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Kategori: #Vietnam, Irak, Nyheter | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser onsdag 6. desember , 2017 kl. 11:39

Min fransklærer som jeg hadde i tre år, ett av verdens største ekte sjarmtroll, som kommer fra New Jersey og er jøde; hans far jobbet som «Minister», tror jeg han sa, i en synagoge, kalte sin kone for «Bitte», for what ever that means, som 4 Non Blondes sang i «Brotherhood of Man»-sangen sin («What´s up). Han brukte å underholde amerikanske soldater på baser i Vietnam under Vietnam-krigen, fortalte han oss elever helt på tampen (slutten) av 80-tallet. Han «jammet» også med Elvis på en trapp i Tyskland, før de begge fór sin egen retning (som «soldater»). Det finnes også musikksoldater, tydeligvis.

En dame på WordPress ber bloggerne om å skrive om «bite». Å bite kan være så mangt. Man kan bite fra seg. Eller ikke. Noen som ikke kan snakke eller røre seg kan trenge andre til å gjøre det for seg, når de eller deres egne er truet på livet av noen som ikke nødvendigvis trenger å ha våpen i hånd, men ord i munn, løgner og onde hensikter (angrep er beste forsvar når de føler seg truet for noe de selv har gjort galt, og da går de gjerne til angrep på de svakeste. – Hvem de svakeste er? Det trenger ikke alltid være jøder, men også kristne, muslimer, buddhister, homofile eller hva som helst. Ord kan noen ganger få fatale konsekvenser, særlig hvis det er mange harde hjerter rundt omkring, og det finner man i alle leire.)

Mine fortenner stod litt ut da jeg var syv år, og jeg smilte til min far, med musefletter og sløyfe. Det var sort-hvitt bilder på den tiden, men jeg innbiller meg at jeg hadde en rød sløyfe i håret. Tre år senere fikk min søster sin første mann, det vil si forlovede, og jeg likte ham veldig godt, han var festlig. Enn så lenge (det ble dessverre slutt mellom dem). – Nesten til og med da han lo og sa at jeg så ut som «Drakula». Det såret meg mikroskopisk, for det var faktisk ett av de bildene jeg synes jeg ser OK ut, men siden det var han – som ellers var snill mot meg – gjorde det ingenting. Vanligvis var det bare mine storesøstre som kom med på bildene, for jeg snudde meg vekk med min røde lue, der jeg satt på fanget deres, og så på DEM. Andre ganger stod jeg og så på de voksne og klødde meg litt i hodet, mens min fetter gliste sitt vakreste glis, og jeg stod der med blå kjole, med hvite prikker på og med oransje-rød jakke. (Jeg hadde en bitteliten kul i hodet akkurat da, som pappa bare måtte ta bilde av (meg) da jeg klødde meg til blods på den.) Nesten amerikansk (flagg), hadde det ikke vært for den lille «skilnaden», som svenskene sier. Forskjellen. Vi i Norge har jo også rødt, hvitt og blått, og heldigvis ikke oransje, for jeg liker ikke den fargen. Ikke det at den ikke er fin, men jeg kler den ikke. Først nå i voksen alder har jeg sett bilder av meg selv som jeg aldri hadde sett før, der jeg ser inn i kamera, tatt av min onkel eller endelig fremkallet og skannet av min fetter. Det er rart å se seg selv smile glad, sammen med familie, i barndommen – før livets realiteter begynte å ta en igjen. Det ble mye å tenke på.

Poenget var; jeg fikk derfor tannregulering da jeg var 11-12 år for å få et flatere glis… Det mikroskopiske eventuelle mellomrommet (min guttekompis hadde et kjemedigert mellomrom mellom fortennene), ble borte. De siste årene, nå som jeg er 45+++ har jeg måttet hjelpe min autistiske sønn og min mann med å få i seg pistasjnøtter når vi kjører bil, og siden jeg liker saltet på selve skallet til nøttene bruker jeg ofte selv å suge litt på det først, før jeg spiser selve nøtten. Noen ganger har jeg ikke skarpe negler og da er fortennene veldig gjeve å ha til å åpne nøttene med. Det har blitt så mange hundre (tusen?) nøtter opp gjennom årene at nå har jeg fått slitasje på fortennene. Jeg kan jo ikke gi dem slevjete nøtter…. Det er en liten «glipp» på størrelse med et fyrstikkhode helt nederst, som en trekant, noe jeg selvsagt ikke liker, men det var jo i tjeneste for min familie. Og meg min egen appetitt. Jeg er en pistasjnøttveteran.

La oss ta en liten apetitt (aperitif). Som noen nevøer av meg gjorde da de hadde hørt at mennesket er hult, akkurat som jorda (som noen sier, og kanskje har de rett). Den ene lille gutten stod bak sin bror på badet, ca 3 og 4 år gamle, og kikket den andre bak, og sa: «Gap høyere, jeg kan ikke se noe lys…» – Og så han gjorde. Kanskje kikket han feil vei? Neste gang kan han prøve å kikke litt mellom glippen i fortanna mi (i bittet), og se om han kan se noe på den andre siden. De kommer nok ikke til å le like mye som min mor og deres mor gjorde da de var vitne til seansen fra en liten glipp i døra.

Nei, jeg tror jeg gir meg nå. Det var nok en glipp å fortelle dette. Jeg kan bli beskyldt for å promotere hat mot «minors (minorities)», ikke sant? Kanskje sletter WordPress hele bloggen min fordi de ikke liker hvordan jeg har prøvde å katalogisere ting her. Nå skjønner jeg hvor vanskelig det er å være arkivar; å jobbe på arkiv. Man har mange «undergrupper»; og etter å ha gjort tusen stykk arkivarjobber, oppdager man at man manlger 500 kategorier, for noen passer rett og slett ikke inn, akkurat som jeg.

Våre nyhetsstasjoner har løyet så mye om hva som egentlig foregår i Midtøsten overfor vårt /våre lands byssebarn som prøver å så «lys» på feil sted, for alt de får er avgasser fra den politiske mafia som beskylder den ene demokratisk valgte landsleder etter den andre for å være diktator, slik de ødela Irak og Libya som bare to av mange eksempler, uten å tenke over hvilket diktatur de selv støtter og at deres løgner og støtte til utallige terrororganisasjoner har tatt livet av millioner av «minoriteter», deriblant kristne, yazidier – og muslimer m.fl. i de land som har vært ofre for denne politikk. Men som de sier i Nord-Norge, «Det er en sk** som gir seg.

Bitte (-t), du er min aller beste venn

Trenger jeg å minne noen på General Wesley Clark sine nå berømte ord:

«Vi skal slå ned (legge under oss) 7 land på 5 år: Irak, Syria, Libanon, Somalia, Sudan – og avslutte med Iran»

Need I remind anyone of General Wesley Clark and the now famous:

 «We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off , Iran.«

General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned – Seven Countries In Five …


Originally published in March 2007 General Wesley Clark: Because I had been through the Pentagon right …

Global Warfare: “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq …

30. jan. 2017 – Global Warfare: “We’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran. …. Well for the rest of the hour we are going to hear General Wesley Clark on the possibility of a U.S. attack on Iran, the impeachment of President Bush, the use of cluster bombs, the bombing …

Wesley Clark, Disloyal Americans should be put in … – Veterans Today

20. jul. 2015 – We could have segregated camps, for ex-president, maybe a private one for the Bush family, then Congress, the media, the military, etc. We could lock them all away for less than the cost of one aircraft carrier, or put them on an old one and sink it. All that said, this is certainly out of character for Clark. Maybe …

Daesh on brink of collapse in Iraq, Syria | Veterans Today

12. jul. 2016 – And since then they’ve tried to take out seven countries in five years as General Wesley Clark said, and all seven of those countries are countries that are prone to threaten Israel. Now that plan and that program is not yet finished. So, we do need to recognize that the further chances of Zionist mischief still …

Mari, du er min aller beste venn

 «Du er min aller beste venn» (Orginal «Einar/Cowboy-helten, av Grethe Kausland:)

4 NON BLONDES – WHAT´S UP ( live )

Pistasjnøtter, I think I love you

(Billy Joel har sagt at han tenker på god mat når han synger «I love you just the way you are». Hvem tenker Chaka Khan på?)

Chaka Khan – Feel for You –

Sine barn og en koreaner?

Rørende intervju med Donna Summer og Chaka Khan

John Walsh Show ~ Donna Summer ~ Chaka Khan ~GrandMaster Flas

På dette showet fortalte hun at hun ikke hadde hatt en kjæreste på ti år

Chaka Khan Performs «Ain’t Nobody»

The Isle of Eigg

Just off Scotland, a tiny island with one main road is a testament to human independence

 Billy Joel

A Minor Variation

Det rare tilfellet Ted Gunderson og hans viktige avsløringer


The Strange Case of Ted Gunderson


VT Exclusive: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Millions read the news today, the pedophile ring “busted” or the earlier article about how the FBI actually ran it for several weeks, expanding it, drawing in tens of thousands. Those who read it thought they knew, thought they were getting the story but as is so often the case, the truth goes so much further. 

When Veterans Today tied the murder of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to a White House blackmail plot and a strange tale involving the Keshe Foundation, it became clear that the highest and most powerful in Europe, the US and around the world, were tied together in a web of ritual child abuse on a massive scale. For the Scalia tale, refer to Appendix I.

Today’s story is one more aspect of this. VT’s involvement goes back to 1991 when key VT staffers worked for America’s intelligence community. A GOP high level staffer approached the CIA claiming that President George H.W. Bush was being blackmailed. It was said that the President was at a political fundraiser in St. Louis where, unknown to the President, top GOP campaign donors were having sex with young males, some of whom had been spirited away from Boys Town in Nebraska of Father Flanagan fame.

Les resten

Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated)


…by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor and Ian Greenhalgh

[ Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America’s high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.

We don’t know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.

What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff ]


Scalia – What really happened?

Justice Antonin Scalia was surprised when he was ordered to the White House. This was not a man you gave orders to, especially not President Obama. It was Justice Antonin Scalia who vacated the long sacrosanct immunity from civil lawsuits, opening the door for a weakened presidency.

Sources say that Scalia was the single actor behind the impeachment of Bill Clinton. President Obama was aware of this and had ordered the FBI to set out traps for Scalia. We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington.

Les resten:

Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated) | Veterans Today

1. mar. 2016 – We will now outline the downfall of Antonin Scalia. Yes, this is a story of secret societies, operating worldwide and ritual Satanic child abuse that permeates Washington. When Scalia left the White House after a meeting with the president just before flying to Texas, the manila …

Concerning a CIA Whistleblower


BREAKING: 9/11, Filling in the Map, Tracing the Nukes


…by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith and Ian Greenhalgh

America's institutions have taken a dive on 9-11
America’s institutions took a dive on 9-11

[ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and press organizations to not be savaging the 9-11 commission fairy tale.

The real perpetrators are still out walking around, knowing they have a tried-and-true successful template in their pocket to redeploy at a time of their choosing in an updated fashion. The anomalies of 9-11 just scream out at you, yet our entire security structure seems to have been struck dumb by a secret space weapon.

Not one official with any standing at all, has challenged VT’s 9-11 reporting. That includes mass media, which, to date, has not put in one call “to learn more”, and perhaps revisit their own coverage, or should I say coverup.

But they are not all to blame, as America’s institutions have stood down on 9-11 en masse, which gives the public some cover, because they would tend to think that if the commission report really were a fraud, surely some important groups would be screaming about it.

But Gordon has the perfect answer to that. It’s one of his favorite lines, “Welcome to how the world really works.” We know VT readers care, so we will hang with you to the end on this, our end or theirsJim W. Dean ]



– First published  …  October 5,  2016 –

For the first time in nearly a year, a 9/11 investigator has revealed highly classified information on the real events of 9/11, not a terror attack, but rather a nuclear attack on the United States, not a surprise at all, but one the US had expected, one predicted by a former American president and one purposefully ignored by President Clinton and quite probably facilitated by George W. Bush, who certainly empowered the cover up.

As early as 1996, insiders including former President George H.W. Bush, knew America was susceptible to nuclear terrorism.  This was “The Sum of All Fears” just as depicted in the film, stolen nukes, planted beneath an iconic target, but those involved were certainly not terrorists.

Let’s be perfectly clear, were one to watch today’s news and not suspect that the US created and has run al Qaeda since the onset, one might be operating with something less than a full deck of cards.

Les resten:

BREAKING: 9/11, Filling in the Map, Tracing the Nukes | Veterans Today

5. okt. 2016 – …by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith and Ian Greenhalgh. America’s institutions have taken a dive on 9-11 America’s institutions took a dive on 9-11. [ Editor’s Note: We have another update from VT’s 9-11 A-team on the ongoing tragedy of 9-11, the reprehensible failure of our governmental, security, legal and …

Israeli Subversion of the New York Police Department

NEO – Washington’s Think Tank Terrorists


by Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor   … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow

This holding the world in its palm is a not too subtle reference as to where Brookings’ head is at

[ Editor’s Note: Gordon has gone big bear hunting with his latest NEO piece where he puts the bullseye on the now industrial scale think tank propaganda business of molding public opinion.

It is using all the tools that national intelligence agencies would, like Israel for example, to penetrate and co-opt supposed public, and public interest organizations which are nothing more then special interest fronts, or worse, Intel fronts themselves. This is the world we live in now.

Investigation journalism has given this issue a wide berth as think tanks are a popular nest to fall into for journalists looking for a secure future versus the one of struggling to survive in the real independent media world where enemies are many and friends getting fewer, the kind that will stand by you when arrows are in the air.

Les resten:

Europe Tied to Illegal Ukraine Arsenal Explosion


March 25, 2017 nuclear detonation at Ukraine arms depot (time mark 2:00 onward)

Introduction by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The Sputnik News story, censored in the West, tells of a nuclear cloud over europe, confirmed by the French IRSN (Nuclear Safety Institute). The Guardian called the cloud “harmless.”

Nobody knows where the radioactive cloud comes from despite a planet ringed with radiation tracking satellites and a massive network of monitoring stations that came online in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster of 1986.

The blame game, as with staged Syrian gas attacks, on the victims of course.  What is the truth?  Ukraine has kept nuclear weapons and one cooked off at 2:06 in the video above.

When the story was first on VT, March 25, 2017, YouTube videos hit immediately.  However, aggressive censorship at orders of the Google Jigsaw group headed by Jared Cohen, the man we allege planned and executed the 2014 Ukraine coup, pinched off the story or at least tried to.

Google is the biggest threat to press freedom in world history, mark my words.  Google’s covert policy of supporting regime change and their clandestine military organization, operating in dozens of nations, have long been targeted by VT.

The truth is simple, Ukraine kept nuclear weapons, many of which are dangerous, having been poorly serviced, now unstable and as you can see, with disabled safety mechanisms.  We allege that these weapons have been used against Donesk and even offered for sale to Iran and Saudi Arabia as well.

Below we include the March 2017 story and our Feb 13, 2015 story busting Kiev for using the nukes they so often claim don’t exist. (See Addendum I)

We are currently following more stories involving Ukraine and Georgia using local assets, stories that will soon reveal the use of biological agents and a possible planned use of a genetically targetable biological weapon against Russia as well.

The following is from a Russia Today (banned in US as an agency of a foreign government) story outlining President Putin’s reaction to what he has deemed a biological warfare threat by the US against Russia tied to the collection of genetic material that could be used for weapons research:

“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.

He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians’ biological samples.

While the Russian president’s claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.

Les resten:

VT Was Right, Nuke Cloud Over Europe Tied to Illegal Ukraine Arsenal Explosion

Trump and Russia – The Unasked Questions

NSA whistleblower told CIA director DNC leak was inside job, not Russian hack


Tidligere nyheter:

Horrible: Cop Shoots and Kills Unarmed Deaf Man as He Tries to Communicate Using Sign Language

Dette gjorde de USA-støttede «moderate rebeller» mot en 12 år gammel gutt som led av en blodsykdom. Gruppen mottar fortsatt støtte, for det var ingen grunn god nok til å stenge kranen:


USA-støttet koalisjon støtter barnehalshuggere og angriper sivile i Syria

«There will be no more lies. We will honor the American people with the truth»

By Richard Edmondson on July 23, 2016

Truth or Consequences

Family of Famous Syrian Child Disclose White Helmets´ Lies

Globalism: A Psychological GPS System for the Masses

August 19, 2016 | Jon Rappoport | No More Fake News

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Cannabis – Autistic Boy Gains Ability to Speak

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The Uncensored Truth About Mandatory Vaccines According to Rob Schneider


Orwellian CA bill: reporters can’t post undercover videos

Aug15 by Jon Rappoport

Planned Parenthood wielding new hammer against free speech

The Militarization Of The US Goes Beyond Police Departments


Dot Connecting and «Over-Interneting» is a Trap

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on July 6, 2016


Armenia Ravaged by Communist Jews

by Texe Marrs


Ny tunnel avdekket med bisarr «demonisk» innvielsesseremoni

Får kvinner til å late som om de har sex med hverandre, gjenoppstått som geitemannen

New tunnel unveiled in bizarre ‘demonic’ ceremony

Has women simulating sex with each other, resurrected goat-man

Published: 06/06/2016 at 7:39 PM

New tunnel «Christened» by bizarre demonic ceremony

Satan, hornguden (geitemannen), Pan:

Hands Signs: Signs Of Satan | Warning illuminati


The Mystery of the One Bank: its Owners – Jeff Nielson

NEO – What if Vladimir Putin does know a ‘Third Way’ for Society?

By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor on June 17, 2016

Putin’s Russia is a system of «sovereign Democracy» moored between Orthodox Christianity and «Machiavellian realism»


Alla Pierce – Rewriting History about WWII

By GPD on June 30, 2016

Unlearned lessons of history

World War 3 – Who is Who in the Zoo

By Katherine Frisk on July 5, 2016

Place Your Bets!

Aftenposten/Norsk media og Forsvarets tabbe: Dere har forsvart og støttet folkemord med løgn og fortielse

Kategori: #IS, #Israel, Nazisme | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 21. november , 2017 kl. 00:20

Nordmannens tabbe utløste skandalen under årets viktigste NATO-øvelse

Sendt: 17. november 2017 10:47
Emne: For dere som trenger beviser på USAs støtte til IS og terror

USA har forsynt IS via amerikanske militærleire i Tyskland:

Blockbuster/Exclusive: Deadly US Bio-warfare Exposed

Se videointervju med journalist Silverman her:

NEO: UK’s Guardian and Arms to Terrorists – Sacrificing the Associates to Protect the Crooks

Sendt: 18. november 2017 10:09
Emne: NATOs hykleri angående Tyrkia veldig lett å forstå – Google Idea Groups – Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros


Hvis dere leste redaktør i Veterans Today  Jim Deans svært avslørende artikkel om hvorfor og hvordan Russland har vunnet i Midtøsten ( – og landets tidligere fiende som har tjent rått på IS og til og med vært med på å skyte ned russiske fly – så vil dere forstå NATOs hykleri. Nå som Tyrkia samarbeider med Russland (som sammen med Iran, Irak, Hizbollah m.fl har overvunnet det USAskapte og NATO-støttede IS’ kamp mot Assad, også støttet av Israel) har Tyrkia plutselig blitt en fiende. Tyrkia var aldri en fiende da de stod bak massemord av kristne, yazidier og muslimer som en tjener og god samarbeidspartner for vestlige land, men NÅ plutselig er det en fiende fordi det kan lære hvordan NATO har tenkt å ta rotta på Russland. Eier dere ikke skam i livet? – Les artikkelen til Gordon Duff  (nederst) så blir dere klokere:

NEO – Moscow Outmaneuvers Washington’s Kurdistan Project

Jigsaw, Beyond the CIA and Soros

Column: Politics

Region: USA in the WorldLes resten:

Sendt: 12. november 2017 20:54
Til:;;;;;;;;; The Daily Sheeple;
Emne: Dette kartet og disse avsløringene burde bekymre Israel mer enn Hizbollah og Iran-styrker som sammen med den syriske hær og Russland har bekjempet IS

Amerikas nye planer for etnisk konflikt, drar krig med Russland nærmere – Khazakstan og dets problemer

Les om oljen og gassen vi i Vesten stjeler fra Midtøsten med den «enkle» fremgangsmåte, som fungerer hver eneste steike gang overfor journalister som er med på notene, «Deres demokratiske valgte landsleder synes vi er en drittsekk, troll, tyrann og diktatorer – i henhold til vår egen edle standard – derfor må han fjernes!»


———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: 2016-09-09 19:25 GMT+02:00
Subject: Fwd: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead

———- Forwarded message ———-


Date: 2016-08-30 18:32 GMT+02:00

Subject: Viktige nyheter, del 68 – KUHNER: How Obama arms al Qaeda + Man Who Leaked Clinton’s Medical Records Found Dead


Kazakhstan and its problems

Les resten:

Raqqas Rockefellere – Hvordan IS smugler sin olje

Turkey Surrenders?

Turkey Surrenders? | Veterans Today


Erdogan is now supposedly negotiating a “peace deal” with Israel, placating tensions that were caused by the Gaza flotilla in 2010.

US is in Israel’s death grip | Veterans Today

Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli-made ‘suicide’ drones


Armenia complains about Azerbaijani use of Israeli … – Veterans Today

Israel arms it’s Azerbaijani vassal in preparation for upcoming Trump war on Iran

15. des. 2016 – … moved Iskander ballistic missile systems with the range to strike anywhere in Turkey or Israel into Armenia, Azerbaijan’s Caucasus neighbour …

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict?

What’s Israel’s Role in the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict? | Veterans Today

21. apr. 2016 – With the decades-long Azeri-Armenian conflict over the disputed … Lieberman’s words would be echoed by retired Israel Defense Forces …

Why Armenia Needs the Iskander System

The first misconception is that Armenia occupied the territories of …. Duff on Press TV: Iran Asks for Sequester of Israel’s Nuclear Weapons.

URGENT: Russia Silent as Israel Bombs Syria | Veterans Today

22. apr. 2017 – As it turned out, Israeli aviation attacked the Syrian government troops with unmanned aerial vehicles. The soldiers of SAA’s 90th Infantry …

What’s Behind Nagorno-Karabakh Row Between … – Veterans Today

2. apr. 2016 – On April 2, Armenia and Azerbaijan declared a dramatic escalation of …. I am waiting to see just how Israel/Mossad are mixed up in this latest …

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?


Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh: Would Israel sell drones to Hitler?

Would Israel sell drones to Hitler? | Veterans Today

30. apr. 2016 – Israel Charny refers to 4-day war in Artsakh..

Armenia var verdens første kristne land.

Abraham kom fra Ur i Armenia, ikke Ur i Kaldea. Noen har malt over en historisk stein.

Anti Christ Rising in the Nagorno-Karabakh | Veterans Today


The Enemy Of A Jew Is A Jew | Veterans Today

29. jul. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk …. Israel became not a country but a people and true to the very nature of its founding by the Armenian, Syrian, Mittani and …

Soros and The Gang | Veterans Today

9. jan. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk … the Turks who massacred the Orthodox Christian Armenians over a century ago and fund ISIS across their border, and the …

Greater Israel and the Tale of Two Temples | Veterans Today

18. aug. 2016 – by Katherine Frisk ….. a kingdom that once incorporated Syria and Armenia and that was in alliance with Egypt during a critical period in history …

Hizbollah er alltid det syriske folk og lands beskytter

Hezbollah is always the protector of the Syrian people and state

By GPD on June 23, 2016


Amerikas hemmelige termobariske kjernefysiske våpen

Kategori: #IS, Frankrike, NATO, Pedofili, Radioaktivitet - Kjernekraft | 0 kommentarer » - Publiser tirsdag 31. oktober , 2017 kl. 09:54


Suppressed/Classified: America’s Secret Thermobaric Nukes

The United States possesses and may well have used a devastating weapon designed to emulate terror attacks and even natural disasters.


Editor’s note:  With the threat of nuclear terrorism against the US looming large, this article from 2014 has been noticed in Russia and elsewhere and will be the subject of media coverage over the next 48 hours.

Much of the information below was received from physicists from the DOE who confirmed that this was their initial working hypothesis for explaining the events of 9/11.

There are tens of thousands of articles in VT’s archives, this is only one.  Why is it vital now?  g

Friday, July 4, 2014 by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith for Press TV and Veterans Today

The United States possesses and may well have used a devastating weapon designed to emulate terror attacks and even natural disasters. 

Les resten:


Suppressed/Classified: America’s Secret Thermobaric Nukes



Skin Cancer: How You Can Help Yourself

Carol Duff October 25, 2017

A & E

Herding Cattle Into the Seductive Depravity of Hollywood’s Great Karmic Corral




Harvey Weinstein’s disgrace: A major event in the culture war – Kevin Barrett interviews Peter Myers

Many US troops say they encounter racism in the ranks – poll

Latest NATO Arms From US Found in Daesh Depot in Al Mayadin – Syrian General


Latest NATO Arms From US Found in Daesh Depot in Al Mayadin – Syrian General

Brigadier General of the Syrian Arab Army shows reporters the weapons they captured after the liberation of the Syria’s city of Al Mayadin. A NATO official has denied the information.

The largest Daesh storehouse captured by the Syrian armed forces in the city of Al Mayadin, in the east of Syria, contained the latest examples of NATO weapons from the United States, Belgium and the United Kingdom, Brigadier General of the Syrian Arab Army Hasan Suheil told reporters.

“It will take us at least six days to take out all these trophies left here by Daesh fighters after their escape. There are a lot of weapons and various foreign made means of communication, ” Suhail said.

Les resten:

Latest NATO Arms From US Found in Daesh Depot in Al Mayadin – Syrian General

Grenada 1983: On This Day in History, Reagan’s USA Invades Tiny Island Nation

Syria War Report Oct. 25, 2017: US-backed Forces Seize More Oil Fields In Deir Ezzor Province

Kevin Barrett October 25, 2017



America Adrift, Trump and Congress in Epic Fail, Duff on Press TV

America Adrift, Trump and Congress in Epic Fail, Duff on Press TV


USAF Authorized to Recall 1000 Retired Pilots


Many US troops say they encounter racism in the ranks –…

VT October 25, 2017

As many as 42 percent of non-white US troops said they have personally experienced examples of white nationalism in the military, as opposed to…

Latest NATO Arms From US Found in Daesh Depot in Al…

October 25, 2017

Grenada 1983: On This Day in History, Reagan’s USA Invades…

October 25, 2017

VIKTIG: Å innføre «demokrati» betyr å stjele naturressurser:

War in Niger Connects Dots to Libya, French, US Corporate Government


Democracy Now – Expansion of Imperialist U.S. “War on Terror” in Africa Preceded Deadly Attacks in Niger & Somalia

The Democracy Now story above relates back to the Clinton State Department and the destabilization caused by the removal of Gaddafi. The reason the episode above is so important is that it provides the basis for the war in Libya. This was to remove the gold in conjunction with the Sarkozy government and to prevent Africa from flourishing through self- determination.

From an email I sent to Tulsi Gabbard during the Sanders Campaign: “Hillary Clinton’s role in Libya was said to be for ‘democracy’ building. “She then worked tirelessly to ensure the US jumped into the war, pushing back against then-Defense Secretary Gates, National Security Advisor Tom Dolan, and Vice President Joe Biden, who wanted to stay out of the conflict,” according to an article about the New York Times expose. After reading this, I felt there must be more to the story.

It was more than “democracy” building causing her to go against others in the Administration who were very solid in foreign policy decisions. According to one of the published emails from the Clinton server, the French objectives for the war that Clinton was aware of included “French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered ‘Francophone Africa.’” These objectives also related to the gold that Gaddafi had amassed to start a new a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

Les resten:

War in Niger Connects Dots to Libya, French, US Corporate Government

VT Africa, Bahrain and French Running Boko Haram | Veterans Today › World › Africa


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2. aug. 2015 – … Veterans Administration (VA)1264 · Military1221 · Middle East666 · Foreign Policy476 · VT logo. ABOUT US. VT is dedicated to providing comprehensive information and news to U.S Military Veterans. It is part of the Veterans Today Network. Contact us: FOLLOW US.

Cameroon Govt. Bans VT Africa for Exposing Boko … – Veterans Today

15. aug. 2015 – Any media organization that has reported the capture of French nationals, including 8 active serving DGSE officers captured inside Cameroon fighting alongside Boko Haram, has been banned. This includes VT Africa affiliates in both local broadcast, satellite and print media. Some journalists have been …

France’s “big idea for the world” | Veterans Today

28. sep. 2016 – The French have been coordinating Boko Haram terrorists against the intransigent and sinophilic Biya regime of Cameroon. In January 2015, French special forces were, according to Afrique Media, arrested by the Cameroon military fighting alongside the Takfiri terrorists and discreetly repatriated to France …

Africa | Veterans Today

War in Niger Connects Dots to Libya, French, US Corporate Government · Africa … VT Africa, Bahrain and French Running Boko Haram · VT – August 2, 2015. 1 · Africa … Moroccan Embassy in Paris, France on Black List · Jane Rosenstein – July 31, 2014. 9 · Africa …

Nigeria, Targeted for Destruction, our 2011 … – Veterans Today

25. feb. 2015 – The terror group, Boko Haram, is real but in its current formation, it is a proxy of outside powers who plan to Balkanize Nigeria, simply another domino to fall … “We can take down French AQIM without any problem to be honest but Boko Haram are tribes and clans, they are offered drugs, money etc… far far …

French Anti-Terror Efforts in Africa’s Sahel Region | Veterans Today

6. apr. 2016 – Chad armed forces suffered a permanent armament and supplies shortage. Finally, Chad withdrew troops back to Lake Chad’s area where by that time Boko Haram increased activity. In other words, the French leadership in the region has almost failed. The core fault was that the French desire to resolve …

Afrika flyter på et hav av olje, derfor holdes landet med vilje i konstant «uro»


NEO – Brzezinski’s NeoColonial Strategic Vision


… by  Jim W. Dean,  VT Editor   … with  New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow

“Truth, like gold, is not to be obtained by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold.” – Leo Tolstoy  (you have to ponder this for a bit…JD)


Our partnership with NEO is part of the international bridge building that is needed to beat the Brezinski Jihadis

Our partnership with NEO is part of the international bridge building that is needed to beat the Brzezinski Jihadis

[ Note: I would like to thank NEO for publishing this, when so many publications would not. I believe it is time to move on from these “wolves in sheep’s clothing” medicine-show men who have promoted endless international conflict to serve certain interests that did not include the rest of us.

It is not enough to be their critics. Everything that they stood for needs to be deconstructed, which will include pulling out by the roots the “stay behind” operatives that still exist, their network of think tanks here in the US and in Europe.

We we are all plantation animals to these people, knock-off goyim for the non-Jews among them, “born but to serve” as the Talmud verse proclaims. Without a strong determination, serious funding, and professional organization, it will never happen, and we will then have to share the blame for what happens.

As a general cannot win war by feeding one company of troops at a time into the battle, neither can we have any real impact if all we do is snipe at them on the internet. We have to get within bayonet range, metaphorically in terms of affecting their historical reputations… JWD ]

October 25, 2017

Hollywood Overcrowded with Pedophiles and Predators


…by Jonas E. Alexis


When Corey Feldman declared in 2011 that “The No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is—and always will be—pedophilia,” some people in the media didn’t pay much attention to him because Feldman sounded like a conspiracy theorist. But as the years went by, Feldman was shown to be absolutely right.

In fact, saying that Hollywood is overcrowded with sexual predators is no longer conspiracy theory but, as actress Lupita Nyong’O herself has said in a New York Times article, “the conspiracy of silence.”[1] Hollywood celebrities themselves have proved that point.[2] Even actors Terry Crews and James Van Der Beek have said that they have been groped by Hollywood degenerates.[3] Crews tweeted:

“My wife n I were at a Hollywood function last year n a high level Hollywood executive came over 2 me and groped my privates. Jumping back I said What are you doing?! My wife saw everything n we looked at him like he was crazy. He just grinned like a jerk.

Les resten:

Hollywood is overcrowded with pedophiles and predators

October 25, 2017

Foreign Policy

NEO – Mystery of the never-ending ISIS Hordes on the Iraq…


NEO – The Big Brother Bombshell Set to Blow


NEO – The SAA Deir-Ezzor Euphrates River Battle: a Tactical Review


NEO – Globalist Counterpunch: Going for the Media Knockout

Iran for Regional Destabilization, Duff on Press TV


NEO – Oxford Propaganda Front attacks Veterans Today, the NeoCon Witch…


The Real Commie Candidate? The FBI’s Secret Romney Files

War in Syria

Syria War Report – October 24, 2017: Syrian Army Advances East…

Media Partner – SouthFront October 24, 2017

…from SouthFront Last night, an airstrike hit the government-held neighborhood of al-Qusour in Deir Ezzor city killing at least 14 people and wounding 32 others….

Phony War in Syria: ISIS Hands Over Euphrates East Bank,…

October 23, 2017

Nasrallah: U.S. delays elimination of Daesh through acts of sabotage

October 9, 2017

‘Syria war US-Zionist plan to save Israel’: Kevin Barrett debates Richard…

August 21, 2017

20 terrorists killed, one-third of border area liberated by Lebanese army

August 20, 2017


World War II 1945: On This Day in History United…

VT October 24, 2017

On this 24th day of October in 1945, the United Nations Charter, which was adopted and signed on June 26, 1945, is now effective and ready to be enforced.

Navalny has no legal right to take part in presidential election…

October 24, 2017

Was the 9/11 attack a false flag operation? (Part II)

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Sixth-generation aircraft: Unmanned, hypersonic, super manoeuvrable

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October 24, 2017

