Millions read the news today, the pedophile ring “busted” or the earlier article about how the FBI actually ran it for several weeks, expanding it, drawing in tens of thousands. Those who read it thought they knew, thought they were getting the story but as is so often the case, the truth goes so much further.
When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe, the US and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. For the Scalia tale, refer to Appendix I.
Today’s story is one more aspect of this. VT’s involvement goes back to 1991 when key VT staffers worked for America’s intelligence community. A GOP high level staffer approached the CIA claiming that President George H.W. Bush was being blackmailed. It was said that the President was at a political fundraiser in St. Louis where, unknown to the President, top GOP campaign donors were having sex with young males, some of whom had been spirited away from Boys Town in Nebraska of Father Flanagan fame.
[ Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.
We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.
What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff ]
Scalia – What really happened?
Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not President Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.
Sources say that Scalia was the single actor behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton. President Obama was aware of this and had ordered the FBI to set out traps for Scalia. We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington.
1. mar. 2016 – We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington. When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila …
[ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and press organizations to not be savaging the 9-11 commission fairy tale.
The real perpetrators are still out walking around, knowing they have a tried-and-true successful template in their pocket to redeploy at a time of their choosing in an updated fashion. The anomalies of 9-11 just scream out at you, yet our entire security structure seems to have been struck dumb by a secret space weapon.
Not one official with any standing at all, has challenged VT’s 9-11 reporting. That includes mass media, which, to date, has not put in one call “to learn more”, and perhaps revisit their own coverage, or should I say coverup.
But they are not all to blame, as America’s institutions have stood down on 9-11 en masse, which gives the public some cover, because they would tend to think that if the commission report really were a fraud, surely some important groups would be screaming about it.
But Gordon has the perfect answer to that. It’s one of his favorite lines, “Welcome to how the world really works.” We know VT readers care, so we will hang with you to the end on this, our end or theirs… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … October 5, 2016 –
For the first time in nearly a year, a 9/11 investigator has revealed highly classified information on the real events of 9/11, not a terror attack, but rather a nuclear attack on the United States, not a surprise at all, but one the US had expected, one predicted by a former American president and one purposefully ignored by President Clinton and quite probably facilitated by George W. Bush, who certainly empowered the cover up.
As early as 1996, insiders including former President George H.W. Bush, knew America was susceptible to nuclear terrorism. This was “The Sum of All Fears” just as depicted in the film, stolen nukes, planted beneath an iconic target, but those involved were certainly not terrorists.
Let’s be perfectly clear, were one to watch today’s news and not suspect that the US created and has run al Qaeda since the onset, one might be operating with something less than a full deck of cards.
5. okt. 2016 – …by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith and Ian Greenhalgh. America’s institutions have taken a dive on 9-11 America’s institutions took a dive on 9-11. [ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and …
This holding the world in its palm is a not too subtle reference as to where Brookings’ head is at
[ Editor’s Note: Gordon has gone big bear hunting with his latest NEO piece where he puts the bullseye on the now industrial scale think tank propaganda business of molding public opinion.
It is using all the tools that national intelligence agencies would, like Israel for example, to penetrate and co-opt supposed public, and public interest organizations which are nothing more then special interest fronts, or worse, Intel fronts themselves. This is the world we live in now.
Investigation journalism has given this issue a wide berth as think tanks are a popular nest to fall into for journalists looking for a secure future versus the one of struggling to survive in the real independent media world where enemies are many and friends getting fewer, the kind that will stand by you when arrows are in the air.
March 25, 2017 nuclear detonation at Ukraine arms depot (time mark 2:00 onward)
Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
The Sputnik News story, censored in the West, tells of a nuclear cloud over europe, confirmed by the French IRSN (Nuclear Safety Institute). The Guardian called the cloud “harmless.”
Nobody knows where the radioactive cloud comes from despite a planet ringed with radiation tracking satellites and a massive network of monitoring stations that came online in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.
The blame game, as with staged Syrian gas attacks, on the victims of course. What is the truth? Ukraine has kept nuclear weapons and one cooked off at 2:06 in the video above.
When the story was first on VT, March 25, 2017, YouTube videos hit immediately. However, aggressive censorship at orders of the Google Jigsaw group headed by Jared Cohen, the man we allege planned and executed the 2014 Ukraine coup, pinched off the story or at least tried to.
Google is the biggest threat to press freedom in world history, mark my words. Google’s covert policy of supporting regime change and their clandestine military organization, operating in dozens of nations, have long been targeted by VT.
The truth is simple, Ukraine kept nuclear weapons, many of which are dangerous, having been poorly serviced, now unstable and as you can see, with disabled safety mechanisms. We allege that these weapons have been used against Donesk and even offered for sale to Iran and Saudi Arabia as well.
Below we include the March 2017 story and our Feb 13, 2015 story busting Kiev for using the nukes they so often claim don’t exist. (See Addendum I)
We are currently following more stories involving Ukraine and Georgia using local assets, stories that will soon reveal the use of biological agents and a possible planned use of a genetically targetable biological weapon against Russia as well.
The following is from a Russia Today (banned in US as an agency of a foreign government) story outlining President Putin’s reaction to what he has deemed a biological warfare threat by the US against Russia tied to the collection of genetic material that could be used for weapons research:
“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.
He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians’ biological samples.
While the Russian president’s claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.
Dette gjorde de USA-støttede «moderate rebeller» mot en 12 år gammel gutt som led av en blodsykdom. Gruppen mottar fortsatt støtte, for det var ingen grunn god nok til å stenge kranen:
USA-støttet koalisjon støtter barnehalshuggere og angriper sivile i Syria