ISIS had no problem smuggling Syrian oil to Turkey, until the Russians came in
[ Editor’s Note: Erdogan should have let this conviction slide by quietly, as the case was an open and shut sanctions laundering scheme.
Sure, Iran needed some help getting around the sanctions, which were an act of aggression themselves when we know now the nuclear weapons program hype was a hoax.
Less known is how when the moderate government in control of Iran after 9-11 wanted to begin quiet reconciliation talks with the US, Dick Cheney found out about them and told them where they could shove their reconciliation. The moderate government was voted out and replaced by the hardliners, just what Washington wanted.
What does the US call this when it is targeted, even if by some simple social media ads? … “interfering in its internal affairs”.
To that I would ask US leaders what the heck do they think the CIA and our State Department intelligence branches do all day long, along with the British, French, Germans and Israelis when they choose? They are interfering everywhere they can, to the best of their abilities.
Turkey and Erdogan have a long history of mega-graft. During the Saddam sanctions a steady flow of old tanker trucks flowed out the back door with oil to Turkey, keeping Saddam in a steady supply of hard currency to pay for key things his regime needed.
Turkey was a NATO ally at the time. US Intelligence was fully aware of what was going on, as were all the rest of Western Intel agencies, but not a word was said publicly.
The same thing happened when after Bush people assured Congress that Iraqi oil would pay for the cost of the Iran invasion, a change of plans happened. The oil did get stolen, in larger quantities than Saddam smuggled around his sanctions. At Iraq’s Basra port at least one in four tanker ships loaded were off the books.
Erdogan has a big dose of the Sultan Erdogan complex
But the difference this time is it all disappeared into the pockets of not only the Turks once again, but with the major oil companies loading their tankers in Basra and Turkish pipeline ports.
The pilfered oil cash flowed into US Intel black projects and then of course all the connected US Bush crowd politicians, military and security people who got their “tips” for keeping quiet about it.
Former CIA Official: End the unconditional support for Israel now
“Israel has consistently been able to make whoever is in the White House dance to its tune without suffering any serious consequences. With Donald Trump, one might even argue that it has been able to so condition the president that he goes around looking for things to do to please Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel has not even yet asked for.»
Jonas E. Alexis: Former CIA official and historian Philip Giraldi is politically marked for death. The Neocons and Israeli shills certainly do not like him because he exposes them as destroyers of nations and declares that the Neocon emperor obviously has no clothes.
Giraldi cannot be easily dismissed largely because his academic and professional credentials are impeccable. He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Chicago and has a Ph.D. in history from the University of London. He spent 18 years working for the CIA. He knows who’s who in the Neoconservative movement and the people who are actually driving America into incessant wars in the Middle East. Moreover, he doesn’t shy away from saying that the Neocons always end up pursuing policies that are essentially destroying the United States.
In fact, Giraldi created a firestorm of controversy when he wrote an article titled: “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars.” The Weekly Standard, a Neocon flagship which continuously drags America to perpetual wars in the Middle East, immediately called Giraldi’s views anti-Semitic—and anyone who quoted that article approvingly, i.e. former CIA agent Valerie Plame, who incidentally happens to be Jewish—must also be anti-Semitic.[1]Newsweek also did characterize Giraldi’s article in the same way.[2]
Her er det vi aldri fikk høre om Storbritannias råttenskap overfor tyskere både under første og andre verdenskrig:
Winston Churchill’s Darkest Hour?
By 1919, Churchill already had blood all over his hands. “We are enforcing the blockade with rigour,” he said, “and Germany is very near starvation.” When the dust settled, Churchill ended up slaughtering almost 90,000 German civilians. He also was responsible for the deaths of more than a million Indians.
Hollywood still hasn’t come to grip with Winston Churchill and his plan to exterminate German civilians. In the recent movie Darkest Hour, they portray Churchill as a man of the people. Church did everything he could to avoid a bloody war with Germany, Darkest Hour tells us, and he even asked the average person about their opinions on how to avoid the looming war with Hitler.
As we shall see, this is complete baloney. But that’s not all. Gary Oldman, who stars as Winston Churchill in the biopic, made even more stupid statements when he declared that “Churchill was the man who saved the world. That’s what I hope people will take away: To see the film and realize, ‘Oh boy we came very close to a different way of living.’”[1]
Editor’s note: As someone who lives in Germany part of the year, I recognize Germany as an occupied nation with a population lulled, for the most part, into a mental stupor. I remember returning from a restaurant in Koblenz, some hours drive from my home. The hour was 3AM. I was heading to the car-park near the train station, looking for my Alpha Romeo (159 Gordini, diesel). At the light were a number of German’s waiting to cross a road with no traffic. There were no cars on any of the streets. Carol and I walked across and those who waited, watched us, looked at each other, and then scurried across the road giggling. This is a slave population.
We are going to go several ways today. Part of this will cover a local issue, why the Catholic Church had to go through town holding purification and exorcism ceremonies at their facilities, including orphanages, schools, hospitals, churches and even cemeteries, because all had been used in Satanic rites by priests.
On a broader note, as we watch world events spin out of control and watch media attention focus more and more on the supernatural, that we just can’t have it both ways. We can’t be Christians, Muslims or Jews without a “devil” and demons or jinns, we can’t have good without evil and that our religion, even if it is mythology as many insist, tells a story that plays out in the real world.
If you don’t see the face of Satan when you look at the Trumps or Netanyahu or Kushner or Bannon, if they don’t give you pause to consider a broader game is playing out in front of us, you are only lying to yourself. We are going to look at Gerry Robinson and a bit at other things.
There is a rare opportunity here and I am “re-treading” Steve Robertson’s piece from two days ago. Steve and I have differing backgrounds. I was recently questioned on my own by a government agency and was forced to admit that explaining who or what I am is a felony.
Everyone laughed but is it really funny? Much of my life was spent supporting US policy predicated on a perhaps utterly mistaken belief that such policy advanced human values. Now let’s talk about Steve.
I brought Steve over from the MSM because he became sufficiently awake and pissed off that he was being censored. The idea of VT isn’t so much activism or politics but supporting informed dialog and thought through bringing the “real deal” smartest people in the world together.
Steve Robertson
In the process, we report some real news and, out of boredom primarily, republish Russian press that we think is vital for American decision makers to read.
Were I honest, and I will be here, there are no American “decision makers.” There is no America though 300 million people work and live under an illusion that somehow there is a political collective. That no longer exists.
We are a slave nation with a rogue military involved in unspeakable evil while millions live in ignorance and full complicity. This is what Steve addresses below.
There isn’t anything about how America works that I don’t know. On a daily basis I live and work with decent and honorable people whose belief systems past what they see, taste and smell, are so unrelated to reality as to make any science fiction gross understatement.
[ Editor’s Note: Gordon starts off the new year reviewing an old theme of US official participation in mega drug-running campaigns that went into the pockets of a large number of political, military and security officials.
The bosses all jumped in to get a piece of the action when word came down the chain of command at the beginning of the Reagan regime that, “We are now partners with the cartel”.
The cover of course was that it was being done “for national security reasons”, and I guess these reasons were so complex they felt the American public could never understand, so they never tried to. Imagine that.
This is not really an old story, as the same one has continued, with the cherry on top of the Citizens United Supreme Court case. It allowed these international drug profits to flow into PACS because it is not even legal to ask the foreign corporate donors where the money came from.
We were shocked when even corporate media never really attacked this incredible setup, despite its effectively legalizing drug monies and giving a free pass as long as they paid for protection from various US parties.
That is the world we live in folks, one where not a single criminal case that we know of has ever been brought against this form of the drug traffic. Only the independent drug runners have to face prosecution risks. The politically connected have virtual immunity if they are generous, and they are… Jim W. Dean ]
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Jim’s work includes research, field trips, Heritage TV Legacy archiving & more. Thanks for helping. Click to donate >>
The US military, the ranks anyway, were abused to have to watch the drug traffic going on, ordered to not interfere. Now you know why.
– First published … January 01, 2018 –
Few who look at the US occupation of Afghanistan, can do so without considering a few realities. When America entered Afghanistan in 2001, reality began to distort. America’s allies on the ground were call the “Northern Alliance.” In actuality, they were Uzbek and Tajik drug lords with private armies who had been financially gutted by the Taliban’s anti-drug policies.
There was virtually no opium production in Afghanistan in 2001 when America took on the Taliban seeking what Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld described as literally “dozens” of advanced underground bases that housed an army of up to 30,000 al Qaeda fighters.
These bases with supplied graphics, reminiscent of Netanyahu’s Iran bomb graphic, were shown on TV talk shows. America is still seeking these bases, none have yet to be found.
Later it was learned that the Taliban had, in actuality, “hosted” up to twelve Saudi members of al Qaeda who had asked for religious asylum and that no Taliban force had ever existed in Afghanistan nor had anyone involved in the planning and execution of attacks on the United States been tied to Afghanistan or the Taliban.
Rumsfeld’s fairy tale – NATO troops never found a single one of these secret bases
What did transpire, however, was a massive program of opium production organized by USAID which provided shipments of fertilizer and funding for irrigation projects intended specifically for expanding opium production. According to the UN, by 2005, in four short years, a nation with no opium production now produced 95% of the world’s production.
Moreover, according to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, an America investment group, partnered with rogue groups within Pakistan’s ISI and partnered with the family of then Afghan Prime Minister Karzai, began building heroin processing facilities across Helmand Province.
21. apr. 2014 – America has found itself in an untenable situation in the Ukraine. As the second day of military incursions by the coup backed Kiev government proceed in the East, the Obama administration has begun to realize that it has been “blindsided.” A presidential candidate is beaten in the streets by neo–Nazi …
19. aug. 2017 – For example, Wolfowitz was so aggressive about invading Iraq that one Republican lawmaker declared Wolfowitz “was like a parrot bringing [Iraq] up all the time. It was getting on … It was pretty well confirmed in 2014 that the United States was supporting Neo–Nazis in Ukraine in order to fight Russia.[4] For …
3. des. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor with Jim W. Dean Managing Editor. The “Kosher Nostra,” sometimes known as the partnership between the Rothschild banking system, and the Israeli led mobs that run Ukraine and much of Russia, have long partnered with anti-Zionist or neo–Nazi organizations of their own …
24. des. 2017 – Bannon said that Trump is “like an 11-year-old child” who is just learning the alphabet of foreign policy. … Joel Pollak, an Orthodox Jew and a senior editor for Breitbart News, Steve Bannon’s Zionist flagship, declared: “I can say, without hesitation, that Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of …
24. des. 2017 – Steve Bannon blasts Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump as everything wrong with the White House – on Huffington Post, via AOL. A political marriage not made in heaven. [ Editor’s Note: Well it looks like Trump got an early Christmas gift from Bannon via Vanity Fair special delivery. Some of it is old news, but it is …
14. nov. 2016 – A look at the words of Stephen K. Bannon, the new chief White House strategist to President-elect Donald J. Trump. … That, in fact, the women that would lead this country would be pro-family, they would have husbands, they would love their children. They wouldn’t be a bunch of dykes that came from the …
We are going to begin on Hollywood. To a large extent, Hollywood is a closed community, largely Jewish, with censorship and controls by the Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League “protecting” at risk populations from, as it now turns out, freedom of expression but not rape.
What we have really found is that “watchdog” organizations, several, have blackmailed sex criminals for over $250 million in recent months only.
This is a ton of cash for people tied directly to Steve Bannon. I love Bannon. It has been Bannon that has long proven that the neo-Nazi haters and the Israel lobby eat at the same table, live on the same corporate cash and back the same crooked politicians.
A forensic search of, and dozens of other objectionable websites has shown that the Anti-Defamation League headed by Abe Foxman, is funding them and that ADL workers along with volunteers are managing these “NAZI” websites.
Bannon / Breibart m.fl. rapporterer om muslimers overgrep mot kvinner og barn i land som tidligere kalte seg for kristne.
Dere finner et par linker til Breibarts side nedenfor, og det er mye interessant å lese, blant annet fra ZeroHedge som rapporterer om at California har begynt å begrense innvandringen fordi innvandrere gjør arbeidsmarkedet svært vanskelig for Californias innbyggere som strever med å få jobb. Som flere prosessorer har påpekt så er ubegrenset innvandring noe som til slutt fører til at innbyggerne som må betale regningen for Statens politikk selv blir fattige, og dette er en fin måte å skape kommunistisk slaveri på, hvor kun én prosent tjener rått, og lesten lever på randen av/under fattigdomsgrensen. Til og med Aftenposten rapporterte nylig om den store fattigdommen i USA, som er i ferd med å bli et utviklingsland, fordi myndighetene er mer opptatt av å tilpasse økonomien til det sted de selv har tenkt å unnslippe til, til verdensrommet. Det er der det sorte hullet er som sluker alle pengene i deres budsjett:
21 trillioner dollar mangler fra USAs statsbudsjett (ikke bokført hva pengene ble brukt til og ingen holdes ansvarlige)
23. des. 2017 – USAs aller, aller rikeste eier nå like store verdier som de 90 prosent fattigste. … Publisert: 23.des.2017 07:06 … Nesten halvparten av disse lever i dyp fattigdom, noe som vil si at de tjener mindre enn halvparten av den amerikanske fattigdomsgrensen – som ligger på rundt 100.000 kroner for en enslig …
Redaktør Jim Dean i Veterans Today gir de som er veldig kåte på å la hele Afrika og Midtøsten flytte inn i de landene som selv står bak bombetoktene der – for å la sine egne folk bære byrdene og betalte regningen for det disse politiske og militære lederes har begått av folkemord og ran av naturressurser på fjerne kontinenter – noen gode råd som vil være pengebesparende, og kanskje til og med føre til at kvinner i våre vestlige land kan si både «Ingen skade skjedd, ingen skjede skadd», i det minste her. Heldigvis skal Gud en dag holde både bakmennene til IS og andre djevelske både USA og Israels-støttede halshuggere (nyttige moderate terrororganisasjoner) ansvarlige en dag. Hvis du klarer å forstå hva jeg med mitt forhåpentligvis enkle språk sier, så sier jeg ikke at det bare er muslimer som voldtar, men man trenger heller ikke å tie om at de gjør det. Det finnes rasisme i alle kretser, til og med jødiske, muslimske, kristne og buddhistiske (som forfølger kristne). Noen ser bare det de vil se. Derfor har jeg lagt igjen kopier av linker som opprinnelig er postet på journalist Jeff Rense sitt nettsted helt nederst på siden.
University of California, Los Angeles research professor recently slammed the impact of “excessive immigration” on the labor market in a message to the campus community.
“For many years the United States has admitted a million legal immigrants a year. This, combined with illegal immigration, has had a significant impact on low-income American workers, who are disproportionately persons of color,” Zuckerman contends.
Due to high rates of immigration, there is an unusually “abundant pool of cheap labor,” which he argues “contributes to the transfer of wealth from lower to upper strata of society, thus increasing income inequality.”
“This is one reason why Californians for Population Stabilization supports reduced levels of immigration, and not because of ‘racism’ or ‘xenophobia,’” he assures his readers, responding to an op-ed written by UCLA alum Hector Prado, which alleged that Zuckerman’s anti-immigration work is rooted in exactly those prejudices.
While students at UCLA have been quick to allege that Zuckerman is racist, his arguments are undergirded by concern with overpopulation, not immigration per se, and the mission of his own organization is rooted in concern over California’s burgeoning population.
“California’s population has doubled, from 20 million to nearly 40 million in just the last forty years,” the website states.
“More population growth has meant more pollution, more degradation of our environmental treasures, more traffic, overcrowded schools, higher taxes, longer waits at emergency rooms, [and] even more job competition.”
Hello Jeff … It seems crystal clear to me that the reason so many Africans are being brought across the Mediterranean in those beyond-crowded rafts to rape and spread STDs – and especially AIDS – among European women, girls and little boys is to perpetrate White Genocide. I believe the zionist globalists have the intention of wiping out an entire generation of young whites. I also believe the judges and courts who let these savages go to rape again, have never once, that I have heard, forced a rapist to undergo medical screening for the sake of the victims. The judges ACT like they want to spread AIDS among European peoples. There is no other logical way to view their behavior.
I have mentioned the AIDS crisis in Europe before and how it is exploding in the white European community. This is a DIRECT result of the above policies. It is the inhuman, sub-human gang rapes that are doing the most damage. All of these convicted rapists should be executed as being completely, irredeemably defective. Every woman who is raped dies a spiritual death and many of them are getting a physical death sentence as well. Murder is murder.
Verden kommer ikke til å forandre seg. Gud kalte meg ikke til å rapportere om hva Satan gjør, men nå har jeg gjort det, og vil konsentrere meg om evangeliet, de gode nyheter, som han i Johannes 3,16 kalte oss til. For så høyt har Gud elsket verden at Han gav sin Enbårne Sønn for at hver den som tror på ham ikke skal gå fortapt, men ha evig liv.
Sergey Lavrov to Boris Johnson: Stop lying about Russia
Churchill’s wicked acts are rarely known among the public because New World Order agents like Boris Johnson have desperately tried to obscure historical facts. So, whenever serious politicians like Sergey Lavrov get the chance to humiliate New World Order agents like Boris Johnson, one ought to say, “Bravo.”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is known for humiliating New World Order agents in public. He has recently called a spade a spade again by saying that Boris Johnson lied about Russia. this is what Lavrov told Johnson in a public dialogue which was widely viewed:
“I would still like to at least get some facts supporting our unsuccessful meddling. Without facts, it’s very hard to have a serious discussion. I think you’ve just made all of this up. Unfortunately, you are a sort of hostage to this subject. It’s very hard to get down from the fence you’ve climbed.”
Johnson, as journalist Finian Cunningham has said in the past, is a “buffoonish public antics.”[1] There is no doubt that Johnson is also a New World Order agent who has a penchant for things diabolical. That’s why he has carefully chosen to say that if Russia continues to support Assad, then the country needs to be “turned to ashes.”
If you don’t believe this, then pick up Johnson’s book on Churchill and start reading it. He writes that Churchill had a “deep humanity and sympathy for other people,”[2] but he never tells his readers how Churchill bragged about liquidating millions of ethnic German civilians to death.
As we have argued elsewhere, Churchill was one of the strategic mass murderers in the twentieth century. He lied about Hitler. He signed pacts with the greatest mass murderer in the twentieth century (Joseph Stalin), literally starved millions of German civilians[3] and even Indians to death, and invented bold and categorical lies to marshal what one ought to call a diabolical plan. Churchill once chided that Palestinians are a bunch of “barbaric hoards who ate little but camel dung.”[4] Is this the man who had a “deep humanity and sympathy for other people”?
Churchill, we are told, “unleashed the notorious Black and Tan thugs on Ireland’s Catholic civilians, and when the Kurds rebelled against British rule, he said: ‘I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes…[It] would spread a lively terror.’”[5]
At one point, “when an aide pointed out that Tito intended to transform Yugoslavia into a Communist dictatorship on the Soviet model,” Churchill, who was “profoundly impressed by Darwinism,” who took Darwin’s survival of the fittest very seriously, who “took a particular dislike, for some reason, to the Catholic Church, as well as Christian missions” and who gradually became, in his own words, “a materialist—to the tips of my fingers,”[6] declared: “‘Do you intend to live there?’”[7]
The crew and captain of the U.S. intelligence gathering ship Pueblo are released after 11 months imprisonment by the government of North Korea.
The ship, and its 83-man crew, was seized by North Korean warships on January 23 and charged with intruding into North Korean waters.
The seizure infuriated U.S. President Lyndon Johnson. Later, he claimed that he strongly suspected (although it could not be proven) that the incident with the Pueblo, coming just a few days before the communist Tet Offensive in South Vietnam, was a coordinated diversion. At the time, however, Johnson did little.
The Tet Offensive, which began just a week after the ship was taken by North Korea, exploded on the front pages and televisions of America and seemed to paralyze the Johnson administration.
Buy on – Based on extensive interviews and numerous government documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, Act of War tells the riveting saga of Bucher and his men as they struggled to survive merciless torture and horrendous living conditions set against the backdrop of an international powder keg.
To deal with the Pueblo incident, the United States urged the U.N.’s Security Council to condemn the action and pressured the Soviet Union to negotiate with the North Koreans for the ship’s release.
NATO wants to attack Russia, starting World War III
NATO obviously doesn’t like Russia because Russia has meticulously changed the political and ideological climate in Syria and elsewhere. As US Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work put it last summer, “Our adversaries [Russia], quite frankly, are pursuing enhanced human operations and it scares the crap out of us.”
If you still don’t think that New World Order organizations like NATO are insane, crazy, or even diabolical, then think again. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has recently declared that NATO, according to Sputnik News, “has doubled the number of its military drills since 2012 in the vicinity of Russia’s borders, adding that Moscow is scrutinizing the exercises.”[1]
“Speaking at the final meeting of the Defense Ministry’s board, Sergei Shoigu said that the US missile defense system in Europe has been brought to the level of ‘initial operational readiness.’ The number of the bloc’s servicemen deployed near Russian borders has grown from 10 to 40 thousand in three years, he added.
“While the bloc conducted 282 military exercises near Russia’s borders in 2014, in 2017 the number of drills grew to 548. He also said that the NATO member-states have intensified their surveillance operations near Russia. ‘We resolutely suppress any attempts to violate the Russian air and sea borders,’ the Minister of Defense added.”
NATO has been pushing Russia to do something stupid since the beginning of time.[2] Even this year alone, NATO’s Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, General Adrian Bradshaw, perversely and incoherently argued that that 1) Russia has meddled in the US election, and 2) this represents an “act of war.”[3]
Bradshaw moved to say: “It is hard to imagine any future conflict that doesn’t include a substantial cyber element. It’s not just the threat of overt military attack, but it’s a raft of other measures, including covert, paramilitary, and non-military activities, some of which will be coordinated by the intelligence arms of Russia. And we as NATO need to have our antenna tuned to the signs that this sort of hostile activity is going on.”[4]
Bradshaw’s logic is pretty simple here: Any country that involves in “substantial cyber element” must face severe consequences, which may include a military coup and covert operations. Russia allegedly hacked the US election; therefore, according to this logic, Russia must pay.
Russia must accept the challenge because that would prove the end of the New World Order as we know it. Bradshaw certainly should retire from the military because obviously his memory is fading away. Back in 2012, both the United States and Israel created a computer virus called Stuxnet. Why?
NWO agents in Israel and the US wanted to hack Iran’s nuclear facilities and destroy their projects.[5] The program itself was developed and tested in Israel.[6]
“Overall,” the Washington Post itself reported then, “the attack destroyed nearly 1,000 of Iran’s 6,000 centrifuges…”[7] NWO agents bragged about how they did a good job, but no one did say that America and Israel ought to be bombed for this violation.
Can General Adrian Bradshaw explain this perennial contradiction for us? Does he really want us all to believe that Russia is actually the aggressor while NATO has already placed thousands upon thousands of troops around Russian borders? Does he mean to tell us that NATO is not advancing its troops in major countries in Europe?
You see, people like Bradshaw cannot make sense because they have abandoned the moral and political order and have embraced an essentially diabolical ideology, which can manifest itself in several ways: covert operations, colossal hoaxes, complete fabrications, and just plain lies.
[ Editor’s note: We long ago found that CAR is a CIA front tasked with covering for the White Helmets, ISIS and gang. The foremost private investigative group on such issues is Delaware based ADS of which I am managing director. Consider me biased…Gordon Duff]
[ Editor’s Note Two: Keep in mind as you are reading this that the stories about the CIA rat line buying up old arms from former Soviet Unions States has been published for several year now, a stack of them by VT.
But never once were any of these funded investigative journalism organizations in touch with VT to compare notes, when that would usually be step number one for someone claiming to have government funding, in this case the EU being the client.
And gosh, here comes this story AFTER ISIS was defeated in Iraq and almost cleared out. So inquiring minds would like to ask “why now” for CAR? Might it be paycheck time for the to “break” a story that been out for years.
And with the EU paying the tab, all these investigators would have had to do is ask some of the major EU Intel agencies to brief them on where all the arm were coming in from and save themselves a lot of field work
Why would the EU contract out to a group to do this and produce a report when when it didn’t really matter, unless they had another objective, like having that team on the ground for an alternate task? ‘Color me suspicious …Jim W. Dean ]
1894: Dreyfus Affair begins in France on this day in history
The trial that launched idea European Jews did NOT fit into society sparking the book JUDENSTAT by Herzl leading to creating State of Israel in Palestine displacing millions of indigenous peoples
On this 22nd day of December in 1894, French officer Alfred Dreyfus is convicted of treason by a military court-martial and sentenced to life in prison for his alleged crime of passing military secrets to the Germans.
[ Note: I was happy to get the lead story on the Top Five last night, as we had some updated material in the UN vote during the day. Israel and the US have gone quiet, waiting to see what various countries do after the vote. Actions will speak louder than words.
The Arab League seems united, but all depends on what they do next, as in is there a plan, or are they still arguing about it. Or is it waiting to see if the US follows through on cutting funding, something that is not really a flick of the switch, particularly on weapons support which is most of what Egypt gets.
Nikki Capone is playing the tough lady mainly to run for a future office
I am not sure how much we will see done between Christmas and New Years. But we do have the big Sochi meeting of the Syrian factions with a guest list of around 1500.
With the UN Geneva process dead due to the HNC being allowed to kill it, the ball is with those who should have it, those that really want to negotiate a deal. If they have a productive meeting, that will leave the High Negotiating Committee saboteurs out in the cold, where they should be.
The military defeat now has to be turned into a complete political defeat for all those who supported terror proxies in Syria, except for Turkey, who did, but wiggled itself into the peace process as a guarantor, and has guaranteed nothing in Idlib… JD ]
Jim’s Editor’s Notes are solely crowdfunded via PayPal
Jim’s work includes research, field trips, Heritage TV Legacy archiving & more. Thanks for helping. Click to donate >>
[ Editor’s Note: Nikki Haley must be taking steroids or something, or maybe this is what you get when you put political hacks into key diplomatic positions for which they have neither the background training nor apparently the talent to properly fulfill.
It does not take a genius to see this was a huge diplomatic disaster for the US, and no one really expects “The Donald” to have any grasp as to why, as he is still in childhood “king of the hill” game mode.
This blunder has not only been a huge blow to US prestige, but to Israel, accustomed to thinking it is invulnerable, who saw country after country with well-known Jewish Lobby political muscle which the Likudites in Israel have flexed numerous times in the past, Britain, Australia, Germany, France, all with long records of wearing out multiple sets of knee pads.
Even Israel’s secret lover, Saudi Arabia, voted for the condemnation of this stupid al-Quds move. But the most contempt we must save for Haley, for the blatant lie she told that the dumbest diplomat in the world would never have tapped themselves with.
In her whiny style she ranted on about how unfair it was to see the US being denounced for exercising “its sovereignty” to move its embassies wherever it wants to, as if she could wave the entire UN history of the Palestinian story away with a mouthful of silly words.
This is what happens when a political hack is bootstrapped into a high diplomatic position
Does she think that after only a few days we all would not remember how Trump screamed out to the whole world, “We recognize Israel as the ETERNAL capitol of the Jewish people”.
Nikki Capone needs to be booed wherever she appears in public, or have to hear chanting of “Nikki Capone, you are alone” to remind her we are taking names, too, and don’t want this kind of embarrassing representation.
Might it be time to flood the White House with calls for Nikki Capone’s resignation for making the US a laughing-stock pawn of Bibi and his Likudite buddies? What a Merry Xmas gift that would be, and how deserving… Jim W. Dean ]
«The majority of countries shrugged off the US bullying tactics and, throwing salt into the wounds in Washington, US allies including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and South Africa added their names at the last minute to the document condemning the decision.»
The recent UN votes indicate that Netanyahu is the loser who keeps on losing when it comes to international law. Even notable US allies such as Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Argentina voted against Trump’s (more accurately Netanyahu’s) decision.
Haaretz has said that it was a “blow to Trump and Netanyahu.”[1] It is stated that “some countries surprised Israel by breaking the consesus at the UN, such as Hungary, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Romania, Croatia and Poland.”[2]
Obviously, Netanyahu isn’t too happy about the decision. Obviously, he is seeing that the international community is resisting his essentially Talmudic plan. So, he had to make a move—a preposterous move. He has recently denounced the United Nations as “a house of lies.” He said:
“The attitude towards Israel of many countries, on all continents, outside the walls of the United Nations, is changing and will ultimately permeate into the U.N. – the house of lies.”
Perhaps this man needs to start looking at himself in a mirror and realizing that he is, as the Obama administration aptly put it, a “chickenshit.” Gordon Duff has recently said that the Israeli regime is actually “a tin pot dictatorship run by ‘Capo Netanyahu,’ who works for casino boss Sheldon Adelson.” Duff moved on to say:
“More nasty historical accuracy establishes Britain’s role in setting up two ‘Jewish states,’ one to exist inside Palestine, not rule Palestine, and the other to rule the Arabian Peninsula under the Jewish Saud family whose Talmudic/Wahhabist extremist beliefs established al Qaeda, ISIS and work hand in hand with Israel. This is the truth of it and saying this will label me one thing or another, in particular the worst of all ‘truth teller.’”
Saudi Arabia & ‘their Western handlers’ behind Syria peace talks failure
Jim W. Dean was right. The Saudi controlled opposition never had any intention of negotiating, but only to throw their «Assad must go» monkey wrench into the process.
The HNC’s Mohammed Alloush banged the “Assad must go” drum endlessly
[ Editor’s Note: The UN’s Staffan de Mistura rode a dead horse all the way to the end on the Syrian peace talks because he would not throw the Saudi opposition faction out for its continued insistence that Assad must go.
The Saudis are intensely bitter that with the US might behind them they could not overthrow Assad, even after unleashing their terrorist proxies on both the Syrian and Iraqi people.
Why open supporters of terrorism would be invited to a peace process when they should be facing aiding and abetting charges is beyond the realm. Can you image if Syria demanded that the Saudi Royal Family be arrested for its long list of crimes as a pre-condition?
All that is left to do is for the Syrians to make political settlements with those opposition groups willing to do so, and move forward on a new constitution and elections. I had always said the High Negotiation Committee (HNC) and the Saudis would demand in the peace talks concessions that they could not obtain on the battlefield, and that is exactly what they have done.
128 nations, including all the important ones like Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, voted, as they had previously, to affirm that no such state as “Israel” with a capitol in Jerusalem exists. By law, as exhibited in the settlement map below, there is no such nation, not until a treaty is signed.
The real military state that occupies Palestine, the Jewish state, has no recognized borders, no legal constitution and no legally constituted government. It is a tin pot dictatorship run by “Capo Netanyahu,” who works for casino boss Sheldon Adelson.
More nasty historical accuracy establishes Britain’s role in setting up two “Jewish states,” one to exist inside Palestine, not rule Palestine, and the other to rule the Arabian Peninsula under the Jewish Saud family whose Talmudic/Wahhabist extremist beliefs established al Qaeda, ISIS and work hand in hand with Israel.
Health Editor Note: I find it interesting that Ankara, clearly in Turkey, would report pollution in Iran reaching such unhealthy levels that schools had to be closed. A few years ago, after visiting Istanbul, and then driving south and westerly toward Ismit, we encountered pollution of such proportions that defied the imagination.
The Santa Claus Effect Deception series (Part I of II)
Yes, and recently, the world could barely grasp how President Trump could declare that the U.S. would move its Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, much less his next words, likened to having deemed himself the newly ordained King of the World, declared Jerusalem (the holy capital of Jesus) to be the new capital of Israel. Apparently, this announcement didn’t go over well with millions upon millions of people around the world (a reality mainstream media never covered…imagine that) and the UN security counsel meeting vote…which hardly went the way the U.S wanted…with the exception of one lone vote of our U.S. representative…
…a person who has clearly drunken the Kool-aid of Israel’s perpetual boohoo victim mantra of “the whole world is against us and we have no idea why especially given we have right to defend ourselves from the BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF ROCKETS the Palestinians unjustifiably fires upon DAILY and never you mind the 60 year military occupation, daily human right abuses and apartheid we inflict against the Palestinians ….an oh-by-the-way…no one should know about this… because…
Millions read the news today, the pedophile ring “busted” or the earlier article about how the FBI actually ran it for several weeks, expanding it, drawing in tens of thousands. Those who read it thought they knew, thought they were getting the story but as is so often the case, the truth goes so much further.
When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe, the US and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. For the Scalia tale, refer to Appendix I.
Today’s story is one more aspect of this. VT’s involvement goes back to 1991 when key VT staffers worked for America’s intelligence community. A GOP high level staffer approached the CIA claiming that President George H.W. Bush was being blackmailed. It was said that the President was at a political fundraiser in St. Louis where, unknown to the President, top GOP campaign donors were having sex with young males, some of whom had been spirited away from Boys Town in Nebraska of Father Flanagan fame.
[ Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.
We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.
What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff ]
Scalia – What really happened?
Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not President Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.
Sources say that Scalia was the single actor behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton. President Obama was aware of this and had ordered the FBI to set out traps for Scalia. We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington.
1. mar. 2016 – We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington. When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila …
[ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and press organizations to not be savaging the 9-11 commission fairy tale.
The real perpetrators are still out walking around, knowing they have a tried-and-true successful template in their pocket to redeploy at a time of their choosing in an updated fashion. The anomalies of 9-11 just scream out at you, yet our entire security structure seems to have been struck dumb by a secret space weapon.
Not one official with any standing at all, has challenged VT’s 9-11 reporting. That includes mass media, which, to date, has not put in one call “to learn more”, and perhaps revisit their own coverage, or should I say coverup.
But they are not all to blame, as America’s institutions have stood down on 9-11 en masse, which gives the public some cover, because they would tend to think that if the commission report really were a fraud, surely some important groups would be screaming about it.
But Gordon has the perfect answer to that. It’s one of his favorite lines, “Welcome to how the world really works.” We know VT readers care, so we will hang with you to the end on this, our end or theirs… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … October 5, 2016 –
For the first time in nearly a year, a 9/11 investigator has revealed highly classified information on the real events of 9/11, not a terror attack, but rather a nuclear attack on the United States, not a surprise at all, but one the US had expected, one predicted by a former American president and one purposefully ignored by President Clinton and quite probably facilitated by George W. Bush, who certainly empowered the cover up.
As early as 1996, insiders including former President George H.W. Bush, knew America was susceptible to nuclear terrorism. This was “The Sum of All Fears” just as depicted in the film, stolen nukes, planted beneath an iconic target, but those involved were certainly not terrorists.
Let’s be perfectly clear, were one to watch today’s news and not suspect that the US created and has run al Qaeda since the onset, one might be operating with something less than a full deck of cards.
5. okt. 2016 – …by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith and Ian Greenhalgh. America’s institutions have taken a dive on 9-11 America’s institutions took a dive on 9-11. [ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and …
This holding the world in its palm is a not too subtle reference as to where Brookings’ head is at
[ Editor’s Note: Gordon has gone big bear hunting with his latest NEO piece where he puts the bullseye on the now industrial scale think tank propaganda business of molding public opinion.
It is using all the tools that national intelligence agencies would, like Israel for example, to penetrate and co-opt supposed public, and public interest organizations which are nothing more then special interest fronts, or worse, Intel fronts themselves. This is the world we live in now.
Investigation journalism has given this issue a wide berth as think tanks are a popular nest to fall into for journalists looking for a secure future versus the one of struggling to survive in the real independent media world where enemies are many and friends getting fewer, the kind that will stand by you when arrows are in the air.
March 25, 2017 nuclear detonation at Ukraine arms depot (time mark 2:00 onward)
Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The Sputnik News story, censored in the West, tells of a nuclear cloud over europe, confirmed by the French IRSN (Nuclear Safety Institute). The Guardian called the cloud “harmless.”
Nobody knows where the radioactive cloud comes from despite a planet ringed with radiation tracking satellites and a massive network of monitoring stations that came online in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
The blame game, as with staged Syrian gas attacks, on the victims of course. What is the truth? Ukraine has kept nuclear weapons and one cooked off at 2:06 in the video above.
When the story was first on VT, March 25, 2017, YouTube videos hit immediately. However, aggressive censorship at orders of the Google Jigsaw group headed by Jared Cohen, the man we allege planned and executed the 2014 Ukraine coup, pinched off the story or at least tried to.
Google is the biggest threat to press freedom in world history, mark my words. Google’s covert policy of supporting regime change and their clandestine military organization, operating in dozens of nations, have long been targeted by VT.
The truth is simple, Ukraine kept nuclear weapons, many of which are dangerous, having been poorly serviced, now unstable and as you can see, with disabled safety mechanisms. We allege that these weapons have been used against Donesk and even offered for sale to Iran and Saudi Arabia as well.
Below we include the March 2017 story and our Feb 13, 2015 story busting Kiev for using the nukes they so often claim don’t exist. (See Addendum I)
We are currently following more stories involving Ukraine and Georgia using local assets, stories that will soon reveal the use of biological agents and a possible planned use of a genetically targetable biological weapon against Russia as well.
The following is from a Russia Today (banned in US as an agency of a foreign government) story outlining President Putin’s reaction to what he has deemed a biological warfare threat by the US against Russia tied to the collection of genetic material that could be used for weapons research:
“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.
He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians’ biological samples.
While the Russian president’s claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.
Dette gjorde de USA-støttede «moderate rebeller» mot en 12 år gammel gutt som led av en blodsykdom. Gruppen mottar fortsatt støtte, for det var ingen grunn god nok til å stenge kranen:
USA-støttet koalisjon støtter barnehalshuggere og angriper sivile i Syria
Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.
They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.
But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.
Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day
[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.
But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.
This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.
Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.
The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.
That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.
The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.
Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.
Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]
7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …
11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …
ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq
Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):
EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall
[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.
See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.
You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.
A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.
Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]
Investigation of Alleged Chemical Weapons Use in Syria’s Idlib Province
The Russian Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Industry and Trade have presented their own report on chemical attacks in Syria in the wake of a UN-OPCW document, which accuses Damascus of using chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun on April 4.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has stated that the risk of crimes related to chemical weapons use outside the Middle East is high.
Russia has voiced strong opposition to the use of chemical weapons, emphasizing that those guilty in such crimes should be brought to justice.
Claims that Russia is allegedly encouraging chemical weapons’ use in Syria are “hysteria” and attempts to discredit Moscow, the Russian Foreign Ministry has stated, adding that it is unacceptable to blame Damascus for it based on media reports. Moscow believes that it makes no sense for Damascus to use chemical weapons as only the opposition could benefit from it.
According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the UN-OPCW report on the chemical weapons’ use in Syria is biased, “unprofessional and amateur.”
“Of course we expected that the mechanism and the OPCW fact-finding mission would ensure a completely unbiased and a highly professional manner of investigation to decidedly and conclusively establish the guilty party. I shall say straight away that these expectations were not met,” the head of the Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Department of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Mikhail Ulyanov said at a briefing.
First investigators refused to visit the site of the alleged chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun in the Idlib province, the Russian ministry has recalled, adding that the probe had been conducted remotely.
“The investigation … was carried out remotely in New York and the Hague offices, as well as on the territory of one of the countries bordering Syria. This could not help but affect the quality of the investigation, which turned out to be extremely low.”
100 years to the day after the Balfour Declaration, the New York Times has finally published its long-awaited exposé revealing the hideous truth behind the phenomenon of Zionism. But that story does not appear on the front page. Instead, it is in the science section.
NYT has discovered that the sea slug Cratena Peregrina (like the Zionist entity) practices “kleptopredation.” That means it isn’t content to just rob you. It eats you as well. (Or vice versa, depending on how you look at it.) As the Times explains:
Think of it like wielding a living (EDIBLE -KB) fishing rod. Or eating a turducken. Whichever your preferred analogy, kleptopredation — using one prey item to obtain another prey item — falls outside ecologists’ traditional classifications of feeding behavior. There’s predation, and there’s so-called kleptoparasitism (when one animal takes food from another animal, like a pack of hyenas stealing a fresh kill from a lion). But kleptopredation is something new.
Or maybe not so new. Kleptopredation precisely describes what the Zionists have done to the British and US empires and their prey, starting with Palestine.
100 years ago, the Balfour Declaration enshrined the most audacious act of kleptopredation in human history. The Rothschild Zionists manipulated the world’s then-biggest predator, the British, into devouring prey it otherwise never would have captured (the Ottoman Empire including Palestine).
At the moment you figured anti-Russia mess couldn’t get any weirder, Russian President Putin reveals the west’s bio-warfare planning. News Russian genetic material is being harvested all over the country, purposefully and professionally, is the latest chilling reminder of the globalist war on Russia.
No, you are not reading the fiction novel Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison. But yes, this is a revelation of the coming dystopian future we’re headed for.
Most of us involved in the ongoing media war against the globalist lie can believe just about anything these days. What with RussiaGate unhinging reality in America, and crazy journalists screaming “Evil Putin” with every breath, the announcement radioactive Godzilla has invaded East Germany would scarcely raise an eyebrow. But the most pragmatic leader of humanity in two centuries calling out the U.S. Air Force for preparing all-out biological warfare on Russia?
If flaming Neocon David Horowitz is right, that the Khazarian Mafia and their puppets “have played a disproportionate role as leaders of the modern revolutionary movements in Europe and the West,”[1] then one shouldn’t be surprised that the same wicked people have tried to bring down Russia over the centuries.
According to Horowitz, over the centuries the Khazarian Mafia and their gangsters have attempted to “fulfill the messianic prophecies of the pre-Enlightenment,” which always created trouble in Europe. Those “messianic prophecies” were arguably hatched from Talmudic mores and customs, and they have brought nothing but misery upon the world. The Revolution of 1848, The Russian Revolution, Mao’s Great Leap Forward, Ho Chi Minh’s communist movement in Vietnam, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and more recently perpetual wars in the Middle East are classic manifestations of those “messianic prophecies.”
Virtually all the major Asian countries were infected by those ideological viruses. Moreover, many of the Asian revolutionaries were dragged into these messianic prophecies without even really understanding what was going on. Oh Chi Minh in particular had a superficial knowledge of Russia before 1920. In fact, he knew very little about the October Revolution. In fact,
60 civilians killed, 200 injured as US-led coalition strikes Mosul residential areas – Russian MoD Published time: 25 Oct, 2016 14:24Edited time: 26 Oct, 2016 12:47 According to the Russian military, among the civilian objects hit by US-led coalition airstrikes was a school for girls in southern Mosul, which was attacked last Friday. Les resten: […]
7. okt. 2017 – Indeed, the investigation into the document compiled by a former British intelligence operative, Christopher Steele, has only increased in scale. Related: Trump-Russia ‘golden shower‘ dossier is now being investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. According to reports in recent days, not only has the …
Trump’s Murder List Officially Begins: Mystery death of ex-KGB chief linked to MI6 spy’s dossier
[ Editor’ s note: There is no shortage of confirmations that Trump’s denial of the dossier is as bogus as the 1.5 million he told the CIA attended his inauguration. ]
An ex-KGB chief suspected of helping the former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to compile his dossier on Donald Trump may have been murdered by the Kremlin and his death covered up, it has been claimed.
28. jan. 2017 – An ex-KGB chief suspected of helping the former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to compile his dossier on Donald Trump may have been murdered by the … Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the KGB and its successor the FSB, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day in mysterious …
29. jan. 2017 – There is now no doubt, the 39 page dossier of intelligence reports on Donald Trump and his ties to Russia is very real, despite all the vehement denials by Trump. Yes, Donald Trump did indeed go to Moscow and get pee‘d on by prostitutes in a hotel room where the Obamas once stayed. Christopher …