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Deadly political games: Italian journalist blows lid off Maidan snipers mystery

Riot police faced a professionally organized fire bombing campaign to get them to shoot down protestors

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Denne artikkelen forklarer hvem som gjorde hva, og det er ikke hva vi har fått høre i «mainstream«-media:

Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa


Video on the real Odessa massacre by Pravy Sektor

Links below for all photos and video


by  F.  William  Engdahl  

… and an Odessa eyewitness to the bestial May 2 massacre








Hell on earth comes to Odessa
Hell on earth comes to Odessa






VT would like to thank Mr. Engdahl for this excellent example of investigation journalism. As you will read below, corporate media is keeping the two words “Right Sector” out of the coverage, revealing themselves as aiders and abettors.


The following video is from a woman who is a resident of Odessa and who managed to survive in the center of the horror day of May 2, when more than 40 people perished and hundreds were injured.

The extensive photos and videos taken are increasingly documenting  a savage, deliberately-planned assault by members of the Ukraine Pravy Sektor armed mafia thugs, with connivance of the Ukrainian regional police and Kiev government.


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Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa | Veterans Today | Page 25

5. mai 2014 – It is strongly suspected by knowledgeable sources that Donbass fighters include the deadly, “dirty war” NATO-trained Ukrainian National Assembly- Ukrainian People’s Self-Defense which has been engaged on behalf of NATO as a sort of Gladio-B since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, killing Russian …

Forget Russia, Israel Actual Foreign Power Collaborating With Team Trump



While no compelling evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 US election has been uncovered so far, the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has brought a different kind of relationship to the spotlight – the one between Washington and Tel Aviv.

US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged connections between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government has entered its seventh month of operation. More than $3.2 million has been spent, yet the investigators struggle to provide proof of Moscow’s interference.

While all eyes were on Moscow, President Trump made a groundbreaking decision torecognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, thus dragging a historically close relationship with Tel Aviv to the spotlight.

The ties between Israel and the US President Trump are demonstrably strong, Dr. Cristian Nitoiu, Dahrendorf Postdoctoral Fellow in EU-Russia Relations at the London School of Economics, told Sputnik, noting that “a look at his [Trump’s] business interests in the country, and major donors to his presidential campaign, attest to that.”

“A lot of his ventures in the US are partially funded by capital from firms in Israel,” Dr. Nitoiu told Sputnik.

Israeli Settlements

A flagrant collusion between Trump’s team and the government of Israel, aimed at undermining both US government policy and international law, has been uncovered by Mueller’s investigation.

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US Caught Aiding ISIS: Fight in the Skies of Deir-Ezzor


US Air Forces Central Command, Russian/Syrian aircraft crossed a de-confliction line into coalition airspace east of the Euphrates River 6-8 times a day in late November. “The greatest concern is that we could shoot down these aircraft because of their actions are seen as a threat” to coalition forces, the source claimed recently together with CNN.
In turn, Assad’s allies announced that most of the rapprochement between Russian/Syrian and U.S.-led coalition’ aircraft in the vicinity of the Euphrates River valley in Syria was associated with the attempts of the U.S. aircraft to interfere with the destruction of ISIS terrorists.


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Viktig, oppklarende artikkel:

Mr. Trump, Jerusalem is NOT the capital of biblical Israel

NEO – The US and Global Artificial Intelligence Arms Race

«Here’s looking at ya», or maybe I should say «thinking about ya».

by  Ulson Gunnar ,    … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

False flag attack capability could be raised to a level beyond imagination

[ Editor’s Note: We have not published much on VT about Artificial Intelligence because it is such an huge and vastly multilayered subject in terms of all of its applications. So once again we turn to out partner, NEO, to begin with Gunnar’s excellent primer article below.

AI is of course a defense contractor’s dream come true as it opens up massive opportunities for both offensive and defensive applications. The poor taxpayer pocketbook gets whacked coming and going.

The US, as usual, is leading in AI with its military offensive capabilities, which has stimulated crash research and funding from potential targets to defend themselves and also have their own retaliation offensive programs.

The US taxpayer is now over a barrel in having to fund more billions in defensive AI into what is going to be an AI arms race. Israel will do its usual thing, steal AI from us, make their own superior version and then sell off watered down ones to US potential adversaries to keep cozy relations with them.

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The Protocols of the Box, an Ancient Modern Day Parable


Editor’s note: Steve Robertson represents a move at VT, making a home for the major writers from mainstream media that simply couldn’t stand it anymore.  He now joins VT in Google’s exile department, delisted, misdirected and more.  They even froze my Gmail accounts, killed my YouTube and no longer allow me access to whatever “Google Plus” is.

Do I look like I care?  What’s their problem?  All I did was expose Google for running torture and assassination teams and staging, through “Jigsaw,” two gas attacks inside Syria.

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Zionism, is White Nationalism is Bolshevism, the real “Right”


Editor’s note:  With Trump now officially a Zionist puppet, here to push America into another phony war, it is time to reflect on the scum that backed him.  Those of us who predict events with some record of success know Trump and his Bolshie masters are planning a huge false flag attack on America to push for a new war.  We begin:

…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Bolshevism is the real religion behind Zionism.  Bolshevism promotes mass human slavery at the hands of a select ruling class.  To achieve its ends, Bolshies work hand in hand with Wall Street, the City of London, the Rothschilds, the Vatican and their agents, the CIA, RAW, MI6, Mossad and others, to keep mankind in decline.

The press is just one of their many tools.  Governments are simply another.  Their greatest tool of all is “dumb folks.”

Even as a small child, growing up in Detroit, it was easy to see.  Those who know history or who take responsibility for their own lives, credit trade unions for things like decent public schools, fire departments, clean water and air, a minimum wage and nearly every other positive act government is involved in.

Those who oppose unions, generally the ignorant and the “outdoor toilet” folks, never paid into Social Security in the first place, field hands often don’t, and had no reason to want to protect it from the thieving GOP.

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Zionism, is White Nationalism is Bolshevism, the real “Right”

En veldig viktig historietime for alle som vil forstå historien bak kurdernes problemer, og ikke minst Israels innblanding i deres rekker og områder. Det er flere land som har mye blod på hendene, i tillegg til kurderne selv, og dette er årsaken til hvorfor mange israelere veiver med et kurdisk flagg, og motsatt.

Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood


…by Richard Edmondson

[ Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it. The VT team met Richard in Syria at the counter-terrorism conference where he was traveling as an independent. We shared a ride and security back to Beirut when we left.

He is one of those do the grunt work research writers to do original material, unlike the mob that rewrites the news today for internet postings and then pretending to be journalists.

Most of the time they have no educational background for it, career work, or personal sources to really do the work. It is always a pleasure to get his material and be able to share it with you Jim W. Dean ]

Richard Edmundson on left, back row, Counter Terrorism court in Damascus with VT team, Dec. 2015


Perhaps at some point we’ll see a sly Zionist pop up somewhere claiming the Kurds are an “ancient biblical people.” And doubtless, if so, he’d have plenty of money to buy off plenty of historians to “verify” his claim.

And maybe in the not-so-distant future we could even anticipate publication of a brand new modern English translation of the Bible with a rewording of the Book of Genesis to include the following:

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Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

Riyadh advancing Israeli interests, Palestinian officials worry

New York Times: Israel and Saudi Arabia are pushing America into war with Iran

Why did Donald Trump recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?

Righteous Jewish scholars condemn Trump Jerusalem ploy

Jerusalem Rising: Antichrist Cometh

MILLION A WEEK CLUB – The Bad Stuff No 3

Israeli soldiers filmed harassing schoolchildren in occupied Hebron (VIDEO)

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed.

Les resten:

Syria: Reuters Reports of isis fighters left in secret deal


Graphic: Police Shooting by Phillip Mitchell Brailsford, Coward or Insane Drugged Out Cop, You Judge

Vladimir Putin: I will survive the New World Order in 2018

Finally, Syria on the Path to Winning the War on terror

Oliver Stone: Vladimir Putin Is Rational

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Anyone who has watched Vladimir Putin’s speeches, dialogues and interactions over the past six years or so must admit that he…

Sergei Lavrov: “Bloodthirsty tirade” against North Korea is unacceptable

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has recently called a spade a spade and has chastised United States officials once again for…

Omar al-Bashir to Putin: I need your protection against the New World Order

…by Jonas E. Alexis   Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has surprised some politicians when he approached Vladimir Putin and said that he needed “protection from the…

Russia Probe: US and Russia Swimming in Bolshevik Soup with a Generous Helping…

Why are we allowing a criminal enterprise to run at least two of the most powerful countries in the world?

Groper in Chief: Trump, Show Us the Receipts if Summer Zervos Is Lying

Syrian War Report – December 7, 2017: Iran-Lebanon Land Route

Bill Clinton to Netanyahu: “Who the fuck does he think he is?”

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 07, 2017

Pearl Harbor Day false flag alert! War party about to stage “provocation” in Mideast, Korea?

Finding Simpler Ways to Diagnosis Disease

The Palestinians; Abdicating the Cause

Keep Tweeting Mr President!

Francis, an Antipope Heretic? This is “Old News”

Ex-CIA Robert David Steele: “Privatizing Covert Operations The Most Asinine, Unconstitutional Unethical Idea of the 21st Century”

Terrorism and Islam: Correlation is not causation

There is no al Qaeda in Afghanistan

Saleh’s death means a fresh hell beckons for Yemen

Detained Saudi princes, tycoons agree to cash settlements

Ukraine: UN needs to continue food aide and support Eastern Ukraine.

Who is isis today? Israel for oil

Syrian War Report – December 6, 2017: Tiger Forces Reached Al-Bukamal

Quest Complete: The Planet Is OURS

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 06, 2017

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed

Eugene Puryear and Sean Blackmon, hosts of By Any Means Necessary on Sputnik Radio, spoke to Max Blumenthal, author and journalist as well as the senior editor of progressive website AlterNet.

Les resten:

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event

War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East

Is Netanyahu still a psychopath and pathological liar?


Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia


Former adviser to US President Donald Trump Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. Some have taken this revelation as evidence of collusion between the Trump transition team and the Israeli government – not Russia, as many mainstream outlets have claimed

Breaking: FBI Wrong About Trump Collusion with Russia

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor December 6, 2017


Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event



War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East


SDF spokesman defector: US armed Kurdish terror groups to fight Daesh and SAA

Kushner brags about fighting Iran in pro-Israeli event

War In Yemen And Geopolitical Standoff In Middle East

Is Netanyahu still a psychopath and pathological liar?

Syrian War Report – December 5, 2017: Israeli Forces Launch More Missiles On Syria

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 05, 2017

Will Trump set the Mideast on fire to avoid treason charges?

SDF spokesman defector: US armed Kurdish terror groups to fight Daesh and SAA

Prize Wepler Fondation la Poste 2017

Oliver Stone: Vladimir Putin Is Rational

Will My Diocese Enforce the “Mark of the Beast?”

Open Source Everything!

Syrian War Report – December 4, 2017: Israeli-Iranian Tensions Gain Momentum

US Intel chief promised SDF corridor to the Mediterranean Sea

Talal Silo former spokesperson for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces – SDF

… from  Southfront

The theater staging of these SDF events is a give-away that it is being used at a US Balkanizing tool to be used in the political talks

[ Editor’s Note: This is a very strange story from the same source, which follows a very credible one I posted yesterdayon how the US laundered weapons through the phantom Arab segment of the SDF to parties unknown.

The CIA is not empowered to offer or negotiate the deal described below, that the US would get the Kurds an opening through Syrian to the Mediterranean to make it a potentially more viable future independent country with its own supply lines.

And second, the Turks are currently in control of northwestern Syria and it will be a cold day in hell before they would agree to such a Kurdish corridor. And third, if you look further south that Syrian Mediterranean area is Assad’s heartland.

Theoretically, the Kurds could be thinking they could offer to withdraw from the recently captured eastern Euphrates river area to the Iraqi border in return for a Med corridor. But why would Damascus ever agree to that?

And now that the Russian, Syrians and Kurds have a joint operations command in Deir Ezzor, where would the real push come for such a corridor?

General Eugeny, a representative of the Russian military group in Syria, announced yesterday in a meeting with the Kurdish YPG that a joint operations command would be set up to coordinate the mopping up of remaining ISIS pockets in the Euphrates River Valley. Strangely there has been no comment in this from Damascus, but we will be pinging our sources to see if there is a quiet agreement to such an arrangement.

Once the ISIS war is really wound down I believe we see a shift into a political and terror war in Syria where only the means to get what outside parties want will changeJim W. Dean ]

Les resten:

US Intel chief promised SDF corridor to the Mediterranean Sea

Ex-Yemeni leader Saleh killed after selling out to Saudis

Breaking: Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh killed in Sana fighting

Jeff Gates/Mel Rockefeller: Memo to Four Generals

Fabricated Hate, the Phony “Jew v. Nazi” Fake Narrative

Erdogan’s insomnia and NATO’s H-Bombs in Turkey

Former SDF spokesman rats out U.S. using SDF front org to arm Kurdish militias

The Power of Hierarchy and the Psuedo-Truth Monopoly

Strategies to Bring Down the New World Order

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 03, 2017

Esoteric Evolution, a primer for the New Gods – Twin Peaks I

The Tet Offensive and Its Aftermath – Om Vietnam

Cointel pro, handlers and Our Constitution of the United States of America

Sergei Lavrov: “Bloodthirsty tirade” against North Korea is unacceptable

Planet X: The Perfect “I Don’t Fear God” Remedy


Excalibur, Duality and Your Sword of Truth

Pravda: Another war brewing in the Persian Gulf

Ka-226T: Shining Mirror of Russian Helicopters’ Bright Future (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Turkey: “SDF Never Existed,” Arms all Went to Kurdish Terror Groups and ISIS

97% of the Universe May Not Even Exist – But 9/11 and the Holocaust Are Sacred Eternal Truths?

Million a Week Club: USA Total Gamma Rad No 2

Black Gun Friday Special Sale

“Wipe the Soviet Union Off the Map”: Planned US Nuclear Attack against USSR

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 02, 2017

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 02, 2017

British Intel Files: Khazarian Mafia “Terrorized London”

Trump Picked to Attack Iran, Was it Saudi Arabia and Israel that Rigged the US Election (video/Press TV)

Breaking: Turkey issues arrest warrant for former CIA official Graham Fuller over coup attempt

Former national security adviser Flynn pleads guilty to lying to FBI

“Dickhead” Flynn Locked Up, not “Corrupt Hillary” as G-d Smiles

Syrian War Report – December 1, 2017: ISIS Plans To Move Its Caliphate To LibyaSyrian War Report – December 1, 2017: ISIS Plans To Move Its Caliphate To Libya


UN wants Saudi-led siege on Yemen totally lifted

Sudanese president to Vladimir Putin: I need your protection against the New World Order

Russia Probe: Are the US and Russia Swimming in a Bolshevik Soup with a Generous Helping of Kosher Nostra on Top?

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 01, 2017

Russia Probe: Rigged Election? Who’s afraid of a Red Herring?


Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er:

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

NEO – New Revelations in the Syrian War

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

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NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us

Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation?

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World


by  Preston James


From the Left: VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke.

Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremism held in Damascus, Syria. This speech is sending shock-waves around the World.


Gordon Duff was part of a Veterans Today Senior Staff Delegation that traveled to Damascus and was in consultation with the Veterans Today Board and other like minded individuals within the American Military and Intelligence community and other such individuals from sixty-eight different nations around the World who were at the Conference.

This Delegation included Veterans Today Senior Editor *Gordon Duff, Veterans Today Managing Editor **Jim Dean, Veterans Today Director ***Colonel James Hanke, and Veterans Today Financial Editor ****Mike Harris.

Gordon Duff’s speech quickly changed the focus of the whole conference and is now sending shock-waves around the World in the various Diplomatic, Military and Intelligence corps around the World.

Why is his speech Historic? For a number of vitally important reasons. This speech is the first time in history an American Intelligence Team of “non-activists” gave a military briefing to an audience of this type, including key Military Leaders of diverse Tribal Forces throughout Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, along with a Russian delegation and many others from around the world. Before this historic speech by Duff, no one has ever dared to speak the simple truth about the true problem, that it is not Terrorism in the Mideast, but it is the effects of large scale international Organized Crime.

What American general made sure stockpiles of heavy weapons and ammo would be left in Iraq for the soon to emerge ISIS/ISIL/Daish?
ISIS, also known as ISIL, Daish, Al Qaeda version 2, or Al CIA Duh version 2. How could this group grow so fast and become instantly so well armed and unopposed?




Duff’s speech immediately changed the whole tone of the Conference and turned it to a very practical focus on the true causes of ISIS/Daish.

His speech immediately shifted the focus of the Conference from theoretical discussions of Terrorism and Extremism, to what is actually going on at the ground level at a practical level, who is responsible and why they are doing it, that is stealing factories and torturing and killing civilians, folks that are their people.

Gordon Duff laid out the true cause of ISIS/Daish in simple terms for the very first time anyone has ever done so publicly and this disclosure from such a highly credentialed and credible Intel Professional is now sending shock-waves around the World.

Duff declared that there are far too many that have died to continue speaking in unclear terms and that it was time to share a key hypothesis based on signals intelligence. Then Duff proceeded to explain the True Causes of ISIS/Daish in simple understandable terms which provide the clarity needed to form a sustainable solution.



Duff explained how the illegal Supreme Court Decision of Citizens United made it possible for an Israeli-American Organized crime magnate now operating out of Macao, Sheldon Adelson to essentially buy control of both Houses of Congress in the last election and being able to bring Congress under control of this International Crime Syndicate which specializes in human trafficking and narcotics.

Les resten /Read more:

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves … – Veterans Today

13. des. 2014 – by Preston James. vt-syria From the Left: VT Financial Editor Mike Harris, VT Managing Editor Jim Dean, VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff and VT Director Colonel James Hanke. Last week Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today delivered an Historic Keynote Address at the International Conference on …

NEO – Syrian Counterterrorism Conference made … – Veterans Today

4. jan. 2015 – Our letter of invitation from the Syrian Minister of Justice ended up being our passport through customs and on the road to Damascus with our AK-47 … Gordon Duff, Col. James Hanke (ret), Mike Harris and I spent our days in Syria in a flurry of conference meetings, interviews and a memorable trip to Syria’s …

Mike Harris: Gordon Duff is the guest | Live | Veterans Today


11. mai 2017 – In addition, all images within this post are the full responsibility of the broadcaster/author and NOT Veterans Today Network. Legal Notice – Comment Policy. Posted by Mike Harris on May 11, 2017, With 995 Reads Filed under Short End of the Stick. You can follow any responses to this entry through the …

Why Syria Should Boycott Geneva Talks, Duff on Press TV


Why Syria Should Boycott Geneva Talks, Duff on Press TV

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Dec. 01, 2017

1955: Rosa Parks ignites civil rights bus boycott on this day in history

TradCatKnight Radio, “Proof Francis is a FreeMason”

Searching for Better Methods to Find Breast Cancer

NEO – Hariri backtracks, Prince Salman goes quiet, and Lebanon takes a breath

TRADCATKNIGHT Interviews Bernard Janzen on this crisis in the Catholic Church

Syrian War Report – November 30, 2017: China Considers Deploying Special Forces In Syria

Who is the RN? Can You Tell?

1950: Truman refuses to rule out atomic weapons against Korea on this day in history

Trump tweets video of HIS OWN BEST FRIENDS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS smashing the Virgin Mary

Rothschilds Used Dreyfus Affair to Divide and Conquer

Real anti-Semites know that the central bankers are the problem. Thus, the Rothschilds deflect this blame onto the Jewish people as a whole, by fostering anti- Semitism. Thus, the Rothschilds trick Jews who want to assimilate into acting as agents and human shields for their Satanic agenda.


…by Jonas E. Alexis and Henry Makow


Henry Makow has a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982 and is the author of the best-selling book Cruel Hoax: Feminism & the New World Order. Makow grew up in a Jewish family.

Makow has been completely misrepresented by thought-police organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center. “The elite operates by fostering division and conflict in the world,” he says. “Thus, we don’t realize who the real enemy is. Idealists in my parent’s generation were disillusioned when the Communist dream of universal brotherhood turned out to be a snare.”

Jonas E. Alexis: People tend to forget the Dreyfus Affair. Dreyfus was a French artillery officer who was accused of espionage in 1894, at a time when, according to Alfred S. Lindemann of the University of California, “anti-Semitism was at a low ebb.”[1]

Yet that did not stop Dreyfus’s supporters (known as Dreyfusards) from bringing the issue of anti-Semitism into the affair as the motive behind Dreyfus’s accusation:

“But the first major history of the Affair, written by Joseph Reinach, himself Jewish and a leading Dreyfusard, provides a lurid picture of the role of conspiratorial, reactionary anti-Semites in the military. The most popular account of the Affair in English, by Nicholas Halasz, also Jewish, followed Reinach’s lead in describing Dreyfus’s arrest as unquestionably motivated by anti-Semitism.”[2]

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The Rothschilds Used Dreyfus Affair to Divide and Conquer

Israel, Saudi Arabia & Egypt wanted US to bomb Iran before nuclear deal – John Kerry


…from Russia Today, Moscow

Samantha Powers, UN ambassador on a broomstick

[ Editor’s Note: The gloves came off with John Kerry spilling the beans on how America’s wonderful corrupt allies view us as a “rent-a-bombing” service when they don’t like a country. The word sociopaths was invented for people like this.

I don’t usually get into predicting the future, but I sense a move here by Kerry to maybe run against Trump. I think he would beat him in a paper ballot, but with the voting machines it would be difficult.

But the best revelation is at the end below, Kerry revealing that the Iran missile restrictions were supposed to be out of the JCPOA deal, but Samantha Powers slipped them back in without anyone noticing, and incredible bomb to drop. Somebody really screwed up there.

I can’t want to see if any media folks are banging on her door tomorrow for a comment. Gosh, I wonder who might have gotten to her to pull that stunt, or what little country?  It sounds like an Intel Op to me. Don’t be surprised if Kerry has more juicy disclosures like this in the pipeline.

There has been no word of his lobbying Congress to not to screw up the Iran deal with new sanctions. There should be no reason for him not to if he wanted, as he is still a citizen last I heard. Ain’t it great to live in a free country and be ruled over like you were in an occupied one sometimes Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

Israel, Saudi Arabia & Egypt wanted US to bomb Iran before nuclear deal – John Kerry

China may deploy special forces to Syria

RAG RADIO: Democratic Socialist & Ex-Marine Lee Carter, Virginia House of Delegates

Russia Claims N. Korea Testing Re-Entry Vehicle for Nuking “the Swamp”

Syrian War Report – November 29, 2017: US-backed Forces And ISIS Reached Ceasefire In Eastern Syria?

Saudis convert to Zionism – re-circumcized at Paris synagogue

Trump Tweets Nazi Hate Videos, Inciting Anti-Islam Violence

The US Afghanistan Taliban Merry-go-round

NSA whistleblower William Binney: Russiagate is total “crap”

“If the idiots in the intelligence community expect us to believe them after all the crap they have told us (like WMD’s in Iraq and ‘no we don’t collect data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans’) then they need to give clear proof of what they say. So far, they have failed to prove anything.”


…by Jonas E. Alexis


William Binney is a former intelligence official with National Security Agency (NSA). He is also a mathematician. He has recently grabbed the Neocon and Zionist gangsters by the horn and declared that “Russiagate” is complete crap. He said:

If the idiots in the intelligence community expect us to believe them after all the crap they have told us (like WMD’s in Iraq and ‘no we don’t collect data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans’) then they need to give clear proof of what they say. So far, they have failed to prove anything.”

That certainly is fair enough. You simply cannot make an outrageous accusation and then leave the scene without providing an iota of evidence. If you ask Mr. X for the evidence that the Russiagate thing is legitimate, he would respond by saying Mr. Y has it; when you ask Mr. Y, he says Mr. Z has it; when you ask Mr. Z, he says Mr. X has it. The Neocons and Zionist ethnic cleansers have been playing this game for quite a long time. They think that positing an assertion and repeating it over and over again somehow is evidence for the assertion itself.

Binney certainly nailed it precisely because the same Russiagate people are the ones who bled the Middle East to death. Remember what happened in Iraq again? As former CIA officer Paul R. Pillar put it,

“The [Bush] administration realized that a tremendous, noholds-barred sales job was needed to persuade the American public to support a departure from a tradition of nonaggression…The [WMD] campaign was supported by a relentless effort to dig up whatever bits of reporting could be construed as showing that Iraq was an immediate threat.”[1]

In 2001, William Kristol, Francis Fukuyama, Norman Podhoretz, Bill Bennett, Aaron Friedberg, Nicholas Eberstadt, Rudy Boshwitz, Martin Peretz, Stephen P. Rosen, Richard Perle, Henry Sokolski, Donald Kagan, among twenty-eight other neoconservatives, sent a letter to President Bush making a similar request. The letter stated in part:

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NSA whistleblower William Binney: Russiagate is total “crap”

Top 5 Top Veterans Stories in Today’s News – Nov. 29, 2017

1947: U.N. votes for partition of Palestine on this day in history

Revelations of a High-Profile Qatari Official Reveal a Wider anti-Syria Conspiracy


by Alexander Orlov,  …with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Bye, bye Charlie, another fake

[ Editor’s Note: I had seen the Charlie Rose interview with former Qatari PM and FM Hamad Bin Jassim but missed the BBC one that Orlov’s article covers below. It reveals the $137 billion that the US coalition spent to topple Syria, an astounding figure, and of course all debt funded onto the backs of future Americans.

As for the revolt back at home over all this, it never happened. Distractions galore have overseas concerns at the bottom of most people’s lists, so that is where a lot of low risk looting goes on.

Orlov’s figures on the bribes paid to Syrian officer defectors are in line, but the $50 million paid by the Saudis for ex-Syrian PM Riyad Farid Hijab’s defection seems overly generous. If true, one can imagine the bitterness of the Saudis and hence their wanting to blame Iran, but you notice you hear no condemnation against Russia’s assistance, which was the tipping point in the war.

And of course none of the EU countries, despite NATO being involved in the Syrian take down, with the old Mid East colonialists leading the way, are following Saudi Arabia’s lead in the new Iran bogeyman push. They are racing to get a piece of the Iranian rebuilding contracts and holding tight on the JCPOA deal, too.

Surprise, surprise…they are caught playing both sides against the middle once again, selling arms to the Saudis to pummel the poor Yeminis while doing business with Iran. Even N.Korea has gotten more PR savvy, saying its nukes are only for the US, and because they don’t want to get the “Libya treatment”, but which last I remember that was a NATO deal, tooJim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

Revelations of a High-Profile Qatari Official Reveal a Wider anti-Syria Conspiracy

TRUTH JIHAD: Steve Robertson on Palestine, The Santa Claus Effect, superconsciousness, and the sacred power of words

1943: FDR attends Tehran Conference with Stalin, Churchill, and Kai-Shek on this day in history


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Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

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Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

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NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:


Jigsaw/Google Op: Hundreds of Trucks Loaded With Weaponry’ Reach SDF Despite Trump’s Promise

First New Site De-listed by Google for Quality Investigative Journalism


[Editor’s note:  When seeking open source confirmation, VT found all stories including recent videos, of weapons deliveries scrubbed by Google/YouTube/Jigsaw.  Accounts were closed, even news stories delisted.

What we can expect from this, and this is not a guess, is a new gas attack inside Syria, something the Saudi’s can jump on.  We see the hand of the Jigsaw “phony Soros” regime change machine, formerly Google Ideas Group, behind a new plot to push for Trump air strikes against Syria and a war with Russia on behalf of Israel and Saudi Arabia, who are “Google.” Gordon ]

Les resten:

Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

NEO – New Revelations in the Syrian War

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

Confirmed: Las Vegas Shootings a Saudi False Flag


By Gordon Duff with Colonel James Hanke, USA Special Forces (ret)

Veterans Today waited to speak up about Las Vegas.  We have people on the scene and one of the Adamus partners handles casino security.  We waited.  Here is what can be told:

The dead are real.  Some of those spreading the worst of the conspiracy theory have been tasked through “talking points” to do so.  When you read this, you will know who pays their bills and why.

A unnamed Saudi “prince” had rented the entire top floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel the day before the shootings and left the day after.  This is confirmed, inexorable, a proven fact.

The news stories that the Saudi Air Forces rented floors in hotels around the shooting scene are partially correct but are being spun into the usual disinformation.

Les resten:


Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers on fake news, George Soros, and…

Kevin Barrett November 25, 2017

Did newly-elected Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz eject George Soros’s foundations from the country? And is Kurz a 9/11 truther who was «red pilled» by watching Loose Change?

Million a Week Club – USA Total Gamma Rad

Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

desember 2017
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 17:30

John Kerry is still kicking Netanyahu’s butt

“More than 50,000 children in Yemen are expected to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country. Seven million people are on the brink of famine in the country, which is in the grips of the largest cholera outbreak in modern history.»


…by Jonas E. Alexis


John Kerry is still giving Netanyahu a hard time. He has recently revealed that Netanyahu told Obama to literally bomb Iran, but Obama never listened to the mad man. “Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu was urging President Obama to bomb Iran,” Kerry said.[1]

Kerry added: “Every leader I met with in the region…[including Egyptian president Hosni] Mubarak, personally, to my face, said, ‘You have to bomb Iran, that is the only thing they understand and that is the only way you will stop them having a nuclear weapon.”[2]

Those leaders have been in cahoots with the Israeli regime for so long that they eventually succumbed to the regime’s diabolical ideology. In fact, we do know that Saudi Arabia has been prostrating before the Israeli regime for decades. As a result, Saudi Arabia has been able to launch a protracted war in Yemen, which will kill at least 50,000 children this year alone.

“More than 50,000 children in Yemen are expected to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country. Seven million people are on the brink of famine in the country, which is in the grips of the largest cholera outbreak in modern history. An estimated 130 Yemeni children are dying every day and an estimated 400,000 children will need treatment for acute malnutrition this year.”[3]

Where does Saudi Arabia get the military leverage to do all these? From the United Zionist States of America.[4]

Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

desember 2017
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 17:35

NEO – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros


by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

[ Editor’s note: VT has been shadowing the Google groups’ black ops for some time, on a case-by-case basis. This is the first time we have published what we have been privately briefing those with a need to know. The timing was chosen by Google via its new name-changing game, which I can’t help but compare to how al-Qaeda and various jihadi groups have done to throw Western reporters off their trail.

Les resten:

NEO – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros | Veterans Today

16. mai 2017 – The organization was called Google Idea Groups, which has since changed its name to “Jigsaw.” Its focus has changed also – it is now recruiting worldwide. Behind massive interlocking websites promising democracy, goodness and light, offering secure software, and training in political activism is that …

YouTube, Jigsaw and Google, Terrorism, Regime Change and Bad Taste


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

YouTube has been “caught” with at least 50 admitted child exploitation, pedophilia channels and advertisers running for the hills.  The truth is a thousand times worse, worse than Google’s involvement in child trafficking or acting as a platform for ISIS though YouTube.

We will cover Google, which is also YouTube and their censorship of what they deem “objectionable” speech, of course we are referring to anything that opposes war, apartheid, human slavery and the current scourge of planetary gangsterism.

Google and Facebook are at the heart of it all, a thousand times more dangerous than anyone guesses.  They don’t stand alone, they, backed by the Rothschild banks including the US Federal Reserve and the controlled and manipulated stock markets, have taken on the task of reshaping mankind into a new form of monkey, ignorant, fearful and violent.

They are doing very very well.


The independent media has been at war with Google and YouTube for years.  First they went after Anthony Lawson.  Lawson died of colon cancer in 2015 and much of his legacy was wiped from YouTube in a war Lawson fought for years.  Lawson exposed Zionist control of many of our institutions and when he got to YouTube, they cut him down.

They did the same to me when I exposed Google/YouTube/Jigsaw as a military contractor working with the White Helmets, Mossad and others staging poison gas attacks inside Syria.  They only cut down my YouTube channel, banning dozens of my dog and kitten videos.  They murdered Detroit born journalist Serena Shimm.

Google Jigsaw/Google Idea Groups hires people fired from Blackwater, Dyncorp and L3 Communications, fired for brutality.

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YouTube, Jigsaw and Google, Terrorism, Regime Change and Bad Taste


Les om medias våpen for å få lov til å gjøre hva de vil; invadere land… og liknende:

Rystende avsløringer:


Jeff & Cody Snodgres – Pt 2 – Waco, Janet Reno, The Clintons, Benghazi & More

  1. #Operation Northwoods

NSA spy scandal: It’s even worse than Snowden says – Veterans Today › Investigations › 9/11Oversett denne siden

29. jun. 2013 – Another NSA whistleblower is James Bamford, the Agency’s quasi-official biographer. Bamford alerted Americans back in 2001 to a plot called Operation Northwoods. Like 9/11, Operation Northwoods was a fake “attack on America” designed to brainwash Americans into marching off to war. And like 9/11, …

Airline whistleblower solves 9/11

Was this where the FTS-captured 9/11 planes landed?

Listen to last night’s interview with Rebekah Roth, to be archived here.

Was this where the FTS-captured 9/11 planes landed?

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

The truth-seeking community – and the airline industry – are abuzz over Rebekah Roth’s new book Methodical Illusion. It’s poised to break into the top 1,000 worldwide, selling so fast that Amazon may even have tried to stop its rise to bestseller status by falsely claiming “sorry, out of stock.”


So what’s all the excitement about? Why would the people whose job is to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories” try to limit sales of a potboiler novel by a former stewardess?

hqdefaultHint: It isn’t literary quality they’re afraid of. If you want a 9/11 truth novel by a literary genius, read Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge. Pynchon’s book has lots of great writing and a modest amount of 9/11 truth, packaged in such a way as not to offend the Tribe that dominates American media.

But if you want a rough-hewn page-turner with more 9/11 truth than anything you’re likely to read this side of David Ray Griffin or Christopher Bollyn (or Veterans Today for that matter) check out Methodical Illusion. Roth boldly goes where no stewardess or novelist has gone before, pinning 9/11 squarely on the Israelis and their American assets, and providing a convincing explanation of how the planes were “hijacked,” by whom, where they went, and what happened to the passengers.

Roth’s book has set off a stampede by her former colleagues in the aviation industry, who are rushing to provide details supporting her revelations. They are confirming the installation of FTS (Flight Termination System) equipment on the models “hijacked” on 9/11, which allowed those planes to be taken over remotely and flown from the ground. When FTS takes over a plane, it completely shuts down that plane’s communications with the outside world. That explains why not one of the four pilots on any of the 9/11 planes managed to flip a toggle switch and squawk the hijack code. Had the aircraft been hijacked in a normal manner, the pilots, who are trained to instantly squawk “hijack” in such an emergency, all would have done so.


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Airline whistleblower solves 9/11 | Veterans Today

31. jan. 2015 – This scenario is very similar to one planned by the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962: the infamous Operation Northwoods. And it is entirely plausible. The main counter-argument – that the FAA tracked the two Boston aircraft from takeoff to crashes – has been disproven, since we now know that the 9/11 …

Russian-Chinese Mukden Day exercise preempts Trump False Flag


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Russian-Chinese Mukden Day exercise preempts … – Veterans Today

25. sep. 2017 – *In 1962, every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff signed off on the Operation Northwoods proposal to “sink American ships” and blame Castro to start a war with Cuba. *In 1964, the War Party engineered the fake Gulf of Tonkin incident, a nonexistent “North Vietnamese attack” on a US ship. *In 1967 …

Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

desember 2017
Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - kl. 17:21
  • OBS:

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a disabled veteran and has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.

Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.

Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than «several» countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.

Gordon’s Archives – 2008-2013

Gordon’s YouTube Channel

Pentagon: “The Death of ISIS, to US, is Like One of Our Children Dying”

Duff on Press TV


John Kerry is still kicking Netanyahu’s butt

“More than 50,000 children in Yemen are expected to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country. Seven million people are on the brink of famine in the country, which is in the grips of the largest cholera outbreak in modern history.»


…by Jonas E. Alexis


John Kerry is still giving Netanyahu a hard time. He has recently revealed that Netanyahu told Obama to literally bomb Iran, but Obama never listened to the mad man. “Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu was urging President Obama to bomb Iran,” Kerry said.[1]

Kerry added: “Every leader I met with in the region…[including Egyptian president Hosni] Mubarak, personally, to my face, said, ‘You have to bomb Iran, that is the only thing they understand and that is the only way you will stop them having a nuclear weapon.”[2]

Those leaders have been in cahoots with the Israeli regime for so long that they eventually succumbed to the regime’s diabolical ideology. In fact, we do know that Saudi Arabia has been prostrating before the Israeli regime for decades. As a result, Saudi Arabia has been able to launch a protracted war in Yemen, which will kill at least 50,000 children this year alone.

“More than 50,000 children in Yemen are expected to die by the end of the year as a result of disease and starvation caused by the stalemated war in the country. Seven million people are on the brink of famine in the country, which is in the grips of the largest cholera outbreak in modern history. An estimated 130 Yemeni children are dying every day and an estimated 400,000 children will need treatment for acute malnutrition this year.”[3]

Where does Saudi Arabia get the military leverage to do all these? From the United Zionist States of America.[4]

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Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:

Turkey: “SDF Never Existed,” Arms all Went to Kurdish Terror Groups and ISIS


The revelations come amid repeated calls on Washington by senior Turkish officials, insisting on the cessation of weapons deliveries to the Syrian Kurds, which eventually resulted in the US promise to halt arms supplies to the force fighting against Daesh.

The former spokesperson of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Talal Silo, who previously fled to Turkey, told the Anadolu news agency on Saturday that the rebel group was allegedly created by the US as a cover to provide weapons to the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) that is thought to be affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) listed as a terrorist organization by Ankara.

“It is only a name. Nothing else. We take everything, including our salaries, from YPG. The U.S. authorities wanted to give arms to Kurds. The announcement of SDF’s establishment was only a drama. The US gave the leadership to the Kurds and PKK,” Silo told the agency.

According to him, the SDF was just signing documents to receive arms, but all of them went to the PKK. At the same time, despite talks about fighting terrorism, the US was trafficking Daesh terrorists via an agreement reached with the regional PKK leader.

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Turkey: “SDF Never Existed,” Arms all Went to Kurdish Terror Groups and ISIS

Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:


Jim W. Dean – Viktige artikler:


NEO – Gangsterism, Mob Rule and War

And we also have to ask whose interests is Congress really looking after, like when they grovel in front of Netanyahu, a political low life, in front of the whole country with no shame whatsoever.

– First published … November 21, 2017 –

Criminal gangs that run our governments, control our corporations, fabricate our news, invent and reinvent out history and lull us into slavery do so believing humanity to be a form of cattle, no more.  Denying this is insanity.

Their prime methodology is war, this is what gangs do. Ask anyone across the Middle East and they will say war is coming to Lebanon.  However, there is one problem with this, no one is certain who will be fighting whom?

The divided politics of Lebanon, though puzzling to outsiders and a daily concern to the Lebanese themselves are not a factor.  No one in Lebanon wants war.  Only Saudi Arabia and Israel want war, or so we are told.

Stranger still, classified briefings to key American congressional committees, blame Lebanon’s Hezbollah for backing ISIS across Africa and even in Afghanistan and Pakistan, notwithstanding the fact that Hezbollah has up to 20,000 fighters engaged in war against ISIS and its US backed surrogates at this time.

For some strange reason Hezbollah sees a need to defend itself and Lebanon from Israel as best it can

Saudi Arabia is blaming Iran for shooting missiles at them from heavily blockaded Yemen, and even more insane is the unending effort to accuse Syria of use of chemical weapons.

The world was supposed to learn a lesson after Bush 43 and Blair cooked up a war on terror after 9/11, might we well say “conveniently” after 9/11.  Fabricating war crimes, false flag terrorism, staged videos, actors as victims, all of this is not only standard fare, it is and has been the rule of the day.

Thus, we expect the now suspected 60-year marriage of love or marriage of convenience, the jury is out on which applies, between Saudi Arabia and their “besties” in Israel, to garner their assets, their paid-off politicians in America and Europe, their media assets, and their intelligence agencies, long suspected of backing ISIS and al Qaeda.

We can only wait for what they do next, will it be more staged gas attacks or a mass murder somewhere, anywhere, blamed on Iran or Syria or Hezbollah or perhaps Russia?

As American humorist, Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make this stuff up.”


Falling man on 911, representing us all being thrown off the cliff

Before assigning blame, usually attributed to the “halls of power,” most often governments or boardrooms, we must take a moment.

Events since 9/11 have identified a flaw in typical causalities normally attributed to events and trends.  Resources, religion or even ethnic feuds are no longer casus belli, nor are identifiable institutions prime movers or participants.

We look across the Middle East in particular but must turn to further reaching areas as well, the Russian-Ukrainian steppes, the Hindu Kush or the Sahel of Africa and we see one thing, a destruction, suffering, populations in upheaval, and behind it all, mysterious supposed “non-state players” at war.  None of it should be taken at face value.

Les resten / Read more:


Russia Rapidly Restored Balance of Power


Keshe: Belgium/Netherlands Child Murder Cult Exposed


Fearsome Truth of Trump: Stark Choices


You Don’t Say: FBI, Justice Dept Unable to Verify Trump-Russia Dossier


VT Vimeo night – How the DEA manufactured “narco-terrorism”


Israel to work with Saudis to confront Iran


Saudi king to relinquish power in favor of son next week:…


Iran’s Presidents – A Veterans Today political history primer with Hamed Ghashghavi



NEO – Saudi Arabia and Israel replace Syria with Lebanon as their next victim


Esoteric Evolution – a Primer for the New Gods I


Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:


VT Vimeo night – How the DEA manufactured “narco-terrorism”


by Ginger Thompson & Joe Posner,  …based on a story by Propublica

These undercover videos supposedly showed Al-Qaeda in the drug trade. What they actually showed was more shocking.

Did the Whitehouse know what was really going on?

[Editor’s Note: None of this will surprise VT readers. We have a whole string of Fake whatevers on parade now. The Fake News people must be breathing a sigh of relief.

Fake Wars, a term that never caught on (meaning for fake reasons, not that they did not really happen), but is rising fast, a derivative of Fake Government.

Tonight I went back to my old Vimeo Picks folder and found this wonderful Fake DEA Narco-Terrorism jihad that got cranked up to produce lots of headlines for a bunch of nobodies while none of our major security orgs could ever find State sponsors of terror that were right under there noses, because they were not looking.

The big fish don’t seem to have too many people fishing for them. Maybe the security orgs don’t know, or maybe they are afraid of them. By that I mean the hardwired corruption kind, like how Israeli espionage runs rampant across the country solely because our security orgs have be waived off making busts that would be a huge embarrassment to the country and make their friends in Congress very unhappy.

How many victims did the Fake War on Terror cause?

With the mountains of cash being thrown out on security after 9-11, with 20/20 hindsight we can now see that some very disturbing fake things happened that might not have under normal times.

I would like to say that we could learn from our mistakes, those who were involved in the long, expensive, drawn out cases.

But the ones that are retired now, where do you think some of them might be working after getting a taste of manufacturing crimes to catch and prosecute.

How many of them are contractors now with these past cases being part of their street cred? With a river of opium/heroin flowing out of Afghanistan, the guys in this Vimeo are setting people up for busts to create some War on Terror stats, but leaving very real huge debts left behind. Thus ends my happy missive for todayJim W. Dean ]

Les resten / se video

‘Mossad Agent’ Sentenced to Death: Who’s Targeting Iran’s Nuclear Scientists?

  • By VT
  • November 19, 2017

‘Mossad Agent’ Sentenced to Death: Who’s Targeting Iran’s Nuclear Scientists?


Tidligere nyheter:


Veldig viktige artikler, som viser hvem bakmennene til IS er

NEO – New Revelations in Syrian War


by James O’Neill,… with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Editor’s Note: We are now arriving at the later stages of the exposure of so-called free and democratic nations for their involvement in supporting state-sponsored terror as part of their foreign policy tool kit, and keeping parts of their military and defense contractors well-oiled.

They have literally tattooed themselves with their crimes, meaning their open violation of a number of international laws and conventions that are simply ignored and not enforced, while they seek to punish “rogue groups” for doing such.

But there has been a second and third layer to this ongoing crime, the culpability of mass media in not reporting it, but even worse…attacking those who do report it. And then there is the mass institutional failure, where everyone from all the various veterans, legal and security trade and professional groups, who have obviously been aware of the ongoing process has “stood down” throughout it all.

Les resten /Read more:

Her får dere hele forklaringen på hvem IS er:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project


by F. William Engdahl, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

Barzani politically shot himself in the head, but he has at least a billion stashed away for this rainy day

[ Editor’s Note: Brother Engdahl brings us a good wrapup on the Barzani-Israeli, independent Kurdistan caper that never had a snowball’s chance in hell. Although his contention was that the US supported the attempt, when the Barzani Kurds complained bitterly that it did not, mystified me.

But William has done a great job on the dot-connecting of what has been going on behind the scenes, reviewing Barzani selling oil out the back door via Turkey, while handling ISIS oil at the same time by letting its trucks flow right through the Kurdish areas to the Turkish border.

This helping to fund ISIS to line their own pockets was a treasonous act against Baghdad when the country was in the middle of a major state-sponsored terror war. Barzani and all those involved with him, including the Turks, should be hanged.

Payback day came when the PUK opposition Kurds who thought the independence ploy was a disaster, agreed to move their troops back from Kirkuk and let Iraqi forces nip the move by Barzani to grab that oil permanently. We estimate thousands of lives were saved by this “grown ups” decision.

The Russian and Rosnet moves and oil investment motives are more murky, with more than a whiff of playing both sides against the middle. But with that said, Rosnet did have billions invested in pipeline infrastructure deals, which increases the wealth to be distributed for everybody, so no one will be kicking them out any time soon.

That his failed Kurdish independence move has resulted in so few casualties and destruction has been a pleasant surprise to us all. We hope it stays that way, as Iraq has a huge amount of rebuilding to do, and hopefully making sure that nothing like this can ever happen again to them.

The Iraqi people have suffered enough, but the Israelis not enough, as they were buying most of the oil stolen from Iraq. Iran has been getting some payback against Israel for its hyping the mythical Iran nuclear weapons program.

Israel was the big loser in all this when it showed it did not have the juice to leverage the US into backing Barzani, and just watch him jump over the cliff. There once was a time when the Israelis would not have made such a stupid move.

Do you want to know how I am sure the above is 100% correct? It is because the Israelis have not uttered a word since the Kurdistan independence move fell through, pretending not to know anything about it. Dear Kurdistan, you got suckered by the Zionsts, but don’t feel too bad; we have an army of people in the US who have suffered the same, and who don’t even know it yet! ... Jim W. Dean ]

Les resten / Read more:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

We Have Met the Evil Empire and It Is Us | Veterans Today

7. jun. 2017 – by Gordon Duff, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow. You can read this article here without advertisements. Is there anything more detestable than a war of aggression masquerading as liberation? When I told my father, back in 1968, that I was joining the United States Marine Corps he responded: “I …

The ISIS-US Empire | Veterans Today

11. mar. 2015 – The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the ….. It is managed by editors Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff who often share posts from other confirmed sources along with general information with our …

ISIS’ Self-Proclaimed “Caliphate” Is Witnessing Its Last Days In Syria And Iraq


Dette en en av de viktigste nyhetsreportasjer og historietimer jeg har lest og hatt i hele mitt liv, og det vi få en til å forså hvorfor Iran er et offer, og ikke en «overgriper», og de sanne bakmennene til IS er herved avslørt, tidenes største olje og gasstyveri, uten sidestykke, utført av våre allierte og mafiaen (den russisk-jødiske Kosher Mafia, som er Trumps bakmenn):

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall


[Editor’s note: The tragic deaths of at least 26 people in San Antonio, TX, while attending church on Sunday is most likely nothing more than a cruel and hyper-cynical attempt at distracting the US public’s gaze from the rapidly approaching indictment and take down of figures very close to the heart of the Trump administration in Manafort and Flynn, men whom VT had identified as utterly corrupt foreign assets months ago.

See our May 2017 article below, it is a veritable Tour De Force and has just become crucially important to what is by far the most important news story right now.

You see, if the FBI and Bob Mueller have enough to take down Manafort and Flynn, then they must have enough to take down Trump too; we think that Mueller is attempting to leverage Trump into a face saving resignation by indicting Manafort and Flynn, a clear warning to Trump that he is going to be likewise indicted, if he doesn’t resign first.

A resignation would suit the US establishment that opposes Trump just as much as it would suit the international Kosher Nostra mafia that is behind the Trump presidency; for both parties, it would allow a whole bunch of extremely uncomfortable secrets to be kept under wraps.

Clearly, this affair has the potential to torpedo and sink the Trump presidency, therefore the slaughtering of a bunch of white Christian folk as a cynical distraction – they are getting desperate as they know they are wounded, their blood is in the water and the sharks are beginning to circle. Ian]

Les resten:
