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Muellers etterforskning gir nok beviser til å tiltale Michael Flynn

Kategori: Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Menneskehandel, Mossad, Narkotika-mafia, Nyheter, Pedofili, Russland, Wikileaks | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser søndag 12. november , 2017 kl. 18:08

Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn




The sources reportedly told NBC that investigators are examining Flynn’s lobbying contacts and exploring possible charges of money laundering and lying to federal agents.They are also investigating whether he attempted to orchestrate the extradition of Fethullah Gulenfrom the US to Turkey in exchange for millions of dollars.

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Mueller Investigation has enough evidence to charge Michael Flynn

Podesta – «Pizzagate» -avleningsmanøvren…

Alex Jones Apologises for ‘Pizzagate’ Fake News | Veterans Today …

25. mar. 2017 – In the segment, Jones purported to link a number of high-profile pedophilia cases to a major operation led by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta and using underground tunnels to traffic young children through the city. The rumors, which were widely discredited by …

Disclosure: Beyond the Burning the FBI, VT Breaks … – Veterans Today

5. nov. 2016 – Julian Assange says his motives are anything but partisan, but the timing, selection and presentation of the emails hacked from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s account leave little doubt that their intent is to sway the outcome. (If there were any lingering doubts, WikiLeaks’ habit of tweeting out …

Wikileaks is the Mossad, Stupid, Not the Russians … – Veterans Today

3. nov. 2016 – Finally, last month, WikiLeaks posted over 50,000 emails connected to John Podesta, Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, and a close associate of the current presidential frontrunner. View image on Twitter. The Homeland Security Department and Office of the Director of National Intelligence posted a joint statement …

Former NSA Officer – CIA Lying About Russians … – Veterans Today

14. des. 2016 – Since Podesta has a staff handling his emails it was a staffer who clicked on the fake Google link and provided the hackers with Podesta’s password. Eventually that staffer is Milia Fisher which the inside man/woman could be, her because she ignored the real link and clicked on the fake Google link.
Gordon Duff, redaktør i Veterans Today, vil forklare det hele for dere, veldig godt. De fortjener ikke bare ros for sin etterforskning, men også Guds velsignelse. I det minste at «mainstream»-media lyttet til dem:

Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story

The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.


…by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor

I am going to keep this short and sweet.  The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it.  The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is carefully engineered.

The real story, the one Pizzagate was invented to cover, the real reason Weinstein is being used, and we will get to that as well, is the child sex ring run by Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell, out of New York and Mara Lago.

This was a Mossad burn operation that caught hundreds and put them into virtual slavery, key members of regulatory bodies, including and especially the US Department of Energy, the Security and Exchange Commission and House GOP leadership.

Controlling the DOE allows the Kosher Nostra to continue to trade in stolen weapons grade nuclear material, one of the investigations buried after 9/11.

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Weinstein and the Mossad: Less Than the Whole Story | Veterans Today

26. nov. 2017 – …by Gordon Duff, VT Senior Editor. I am going to keep this short and sweet. The current Hollywood witch hunt over sexual harassment is totally out of hand and there is a reason for it. The endless tales, now coming out of Britain as well, Hollywood, news media, such as it is, government, all of this is …

What everyone has largely ignored about the Weinstein scandal


A lot has been written about Harvey Weinstein and the sex scandal and quite frankly, most  of it has been rubbish, written by hacks and scandal mongers who utterly failed to see past the superficial surface of the affair and dig into the real reasons behind the take down of one of the leading figures in Hollywood.

Of course, Harvey Weinstein is an asshole, a terrible human being, just one of many in Hollywood – a place that has always been run by such people, invariably Jewish and invariably terrible human beings.

However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why?

Why Weinstein? What has he done to bring this on himself, who has he upset? These are the key questions that almost no-one has bothered to ask.

I think the most obvious place to look for an answer is in Weinstein’s political life, his fundraising and campaign donations, who he has supported and who he has made his enemies by doing so.

Harvey Weinstein is a Democrat, a supporter of Hillary Clinton and before her, Obama and John Kerry.

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What everyone has largely ignored about the … – Veterans Today

1. nov. 2017 – However, this sex scandal is not about exposing Hollywood and it’s Jewish nature, it is about destroying Harvey Weinstein and what almost everyone had failed to do is to ask why? …. Ian Greenhalgh is a photographer and historian with a particular interest in military history and the real causes of conflicts.

EXCLUSIVE: The San Antonio Distraction from Trump’s Impending Fall

Jeg anbefaler alle å lese Bergdahls brev til sine foreldre, og resten av artikkelen, på det varmeste:

Trump vs. Bergdahl: Which one is the treasonous, cowardly scumbag?

A question to ponder


By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Donald Trump just tweeted that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl should be in prison and it’s a “complete and total disgrace” that he isn’t doing hard time. Many people feel the same way about Trump.

I’m not talking about “Russia-gate.” That Establishment propaganda campaign demonizing Trump as a Russian agent is a joke, given the way other foreign interests, starting with the Israelis, totally own and operate our political system. Putin, who is pushing back against the unipolar NWO while trying to keep a lid on the crime oligarchs’ power in Russia, is more of a good guy than a bad guy.

VT has scooped the world in exposing the real Trump-Russia issue: organized crime. It isn’t Putin who has Trump in his pocket. It’s the Russian(-Israeli) mob.

Trump has been cavorting with mobsters for most of his adult life—and routinely doing business with them. (“The gambling industry” is a euphemism for money laundering.) There are many plausible reports of Trump hanging around with Jeffrey Epstein and raping underage girls, hiring prostitutes to urinate on beds the previous president slept in, behaving boorishly and perhaps criminally toward grown women, and generally engaging in the sort of excesses not untypical of arrogant wealthy men who move in organized crime circles.

So the “scumbag” part of “treasonous cowardly scumbag” would seem to apply to Trump, not Bergdahl. How about the label “cowardly”?

Bergdahl is accused of getting fed up with the horrific war crimes (and general idiocy) of the corrupt, heroin-centered Afghan war effort, leaving his base, and allowing himself to be “captured” by the Afghan resistance. Here is his final pre-defection email to his parents:

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ICC prosecutor seeks investigation into Afghanistan war crimes


Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World

Gas lines in America during 1973 oil embargo

By Nauman Sadiq for Veterans Today

Is this not one of international politics most significant ‘coincidences’ that the Balfour declaration for the creation of Israel was adopted in the same fateful year, November 1917, in which the February and October 1917 communist revolutions were taking place in Russia?

No informed person can deny the importance of energy for industrial economies, but it is generally assumed in the foreign policy circles that oil took the center stage in international politics after the collective Arab oil embargo of 1973 against the West, when the price of oil quadrupled within a short span of time.

It is a fact that Washington became so paranoid after the 1973 oil embargo that it put in place a ban on the export of crude oil outside the US borders — which is still in place — and began keeping 60 days stock of reserve fuel for strategic and military needs.

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Israel as a Bulwark against Socialism in Arab World


Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on the Way

Tidligere nyheter:

Flynn mottok penger under bordet fra Tyrkia:

Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy


Questions surround Turkish businessman at center of Flynn controversy

“Flynn must have known what he was getting himself into.” 

… from Al-Monitor

Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin

[ Editor’s Note: This is a short seminar on lobbying versus espionage. Listen carefully. No government pays out sums like a half million dollars, even through a middleman corporation, for open source intelligence to be done via a former NSA director. The idea of it in this case was ludicrous.

Turkey has a huge espionage operation in the US, with fingers deep into the business community as its primary operational blind, as you see in this case, with tons of money available, which draws the flies. Turkey has a huge already trained staff to provide “open sourced Intel”.

So the only reason they lay out this kind of money to people at Flynn’s level is because they know they have access to classified information. In Flynn’s case it was the current briefings that the Trump transition team got in December, where everything in it was classified and current, which is why Turkey wanted it.


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Questions surround Turkish businessman at center … – Veterans Today


Thus, in the course of his negotiations with Flynn Intel Group, “the need for a lobbying and PR component was agreed upon but never executed, which is why I reclaimed and they reimbursed some $95,000,” he said.

At a certain level a pile of cash like this is one notch above confetti

Trump to Silence Flynn over Turkish Death Squad … – Veterans Today

Flynn failed to disclose income from Russian entities … – Veterans Today

It Wasn’t Russia, How Erdogan Bought Trump and … – Veterans Today


Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash

…Erdogan didn’t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.


[ Editor’s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

VT calls for special prosecutor for Trump, Flynn for Turkey as well, they financed SOHO, paid Flynn, bombed Americans and Trump knew

…Erdogan didn´t leave Washington empty handed, he was simply visiting his employees

[ Editor´s note:  This week, thugs paid by Erdogan assaulted Kurdish demonstrators outside the White House.  It was Turkey that brought Sarin gas to Idlib and Trump attacked Damascus for it.

Trump allowed Turkey to repeatedly bomb America´s allies in Syria, with American advisors embedded with them scrambling for their lives.  Now we see that Trump and Flynn scuttled US efforts against ISIS on behalf of Turkey, Flynn got $530,000 and Trump simply served the gangsters who financed Trump SOHO and so much more, his Bayrock partner.

Flynn had been on the Turkish payroll and under active investigation by the FBI for working for Turkey, not Russia but Turkey, when Trump put him into the White House.  Trump knew this according to this story from the New York Times:

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Trump, Flynn Scuttled War on ISIS for Turkish Cash | Veterans Today


NEO – Does Flynn Exit Aid World Peace?


Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last

Exclusive: “Lock him Up,” of Course We Mean Flynn, But Lock Him Up Last


Gas From Israel And The Flynn Wiretapping


Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood


…by Richard Edmondson

[ Editor’s Note: This is a fabulous article by Richard. If you only have time to read one background article to bring up to speed to follow the current Kurdish news, this is it. The VT team met Richard in Syria at the counter-terrorism conference where he was traveling as an independent. We shared a ride and security back to Beirut when we left.

He is one of those do the grunt work research writers to do original material, unlike the mob that rewrites the news today for internet postings and then pretending to be journalists.

Most of the time they have no educational background for it, career work, or personal sources to really do the work. It is always a pleasure to get his material and be able to share it with you Jim W. Dean ]

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Zionists Form Group to Promote Kurdish Statehood

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