New Year celebration. Put on your seat belt.
Those of you on depression medicine, take an extra dose and wait a couple of hours before reading this, as it ain’t pretty. Regular VT readers already know.
The question we all face is what we can really do about it. We have all been around long enough to know that our elected people don’t want to wander off the plantation they have been allowed to run as overseers.
But in no way are they ever to question those in the big house. They risk losing the good life if they do. We see this among many of the specially trained military people, where the old days of getting a nice secure job in some government organization with guaranteed security was considered the jackpot.
That is now considered the dregs. They want the big money DHS contracts, preferably overseas where they can earn the tax free money, all of which can be banked, as they have all their expenses covered on assignment.
This filters down to why some people are even going into the military, to serve themselves. They are smart enough to know that a peaceful world will see reductions in force, fewer promotions, and probably a slowed civilian job market at home, working for peanuts.
Many are on board the unipolar power play the US is on; and they don’t care much whether the threats are real or not, as long as the checks don’t bounce.
Fortunately most are not that way, but there are enough to keep the merc ranks full. I wish I could pull a genie out of a bottle to tell me how this will all work out, but that appears to be a myth, too… Jim W. Dean ]
[ Editor’s note: After the American backed FSA was kicked out of Aleppo, it has taken one year for Syria, still hampered by US sanctions, to restore services to those who suffered from US backed occupation by the “moderate head choppers.
This is today’s piece of Russian propaganda, if anyone wants to call it that. Any time truth is told, the accusations begin. I, of course, advocate the immediate execution and arrest, perhaps I have the order wrong, of all involved in the Aleppo tragedy… Gordon ]
Immediately after Donald Trump spoke those words at the Republican national convention Thursday night, the massive crowd erupted into chants of “USA…USA…USA!”
Whenever I hear crowds yelling “USA” like that it always gives me a queasy feeling, for what it suggests is blind patriotism. Trump’s speech came three days after 20 civilians died in US airstrikes on the Syrian city of Manbij; two days after the French airstrikes that killed 120 more civilians in the village of Toukhan al-Kubra, just to the north of Manbij; and also two days after the emergence of a horrendously graphic video showing US-backed “moderate rebels” of the Nour al-Din al-Zenki movement beheading a young boy from Aleppo.
While plenty of people have expressed shock over the video and made note of the fact that the boy’s murderers were backed by the US, few have bothered to report the youngster’s name. According to Al Manar, his name was Abdullah Issa. He was 12 years old. The report also mentions that he suffered from Thalassemia, a blood disorder, and was abducted from a hospital after a brother of Omar Salkho, Nour al-Din al-Zenki’s Aleppo commander, was killed. Apparently this was sufficient cause for beheading a child.
A heartbreaking exchange is said to have taken place when Salkho reportedly asked the terrified young boy if he had a last wish.
[ Editor’s Note: This was a big surprise, the realization that money was better spent helping African countries fight human smuggling at the source to cut the flow of illegal immigration.
A totally suppressed part of this story is the hoax image of impoverished people fleeing these counties. Smugglers do not move you for free. You are not provided free food along the way. Libyan boat smugglers do not take you across the Med for free.
You have to have done quite well in your impoverished country to even set off on your trip to the EU. You need to be able to bribe border guards when needed, and how hide your boat money in a tube up your butt for the times when you are robbed along the way where you have to empty your pockets.
I have always editorialized that it is always cheaper to help people where they are in these struggling countries where costs are way lower to do it, versus the high cost of doing so in the upper income industrialized countries.
It is Fake Charity to offer someone the lotto prize of open illegal immigration, at a cost where you could have helped TEN families back in their home country. None of the bleeding heart folks ever want to discuss that issue.
But despite everything said, if procreation at the present rates in Africa continues, there is nothing that can break the cycle of poverty if they continue to produce children at levels they cannot sustain them with suitable economies.
No matter how much aid goes in, it flows in and out of the country via being spent on imports, and then mega-graft that is exported to foreign bank accounts, never to be reinvested into the domestic economies … Jim W. Dean]
Sergey Lavrov: No need for US to go to war with North Korea
People of reason: are we really willing to say that Russia is actually evil and that the Neocons and other ethnic cleansers are freedom fighters or liberators? Isn’t it reasonable to assert that Max Boot is like Dracula? He wants to shed other people’s blood in order for Neocon ideology to thrive.
Newsweek has recently quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov saying that there is no need for the United States to get involved into a bloody war with North Korea. Lovrov said:
“We call on partners to focus on solving specific problems of the Korean Peninsula on the basis of negotiations. And for this, it is necessary not to rupture contacts with Pyongyang, but, on the contrary, develop it.”[1]
Lavrov moved on to say that Russia “does not share the desire of some states to exert maximum pressure on North Korea, which is often interpreted by them as establishing full economic and political blockade of this country by all available means.”[2]
Isn’t that interesting? New World Order agents and Zionist outlets like Newsweek have universally compared modern Russia under Vladimir Putin with the old Soviet Union under Stalin because, we are told, Russia is aggressive, Russia is evil, Russia hacked the election, Russia did this and Russia did that. But when it comes to establishing reasonable discourse in the political universe, Russia comes right on top! In fact, Russia, as Haaretz has reported, “Wields Most Influence in Middle East; Netanyahu Least Popular Leader.”[3]
Moreover, Russia’s position here is completely opposite to what the Neocons, warmongers, and ethnic cleansers have taken. Remember John Bolton? Let’s quote him again:
by Jim W. Dean, VT editor, … with Press TV, Tehran
The US coalition destroyed Syria but still lost the war, yet demand a victor’s spoils
[ Editor’s Note: The hard line Syrian Jihadi opposition is playing out their hand as expected, as pawns.
Now that the war is winding down and their groups have fewer opportunities for milking money out of struggling desperate Syrians at border crossings and checkpoints, they are 100% on the tit of their US Coalition backers.
Their goal now is insulating themselves from being reduced in power to the small vote percentages they can produce at the polls if Assad is still running. They want to negotiate a deal as “equals” or to have some autonomy so they can continue their lives as parasites on the locals.
Pray that eventually the final deal has them staying in Syria, that some secret promise has not been made to bring them back to America on special visas or Congressional Act as “friends” of America.
This could be a priority refugee
Long forgotten is how we brought 250,000 hard core Somalis here after their war, people who never understood what the term assimilate meant, and would have laughed at being presented anything else but “my tribe first”…all of them mini-Trumps.
Their attitude toward American customs and expectations was, “shove that up your butt”. They became instant welfare scamsters, petty criminals, car thieves, ID theft, phone scams, you name it. America was the land of endless people to scam.
These people were all dumped into local communities where they not only competed with real Americans, but were given priority for benefits. Under UN treaty refugees get to jump the line on waiting lists for things like housing.
Will Americans raise the needed hell over this with their Congressmen if the State Department wants to bring terrorist refugees here? I doubt it. Trump has them distracted with his daily tweets like a carnival barker, competing with the morning news shows as to what their concerns for the day will be. I wish I were only kidding ... Jim W. Dean ]
Author’s Note: For many years you were never supposed to find out most of the contents of this article. But now all things have changed and there is a new sheriff. It is now okay for disclosure to proceed step-by-step. Years ago there was danger and harassment that usually always followed the author of this type of disclosure. Now the green light has been given so enjoy this information. A fair degree of major disclosure is now at hand.
The First Hijacking of America occurred in 1913 when the City of London private central Banksters passed the illegal, unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act. The second hijacking of America occurred when the Secret Shadow Government was formed as a knee-jerk reaction to the Roswell crash of an Alien ET anti-gravity craft and its recovery along with dead Alien ETs and at least one live one rescued.
This article is about the third hijacking of the USG (and the Secret Shadow Government too) by a deep-black Secret Space War faction which is now in process.
In a recent prior article entitled, The Second Hijacking of America, it was disclosed how the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) quickly emerged as a powerful covert entity after the Roswell recovery of a crashed UFO with dead Alien ET bodies (and at least one live Alien ET survivor).
So-called “national security” was deployed to protect these secrets from the American People at all costs and resulted in a complete lock-down of all related information and numerous lethal threats accompanied by numerous murders of witnesses (including one nurse who talked and ended up buried in the desert, whacked by US Army Intel).
This demand for absolute secrecy about Alien ETs (also referred to as Extraterrestrial Biological Entities or EBEs) enabled this newSecret Shadow Government (SSG) to become the actual ruling government which slowly but surely has hijacked and replaced the visible DC government.
This process has transformed the DC visible government into a ceremonial body, allowed to exist to keep the public masses conned into thinking they have actual, real representation in government when they have very little at all.
It also provided the power necessary to covertly transform the visible DC government into a gelded ceremonial government, while maintaining the illusion that the citizen votes really mattered.
We now know for certain the the stark reality that Planet Earth has been and is now being visited by Alien ETs that are extremely advanced technologically and intellectually, some with extreme psi-powers.
Recognition of this extreme Alien ET technological superiority was burned into the Pentagon’s mindset by the recovered EBE’s anti-gravity craft and was so threatening to their need for absolute world defense supremacy that they imposed a complete security lock-down.
This complete lock-down was penetrated by President Eisenhower under threat of deploying his army and attacking Area 51, but as soon as he learned the shocking reality of Roswell, he too decided that secrecy from the public must be maintained.
Secretary of Defense James Forrestal felt otherwise and was thrown out of an upper floor of Bethesda Naval Hospital to his death by US Miltel operatives because he refused to keep the secret from the American People. He felt all Americans had the right to know the truth about Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft.
Before Forrestal was assassinated by US Army Intel operatives, he briefed Jack Kennedy who was a member of the US House of Representatives at the time about his secret knowledge about Alien ETs and UFOs. Army Intel ops had poisoned Forrestal with a toxic drug that induced severe depression and cognitive confusion before they threw him out the window.
General Robert Neller to US troops: Expect “a big-ass fight” against Russia
New World Order agents have a vested interest in preserving the legend that Russia is America’s enemy when in fact Russia should be the best ally America ought to have. As former CIA officer Paul R. Pillar has repeatedly argued, Israel, not Russia, is more dangerous than any country in the Middle East.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” said General Robert Neller to his US troops stationed in Norway. “You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.” This “big-ass war” is against Russia, Neller said.[1] Neller added:
“I think probably the focus, the intended focus is not on the Middle East. The focus is more on the Pacific and Russia.”[2]
Why Russia? Did the Neocons and New World Order agents in the United States present serious evidence that Russia hacked the US election? Did they have incontrovertible proof that Russia has conducted cyber warfare across the globe?
No. NWO agents are mad, sad, and want to be bad because they have been humiliated in Syria. They have no way to go because they cannot drink flesh blood in the region. That is why they are targeting the very country that stopped them from sucking the blood out of Syrian men, women and children.
New World Order agents have summoned one preposterous idea after another in order to delegitimize Russia, but their diabolical plan didn’t work as they hoped it would. But they continue to propound the same old and boring ideology. New World Order agents are now saying that Russians are everywhere: they are under your bedroom, in the bathroom, by your window, in your garage, in your refrigerator, on Twitter,[3] on Facebook,[4] etc., etc. NWO agents have recently forged a document which said:
“Through modernized forms of subversive tactics, Russia interferes in the domestic political affairs of countries around the world.
You could not imagine, how happy you made us when you announced and declared that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel and that you will move the US embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.
You made us happy not because you are right, but because for once, you removed the false façade of the US as honest peace broker and maker. When I say we, I mean all those Palestinians under occupation and in the diaspora and all Arabs and Muslims who were under the “illusion” that the US is, after all committed to make a final break and conclude an ever lasting peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Well, I can say we were never under the “illusion” but always were hopeful and trustful, the US will live up to its principles of peace, justice, equality, liberty, self-determination and will bring about an end to the longest military and colonial occupation in modern history.
For over 50 years, the Palestinians, the Arabs, and even the Muslims were led to believe the US is doing all its best to bring about peace and reconciliation between the Palestinians and the Israelis, even though and since the days of President Johnson, the US was unbashful and shamelessly on the side of Israel “right and wrong” even at the expense of our national interests, the lives of our sailors who were murdered in cold blood by the Israeli during the 67 War with your predecessor Johnson in act of treason, not only refused to provide help to the crew of the USS Liberty but deliberately overrode the chief of staff preventing a full and open board of inquiry into the massacre that took place on the deck of the USS Liberty.
Of course the US not only did it pretend to work toward peace, but did everything to sabotage any real efforts in bringing about an end to this long festering conflict appointing and without fails, Israeli-First diplomats and special envoys to the Middle East, who made sure and consistent with their Zionism that Israel and the Palestinians will never be able to reach a credible peace agreement.
«Waiting for approval» – Austin Fitts: 21 trillioner dollar «mangler» fra USAs statsbudsjett»
Hi, Jeff Rense
I have posted two of your videoes in my blog at http://nyheter.bloggnorge.com/, and since you ask of your viewers and listeners to ask for approval first if we post your videoes elsewhere, I hereby do. Which reminds me about the prophet —- ——- who would not give me approval (for having attended his very special version of «School of Propecy») since I accused him of lying and stealing once, and I and the ones he stole from could prove it. We had the proof of him lying in the video, while stealing the woman who produced it (his copy of it that he distributed to his partners and earned money from). That is when he started using his tongue for accusing me of having the spirit Jezabel. I never got his ministry´s approval (license), but I am so glad that I did not. He heard from God via his diseased Grandmother (once living in Texas), just like Benny Hinn hears from Jesus via the diseased prophetess Katheryn Kuhlman, but I do know that Catholics still «meet» with Mother Mary, who also left this earth 2.000 years ago, but of course I am just a «heretic» protestant, not worth of having «communion» with you holy Catholics in your «mass» (mess), according tohttps://www.veteranstoday.com/author/apostleofmary, who believes that The Catholic Church is the only right church (Texe Marrs explains what Luther saw … http://www.texemarrs.com/112014/burden_of_luther.htm). Catholics do not like the scriptures in the Bible which tell us not to contact the dead, nor worship or pray to them, even though they are saints. – Anyway, here is the news page where I posted the stunning interview with the very talented Austin Fitts:
Sergey Lavrov to Boris Johnson: Stop lying about Russia
Churchill’s wicked acts are rarely known among the public because New World Order agents like Boris Johnson have desperately tried to obscure historical facts. So, whenever serious politicians like Sergey Lavrov get the chance to humiliate New World Order agents like Boris Johnson, one ought to say, “Bravo.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is known for humiliating New World Order agents in public. He has recently called a spade a spade again by saying that Boris Johnson lied about Russia. this is what Lavrov told Johnson in a public dialogue which was widely viewed:
“I would still like to at least get some facts supporting our unsuccessful meddling. Without facts, it’s very hard to have a serious discussion. I think you’ve just made all of this up. Unfortunately, you are a sort of hostage to this subject. It’s very hard to get down from the fence you’ve climbed.”
Johnson, as journalist Finian Cunningham has said in the past, is a “buffoonish public antics.”[1] There is no doubt that Johnson is also a New World Order agent who has a penchant for things diabolical. That’s why he has carefully chosen to say that if Russia continues to support Assad, then the country needs to be “turned to ashes.”
If you don’t believe this, then pick up Johnson’s book on Churchill and start reading it. He writes that Churchill had a “deep humanity and sympathy for other people,”[2] but he never tells his readers how Churchill bragged about liquidating millions of ethnic German civilians to death.
As we have argued elsewhere, Churchill was one of the strategic mass murderers in the twentieth century. He lied about Hitler. He signed pacts with the greatest mass murderer in the twentieth century (Joseph Stalin), literally starved millions of German civilians[3] and even Indians to death, and invented bold and categorical lies to marshal what one ought to call a diabolical plan. Churchill once chided that Palestinians are a bunch of “barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung.”[4] Is this the man who had a “deep humanity and sympathy for other people”?
Churchill, we are told, “unleashed the notorious Black and Tan thugs on Ireland’s Catholic civilians, and when the Kurds rebelled against British rule, he said: ‘I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes…[It] would spread a lively terror.’”[5]
At one point, “when an aide pointed out that Tito intended to transform Yugoslavia into a Communist dictatorship on the Soviet model,” Churchill, who was “profoundly impressed by Darwinism,” who took Darwin’s survival of the fittest very seriously, who “took a particular dislike, for some reason, to the Catholic Church, as well as Christian missions” and who gradually became, in his own words, “a materialist—to the tips of my fingers,”[6] declared: “‘Do you intend to live there?’”[7]
The crew and captain of the U.S. intelligence gathering ship Pueblo are released after 11 months imprisonment by the government of North Korea.
The ship, and its 83-man crew, was seized by North Korean warships on January 23 and charged with intruding into North Korean waters.
The seizure infuriated U.S. President Lyndon Johnson. Later, he claimed that he strongly suspected (although it could not be proven) that the incident with the Pueblo, coming just a few days before the communist Tet Offensive in South Vietnam, was a coordinated diversion. At the time, however, Johnson did little.
The Tet Offensive, which began just a week after the ship was taken by North Korea, exploded on the front pages and televisions of America and seemed to paralyze the Johnson administration.
Buy on Amazon.com – Based on extensive interviews and numerous government documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, Act of War tells the riveting saga of Bucher and his men as they struggled to survive merciless torture and horrendous living conditions set against the backdrop of an international powder keg.
To deal with the Pueblo incident, the United States urged the U.N.’s Security Council to condemn the action and pressured the Soviet Union to negotiate with the North Koreans for the ship’s release.
NATO wants to attack Russia, starting World War III
NATO obviously doesn’t like Russia because Russia has meticulously changed the political and ideological climate in Syria and elsewhere. As US Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work put it last summer, “Our adversaries [Russia], quite frankly, are pursuing enhanced human operations and it scares the crap out of us.”
If you still don’t think that New World Order organizations like NATO are insane, crazy, or even diabolical, then think again. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has recently declared that NATO, according to Sputnik News, “has doubled the number of its military drills since 2012 in the vicinity of Russia’s borders, adding that Moscow is scrutinizing the exercises.”[1]
“Speaking at the final meeting of the Defense Ministry’s board, Sergei Shoigu said that the US missile defense system in Europe has been brought to the level of ‘initial operational readiness.’ The number of the bloc’s servicemen deployed near Russian borders has grown from 10 to 40 thousand in three years, he added.
“While the bloc conducted 282 military exercises near Russia’s borders in 2014, in 2017 the number of drills grew to 548. He also said that the NATO member-states have intensified their surveillance operations near Russia. ‘We resolutely suppress any attempts to violate the Russian air and sea borders,’ the Minister of Defense added.”
NATO has been pushing Russia to do something stupid since the beginning of time.[2] Even this year alone, NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, General Adrian Bradshaw, perversely and incoherently argued that that 1) Russia has meddled in the US election, and 2) this represents an “act of war.”[3]
Bradshaw moved to say: “It is hard to imagine any future conflict that doesn’t include a substantial cyber element. It’s not just the threat of overt military attack, but it’s a raft of other measures, including covert, paramilitary, and non-military activities, some of which will be coordinated by the intelligence arms of Russia. And we as NATO need to have our antenna tuned to the signs that this sort of hostile activity is going on.”[4]
Bradshaw’s logic is pretty simple here: Any country that involves in “substantial cyber element” must face severe consequences, which may include a military coup and covert operations. Russia allegedly hacked the US election; therefore, according to this logic, Russia must pay.
Russia must accept the challenge because that would prove the end of the New World Order as we know it. Bradshaw certainly should retire from the military because obviously his memory is fading away. Back in 2012, both the United States and Israel created a computer virus called Stuxnet. Why?
NWO agents in Israel and the US wanted to hack Iran’s nuclear facilities and destroy their projects.[5] The program itself was developed and tested in Israel.[6]
“Overall,” the Washington Post itself reported then, “the attack destroyed nearly 1,000 of Iran’s 6,000 centrifuges…”[7] NWO agents bragged about how they did a good job, but no one did say that America and Israel ought to be bombed for this violation.
Can General Adrian Bradshaw explain this perennial contradiction for us? Does he really want us all to believe that Russia is actually the aggressor while NATO has already placed thousands upon thousands of troops around Russian borders? Does he mean to tell us that NATO is not advancing its troops in major countries in Europe?
You see, people like Bradshaw cannot make sense because they have abandoned the moral and political order and have embraced an essentially diabolical ideology, which can manifest itself in several ways: covert operations, colossal hoaxes, complete fabrications, and just plain lies.
[ Editor’s note: We long ago found that CAR is a CIA front tasked with covering for the White Helmets, ISIS and gang. The foremost private investigative group on such issues is Delaware based ADS of which I am managing director. Consider me biased…Gordon Duff]
[ Editor’s Note Two: Keep in mind as you are reading this that the stories about the CIA rat line buying up old arms from former Soviet Unions States has been published for several year now, a stack of them by VT.
But never once were any of these funded investigative journalism organizations in touch with VT to compare notes, when that would usually be step number one for someone claiming to have government funding, in this case the EU being the client.
And gosh, here comes this story AFTER ISIS was defeated in Iraq and almost cleared out. So inquiring minds would like to ask “why now” for CAR? Might it be paycheck time for the to “break” a story that been out for years.
And with the EU paying the tab, all these investigators would have had to do is ask some of the major EU Intel agencies to brief them on where all the arm were coming in from and save themselves a lot of field work
Why would the EU contract out to a group to do this and produce a report when when it didn’t really matter, unless they had another objective, like having that team on the ground for an alternate task? ‘Color me suspicious …Jim W. Dean ]
1894: Dreyfus Affair begins in France on this day in history
The trial that launched idea European Jews did NOT fit into society sparking the book JUDENSTAT by Herzl leading to creating State of Israel in Palestine displacing millions of indigenous peoples
On this 22nd day of December in 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason by a military court-martial and sentenced to life in prison for his alleged crime of passing military secrets to the Germans.
[ Note: I was happy to get the lead story on the Top Five last night, as we had some updated material in the UN vote during the day. Israel and the US have gone quiet, waiting to see what various countries do after the vote. Actions will speak louder than words.
The Arab League seems united, but all depends on what they do next, as in is there a plan, or are they still arguing about it. Or is it waiting to see if the US follows through on cutting funding, something that is not really a flick of the switch, particularly on weapons support which is most of what Egypt gets.
Nikki Capone is playing the tough lady mainly to run for a future office
I am not sure how much we will see done between Christmas and New Years. But we do have the big Sochi meeting of the Syrian factions with a guest list of around 1500.
With the UN Geneva process dead due to the HNC being allowed to kill it, the ball is with those who should have it, those that really want to negotiate a deal. If they have a productive meeting, that will leave the High Negotiating Committee saboteurs out in the cold, where they should be.
The military defeat now has to be turned into a complete political defeat for all those who supported terror proxies in Syria, except for Turkey, who did, but wiggled itself into the peace process as a guarantor, and has guaranteed nothing in Idlib… JD ]
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[ Editor’s Note: Nikki Haley must be taking steroids or something, or maybe this is what you get when you put political hacks into key diplomatic positions for which they have neither the background training nor apparently the talent to properly fulfill.
It does not take a genius to see this was a huge diplomatic disaster for the US, and no one really expects “The Donald” to have any grasp as to why, as he is still in childhood “king of the hill” game mode.
This blunder has not only been a huge blow to US prestige, but to Israel, accustomed to thinking it is invulnerable, who saw country after country with well-known Jewish Lobby political muscle which the Likudites in Israel have flexed numerous times in the past, Britain, Australia, Germany, France, all with long records of wearing out multiple sets of knee pads.
Even Israel’s secret lover, Saudi Arabia, voted for the condemnation of this stupid al-Quds move. But the most contempt we must save for Haley, for the blatant lie she told that the dumbest diplomat in the world would never have tapped themselves with.
In her whiny style she ranted on about how unfair it was to see the US being denounced for exercising “its sovereignty” to move its embassies wherever it wants to, as if she could wave the entire UN history of the Palestinian story away with a mouthful of silly words.
This is what happens when a political hack is bootstrapped into a high diplomatic position
Does she think that after only a few days we all would not remember how Trump screamed out to the whole world, “We recognize Israel as the ETERNAL capitol of the Jewish people”.
Nikki Capone needs to be booed wherever she appears in public, or have to hear chanting of “Nikki Capone, you are alone” to remind her we are taking names, too, and don’t want this kind of embarrassing representation.
Might it be time to flood the White House with calls for Nikki Capone’s resignation for making the US a laughing-stock pawn of Bibi and his Likudite buddies? What a Merry Xmas gift that would be, and how deserving… Jim W. Dean ]
«The majority of countries shrugged off the US bullying tactics and, throwing salt into the wounds in Washington, US allies including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and South Africa added their names at the last minute to the document condemning the decision.»
The recent UN votes indicate that Netanyahu is the loser who keeps on losing when it comes to international law. Even notable US allies such as Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Argentina voted against Trump’s (more accurately Netanyahu’s) decision.
Haaretz has said that it was a “blow to Trump and Netanyahu.”[1] It is stated that “some countries surprised Israel by breaking the consesus at the UN, such as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania, Croatia and Poland.”[2]
Obviously, Netanyahu isn’t too happy about the decision. Obviously, he is seeing that the international community is resisting his essentially Talmudic plan. So, he had to make a move—a preposterous move. He has recently denounced the United Nations as “a house of lies.” He said:
“The attitude towards Israel of many countries, on all continents, outside the walls of the United Nations, is changing and will ultimately permeate into the U.N. – the house of lies.”
Perhaps this man needs to start looking at himself in a mirror and realizing that he is, as the Obama administration aptly put it, a “chickenshit.” Gordon Duff has recently said that the Israeli regime is actually “a tin pot dictatorship run by ‘Capo Netanyahu,’ who works for casino boss Sheldon Adelson.” Duff moved on to say:
“More nasty historical accuracy establishes Britain’s role in setting up two ‘Jewish states,’ one to exist inside Palestine, not rule Palestine, and the other to rule the Arabian Peninsula under the Jewish Saud family whose Talmudic/Wahhabist extremist beliefs established al Qaeda, ISIS and work hand in hand with Israel. This is the truth of it and saying this will label me one thing or another, in particular the worst of all ‘truth teller.’”
Saudi Arabia & ‘their Western handlers’ behind Syria peace talks failure
Jim W. Dean was right. The Saudi controlled opposition never had any intention of negotiating, but only to throw their «Assad must go» monkey wrench into the process.
The HNC’s Mohammed Alloush banged the “Assad must go” drum endlessly
[ Editor’s Note: The UN’s Staffan de Mistura rode a dead horse all the way to the end on the Syrian peace talks because he would not throw the Saudi opposition faction out for its continued insistence that Assad must go.
The Saudis are intensely bitter that with the US might behind them they could not overthrow Assad, even after unleashing their terrorist proxies on both the Syrian and Iraqi people.
Why open supporters of terrorism would be invited to a peace process when they should be facing aiding and abetting charges is beyond the realm. Can you image if Syria demanded that the Saudi Royal Family be arrested for its long list of crimes as a pre-condition?
All that is left to do is for the Syrians to make political settlements with those opposition groups willing to do so, and move forward on a new constitution and elections. I had always said the High Negotiation Committee (HNC) and the Saudis would demand in the peace talks concessions that they could not obtain on the battlefield, and that is exactly what they have done.
128 nations, including all the important ones like Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, voted, as they had previously, to affirm that no such state as “Israel” with a capitol in Jerusalem exists. By law, as exhibited in the settlement map below, there is no such nation, not until a treaty is signed.
The real military state that occupies Palestine, the Jewish state, has no recognized borders, no legal constitution and no legally constituted government. It is a tin pot dictatorship run by “Capo Netanyahu,” who works for casino boss Sheldon Adelson.
More nasty historical accuracy establishes Britain’s role in setting up two “Jewish states,” one to exist inside Palestine, not rule Palestine, and the other to rule the Arabian Peninsula under the Jewish Saud family whose Talmudic/Wahhabist extremist beliefs established al Qaeda, ISIS and work hand in hand with Israel.
Health Editor Note: I find it interesting that Ankara, clearly in Turkey, would report pollution in Iran reaching such unhealthy levels that schools had to be closed. A few years ago, after visiting Istanbul, and then driving south and westerly toward Ismit, we encountered pollution of such proportions that defied the imagination.
The Santa Claus Effect Deception series (Part I of II)
Yes, and recently, the world could barely grasp how President Trump could declare that the U.S. would move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, much less his next words, likened to having deemed himself the newly ordained King of the World, declared Jerusalem (the holy capital of Jesus) to be the new capital of Israel. Apparently, this announcement didn’t go over well with millions upon millions of people around the world (a reality mainstream media never covered…imagine that) and the UN security counsel meeting vote…which hardly went the way the U.S wanted…with the exception of one lone vote of our U.S. representative…
…a person who has clearly drunken the Kool-aid of Israel’s perpetual boohoo victim mantra of “the whole world is against us and we have no idea why especially given we have right to defend ourselves from the BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF ROCKETS the Palestinians unjustifiably fires upon DAILY and never you mind the 60 year military occupation, daily human right abuses and apartheid we inflict against the Palestinians ….an oh-by-the-way…no one should know about this… because…
Jeffrey Silverman: US Department of Defense manages a network of laboratories in Georgia with offensive capacity
Interview by Maia Chubinishvili
(05 09 2013 18:47:57) – On August 27, 2013 the famous American political investigator and principal editor of the ex-US State Department and intelligence service publication Veterans Today, Gordon Duff, published an article entitled “US Contractors Cited for Syrian Chemical Attacks,” and a video entitled “Syrian Gas Attack Proof Syrian Army Has No Involvement.”
The commentary to the video states, “The video which you are watching right now was filmed in Syria and shows the chemical weapons which were sent from Georgia. The US is standing behind all this. Former US Senator Richard Lugar is the person whose assistance made it possible to transport weaponsfrom Georgia via Turkey into Syria, with the support of the United States and Turkey. Look at the weapons contained in the video and observe how they have been made operational.]A US chemical weapons programme supplies the Syrian rebels with weapons of mass destruction. A team of investigators has determined that chemical weapons were supplied from this region, which is under US control. They followed the trail of these chemical weapons to the Georgian Republic. Turkish Army subdivisions transported them to Al-Qaeda terrorists operating in Syrian territory.
Journalists Jeffrey Silverman and Lika Moshiashvili are credited with having discovered the secret and illegal operations taking place in the US-controlled Central Reference Laboratory (CPHRL) in the Tbilisi suburb the Alekseevka Settlement.”As soon as this scary information was made known to the public, Georgia & World contacted Tbilisi based American journalist and researcher Jeffrey Silverman.
The latest releases about the Kennedy Assassination are fascinating, but there’s no smoking gun. The memos were mostly written for posterity and there is no reference to the DVD.
Since President Kennedy was assassinated on the orders of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris and the assassination was carried out by the DVD the released papers do not take us much further.
Perhaps the most significant memo is that written by J. Edgar Hoover showing more concern about how to persuade the American people that Oswald was the killer than finding out who actually had shot the president. The FBI have never been interested in the facts about the Kennedy Assassination.
For decades they have lied about it, pretending, e.g. to have a ballistics match between the Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 mm rifle alleged to have been purchased by Lee Harvey Oswald and the bullets which killed the president. Since the president was killed by bullets of two different calibers and ‘Oswald’s’ gun wasn’t fired on 22nd November they can’t have done.
The FBI were also well aware that the rifle alleged to be Oswald’s had been recovered without a clip. Oswald could not therefore possibly have achieved the rate of fire attributed to him. The FBI then set out to deceive the American public by conducting a series of phony tests with a clip. The Bureau’s lies have continued to the present day, seriously damaging its credibility.
Oswald’s meeting with Kostikov
It has long been known that Oswald, who was an operative with a relationship with both ONI and CIA, met with a KGB officer in Mexico City on or about October 1st 1963, i.e. not long before the assassination. I wasn’t aware of his identity, so Vladimirovich Kostikov’s name was new to me.
Being intelligence illiterate and unaware of the German sponsorship of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, let alone the 1943 creation of the DVD, the media have leapt to the conclusion that Kostikov had to be working for the Soviets. Since Oswald was even then being set up as a patsy in the complicated plot to murder Kennedy, it is far more likely that Kostikov was DVD.
This is the problem with letting amateurs do intelligence analysis, not that we can stop them. They’re easily fooled and tend to know only the names of agencies that they can look up on Wikipedia, which is heavily influenced by the DVD’s Propaganda Section. Department 13, Kostikov’s department, was badly penetrated by the DVD. Its NKVD predecessor, e.g. had knocked off Trotsky in Mexico, on Stalin’s orders. Stalin, of course, was Abwehr.
It looks as though the Oswald/Kostikov meeting was part of a back-up plan to implicate the KGB in the event that the lone shooter theory fell apart. It would have done of course if the DVD’s Frankfurt-based Correa/COREA Group had lost control of the autopsy.
If anyone is still wondering why North Korea was being “provocative” in missile tests and repeatedly declaring what would seem to be a daunting arsenal (although there is still no irrefutable, concrete proof of deliverable, long range nuclear weapons capability) here is just a small taste of what it’s southern neighbor, in cahoots with Godfather America, has planned:
‘Kill the King and the regime will collapse. That is the rationale offered by South Korean military planners for a “decapitation unit” they are forming for the sole purpose of assassinating North Korea’s Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un. They are convinced that, in the ensuing chaos, North Korea’s leadership would disintegrate and abandon the nuclear programme on which he has staked his prestige.
8. mai 2017 – Children are taught to hate Americans in school while adults mark a “Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism Month” every year (it’s in June, in case you were wondering). North Korean officials make wild threats against the United States while the regime, led by the brutal and sadistic Kim Jong-un, pumps out …
This photograph by the U.S. Army, provided by the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md., on Monday, May 5, 2008, is one of a series of declassified images depicting the summary execution of South Korean political prisoners by the South Korean military and police at Daejeon, South Korea, over several days in July 1950. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Korea is investigating this and similar mass killings in South Korea in 1950-51. A chief investigator estimates up to 7,000 were killed at Daejeon, and tens of thousands elsewhere. (AP Photo/National Archives, U.S. Army)
[Editor’s note: As Trump continues to ratchet up the tensions with North Korea, it is worth reminding ourselves of why the North Koreans are so scared of the US and why they have such a burning hatred for the Americans and their South Korean collaborators. Hundreds of thousands of Koreans were slaughtered by the brutal and cruel Nationalist regime that the US installed in Seoul after the Japanese occupation ended post WW2, millions more were killed, wounded or made homeless in the four years of war from 1950 to 54 that pitted the North against South, backed by the Soviet Union and United Nations respectively. That war has never officially ended, there is no peace treaty, just an uneasy ceasefire standoff.
According to estimates by South Korea’s Truth Commission, up to 100,000 unarmed South Korean civilians became victims of massacres committed during the Korean War (1950-1953) by the South Korean armed forces and police. Most of the estimated 1,222 massacres took place during the first few months of the war.
During the war, more massacres occurred. The US occupation forces had issued stay-put orders to the civilian population of South Korea which sought to flee combat zones, however, as the front approached. Because US generals thought that it was impossible to differentiate between fleeing South Korean civilians and Leftists in civilian clothes infiltrating the territory still held by the American occupation regime, all Koreans became targets. Korean civilians usual wore the customary traditional white clothes of the common people. They were easily spotted by reconnaissance planes. Columns of refugees were strafed by US planes and shot at by the infantry, driving up the number of those massacred. Death had many faces, however, starvation being not the least of the causes that decimated the population of the country to an extent that made Paul Robeson and others speak of genocide. Ian]
5. mai 2017 – This photograph by the U.S. Army, provided by the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md., on Monday, May 5, 2008, is one of a series of declassified images depicting the summary execution of South Korean political prisoners by the South Korean military and police at Daejeon, South Korea, over …
6. mai 2017 – Press TV. The administration of US President Donald Trump’s various policies with regard to North Korea are rooted in Washington’s long-time desire to monopolize nuclear weapons, says an American analyst. Veterans Today Editor Kevin Barrett, a journalist in Wisconsin, made the remarks while …
30. aug. 2017 – This time of course, the target is North Korea upon whom the United Nations Security Council has voted unanimously to freeze, strangulate and deny essentials, normality, humanity. Diplomacy as ever, not even a consideration. The Guardian, however, incredibly, declared the decimating sanctions: “A rare …
[Editor’s note: A few months ago I published an article that exposed the horriffic and largely unknown truth about how and why the war in Korea came about:
22. sep. 2017 – As a follow-up to that article and to continue to explain the background to the current Korean crisis, I am publishing this 16 page document from the Truman Library which lays out in detail the political machinations within the US that lead up to the start of the Korean War in 1950. This document does not …
The answer to that question is undeniably yes. We are told over and over that the majority rules in a democratic country. And we are also told that America is based on that definition. If we accept it for a moment, then the Zionist project and the Israeli propaganda machine with respect to Iran ought to be banned once and for all because the majority of Americans at this present moment supports the idea of making diplomatic relationships with Iran.
54 percent of Americans do believe that it will be good for America to deal with Iran in ways that are good for America and not for other foreign potentates like Israel. “Men, young people, and people with college degrees are more likely to support opening relations with Iran than women, older people, and those without college degrees.” There is more:
“The survey found most Americans (55 percent) opposed to Trump’s ‘position towards the Muslim world. Asked to agree or disagree with the statement ‘respecting the Muslim-American community in the U.S. is vital to prevent future terror attacks,’ 68 percent agree, compared to 24 percent who disagree.
…by Jonas E. Alexis, Henry Makow, and Joseph McAleer «Morality is reason in the practical order. Anything which undermines morality undermines reason, and without reason…
Editor’s note: With Manafort in custody for a few hours anyway, VT provides this background from March 2017 on where this investigation should have gone. We believe the last thing that should be investigated is Russia and the election when a total mob takeover of the executive branch has been carried out.
We believe that Mueller and Comey orchestrated today’s arrests to push Trump into issuing a pardon for Manafort and Gates, which will not bring Trump down, but which will politically castrate him.
Then we ask, “has Manafort turned” or can he wait out a plea and conviction, assured that Trump will bail him out with a pardon. This may well be more likely.
We also know that Papadopoulus, who plead guilty to extremely minor charges today has been an FBI informant for months. We also know he is a 100% Mossad thug, hired and trained at the London School of Economics, as were so many of his predecessors.
We fear the FBI does not know this and may well have bought a ticket on the “bus to nowhere.”
We know that indictments for Flynn, Donald Jr. and Kushner can be danced out at any time. Knowing this, and we believe Trump well knows this, puts Manafort in an untenable situation. Watching how Trump handles this is going to be great theatre.
All of this is intended to screw the American people, nothing new there.
Trump isn’t just “mobbed up,” something he has bragged about for decades. Behind the buffoonery and bluster, behind the staged spat with CNN, pure distraction, is something far more sinister.
This is the sad part, in order for the Mafia to take over America, they have had to step on toes in congress, the thieves club that has only represented America’s corporate controllers since the late 70s.
The first 15 minutes of this Chris Hedges interview is a primer on understanding the history that Americans live everyday:
From May 13, 2017: Followup to: ISIS, the Mob and Trump, More History than we knew. As we have been closely examining the Russian mafia ties of the Trump administration, Felix Sater (Sheferovsky) keeps coming up.
The film below describes Sater as known by the FBI to be a “Syndicate crime boss for Simeon Mogilevich Moscow organized crime family.” Sater’s father Michael Sheferovsky worked for Mogilevich, one of the top ten of the FBI most wanted.
Phil Butler has given us a book whose time has come. “Putin’s Praetorians” is a kind of reverse “Empire Strikes Back” – an epic battle where many of the Jedi are just ordinary people without a light saber between them.
Phil Butler has given us a book whose time has come. “Putin’s Praetorians” is a kind of reverse “Empire Strikes Back” – an epic battle where many of the Jedi are just ordinary people without a light saber between them.
He has pulled together a group of “speaking truth to power” independent social media citizens and journalists, who have been tagged as Russian trolls simply for not following corporate media’s line on US-Russian geopolitical tensions.
Buy Book on Amazon.com
Demonization of one’s opponent is an old game taught in a 101 course in public relations. Focus group studies have verified that, absent knowing any of the facts, the public will tend to believe an alleged victim simply out of affiliation, as they would want people to believe them when making charges.
The party being attacked, again without knowing anything about the dispute, is deemed to be questionable in his denial because, if he were guilty, that would be expected.
We find ourselves now in an international media war, where the powerful are attempting to protect themselves from exposure of their fake-news deeds via a take-no-prisoners offensive on alternative media, by singling out old and rising independent journalism stars for special treatment by demonizing their message, if not their character.
Our author Mr. Butler explains how journalists who have challenged the West’s assault on a politically and economically emerging Russia are being attacked as Russian trolls, not because Russia is a military threat as claimed, but because it will not accept the place the major western powers would like to assign it, that of a cooperative colony of the West.
Phil’s book is already number three in Kindle’s journalism section
Putin not only blocked this attempt, but saved the Russian economy to the extent where it became a major trade partner with the EU where it enjoyed a trade surplus with Moscow in the 110-billion USD per year range, which covered most of the EU’s Russian energy imports, a great deal for both.
Even former President George W. Bush played up his buddy Vladimir Putin relationship in the years after 9-11.
Phil Butler was uniquely suited to write this book, not only for the fire in his belly, but due to his being an early adopter of social media platforms and an expert PR analyst. He has watched social media turn into the digital ground-zero of today’s battle for the hearts and minds of the influential internet audience.